Abstracted by Marsha Hoffman Rising, cg, fasg


This weekly newspaper was published at Ellicottville in Cattaraugus County New York. It was edited during this time period by Robert H. Shankland.

May 13, 1844

Died in New Orleans on the 24th ult., aged about 60 years, Samuel Budlong, Esq. of Westfield, Chautauqua County, NY.

Died in Jamestown on the 5th inst., of erysipelas, after an illness of three weeks, Mr. Alpheus Hawley, aged 58.

Died in Perrysburgh on the 5th inst., Mr. Dvaid[sic] Pike of Jamestown, aged 44 years.

May 20

Died in this village on the 15th inst., Cecelia Desdemona, daughter of G.W. Seneare, aged 2y, 4m.

May 27

Died in Cold Springs on the 14th inst. of consumption after an illness of about one year, Lewis P. Hall, aged 21.

Married in Mansfield on 23rd inst. by Rev. Thos. Morris, Col. Anson Stewart to Miss Ann Eliza Miner, all of this county.

June 3

Married in Napoli on 19th ult. by M. Van Vlack, Esq., Mr. John Helmes, of Cold Spring to Miss Clarissa Hovey of the former place.

Died in Perrysburg on 23 of May ult., Mrs. Percis Chadwick age 64 years. Mrs. Chadwick was a native of Hollister, Mass. She became hopefully pious at the age of 20, at which time she united with the Congregational Church of Western Massa­chusetts. The cause she espoused at so early an age, was her delight through life, and that Savior in whom she trusted was her supporter and comforter in the house of death. It can truly be said she lived beloved and died lamented by all who knew her.

June 10

Married in Hinsdale on the 3rd inst. by Rev. Thomas Morris, Dr. P. Clarke to Miss Olive S. Trall.

June 17, 1844

Married in Jamestown on Thursday morning last by Rev. E.J. Gillett, Franklin H. Watt, Esq. to Miss Adeline Holman, all of that place.

Died in Genesco, on the 7th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mr. James Wadsworth, aged 77 years.

July 1

Died in Warrentown (Warren County, Missouri) Reuben Champion, Esq., late of Worcester (Otsego County) aged 51 years.

Married in the town of Carrolton on 20th inst. by F.E. Perkins, Esq. Mr. Nelson McCarty to Miss Nancy M'Kune, all of Carrolton.

Married in Burton on the 16th inst. by Isaac Freeland, Esq. Mr. Lysander Felt of Potter County, Pennsylvania, to Miss Mary Thurber of Burton, Cattaraugus County, New York

 July 7

Married in this town on the 30th ult. by Hon. Israel Day, Mr. Luther Putnam and Miss Lucy G. Ewell.

Died in Burton on 20th ult., Mrs. Eunice, consort of George Bascomb, aged about 26 years. Mrs. Bascomb was of nervous temperament—in very delicate health and was so much frightened at the approach of a severe thunderstorm as to be thrown into convulsive spasms. Every effort of skillful Physicians proved unavailing. She died in about 24 hours from of fright alone.

Died in Mansfield on 30th ult. Almira McKay, daughter of Liverius McKay, aged 10y, 11m.

Died in Boston, Erie County on 25th ult. Mrs. Myranda, wife of Rev. Freeman Dart, in the 38th year of age. She bore her long and distressing illness with Christian fortitude.

Died in this village on 2d inst., Adaline S. Harnes, aged 11y, 6m.

July 15, 1844

Married in East Otto on the 7th inst., by Rev. E.J. Scorry, Mr. Theron Perkins to Miss Polly S. Scovall.

Died in Springville, Erie County, on 10th inst. Eunice, wife of Constant Graves, aged about 51 years. Mrs. Graves, has for a number of years, enjoyed but poor health, yet she bore her suffering with great patience.

Died in Olean on the 1st inst. Mr. Benjamin Budlong formerly of Jamestown.

July 29

Married in Saplinia on 13th inst. by Frederick Crary, Esq., Mr. Perry Howe to Miss Ann Woolley, all of the town of Yorkshire.

Died in East Randolph on 24th inst., Mr. Robert Helmes Sr. age 78 years.

August 19

Married in Leon on 16 June last by Rev. James Boardman, Mr. David Fairbank to Miss Betsey Harmon, all of Leon.

Married by the same on July 19, Mr. Ezra W. Cooper to Miss Charlotte Thomas.

Married by the same, July 28, Mr. William Chandler to Miss Sylva Harmon, all of Leon.

Died at New Albion on 4th inst. of jaundice, Joseph Alonzo, youngest son of S.G. Wright, Esq., aged about 4y, 6m. Eulogy.

Died in Aurora, Erie County, on 7th inst., Elder Elias Harmon, aged 70y, father of E. Harmon, Esq. of this village. He had been a resident there for 27 years and was nearly all of the time, Pastor of the Baptist Church. He lived according to his profession. From the Buffalo Courier.

August 26

Married in this village on the 10th inst. by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Edwin R. McClure to Miss Emily M. Steward, all of Franklin­ville.

Died in Galesburgh, Kalamazoo, MI on 12th August inst. Silas W. Vinton, son of Lathrop Vinton, of this place, age 25 years.

September 2

Died in this village on 27th ult., Mrs. Lydia B. wife of Victor M. Burlingame, aged 35 years.

Died at Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa, on 3rd July last, Dr. Spencer Chary, aged 34 years.

September 16

Married in Olean on 4th inst. by Rev. Benjamin Thomas, Mr. John Thomas of Friendship to Miss Lucy Senter of Olean.

Died in Wales, Erie County on 30th ult., Mr. Lyman Crowley, father of Mr. Charles C. Crowley of Randolph, aged 53.

September 23, 1844

Married in Humphrey on 19th inst. by Hon. B. Chamberlain, Mr. George Nelson of Great Valley, to Miss Jane Crary of the former place.

Married in this village on 1st September inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Morris M. Burdick of this place to Miss Harriet S. Hunt of Farmersville.

Married in Rutledge on 12th inst., by Rev. Wm. Waith, Mr. Paul D. Dean, Merchant of Bradford, PA to Miss R. Cordelia J. Crooker, daughter of Geo. A.S. Crooker, Esq, of the former place.

Died in Ellicottville on September 19th, Royal T. Bryant, son of Samuel and Anne Bryant, aged 21 years. Eulogy.

September 30

Died in Perrysburg on 9th inst., Riley S., son of Noah and Polly Starr, aged 2y, 8m.

Died in Perrysburg on 14th inst. at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Riley Shepherd, Mrs. Jane Monroe, of Buffalo, aged 61 years.

October 7

Married in Farmersville on 30th ult., by Elder Cherryman, Mr. Grove B. Graves to Miss Sarah Giles, all of Farmersville.

Married in Randolph on 29th ult., by Rev. E. Taylor, Mr. Joseph York to Miss Julie E. daughter of Stanford Holbrook, Esq., all of Randolph.

Married in the same town on the same evening by the same, Mr. George W. Woodworth to Miss Corinth, daughter of George Coy, Esq.

Died in Conewango on 23rd ult., Mr. Joseph Owen, aged 63 years.

October 21

Married in Cold Spring on 13th inst. by Abraham M. Casler, Esq., Mr. Ira Marsh of Warren County, Pennsylvania, to Miss Polly Van Buskirk of the former place.

October 28

Married in Friendship on 13th inst., by Thos. Clark, Esq., E.S. Green to Lucinda Stowel, both of Cuba

November 11

Married in Great Valley on 31st ult. by the Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. William Norton to Miss Frances McCoy, all of Great Valley.

 November 18

Married in Franklinville on 4th inst. by Rev. D. Searl, Mr. Lyman Searl to Miss Moriah, eldest daughter of Elijah Sill, all of Franklinville.

Married in Franklinville on 14th inst. by this same, Mr. Platt Burlingame, to Miss Lucy, eldest daughter of Isaac Searl, Esq., all of the former place.

Married in Mansfield on 14th inst., by E.O.(?) Locke, Esq., Mr. Augustus K. Galloway to Miss Nancy Fish, daughter of Nathaniel Fish, of that town.

December 2

Died in this town on 22d ult., Mrs. Louisa F. Williams, wife of S.C. Williams and daughter of Samuel Bryant, aged 19 years after an illness of five days. Her bereaved parents have now followed to the grave seven of their children, three within the last 18 months. She was a member of the Baptist church.

December 9

Married in Rushford, Allegheny County, on 1st inst. by Rev. Chauncy Wardner, Mr. Justin S. Delano of Rushford to Miss Harriet H. Young, formerly of Manheim, Herkimer County.

December 16, 1844

Married in Humphrey on 12th inst., by Rev. Oramus Poynton, Mr. Fisk Wellington of Boston, Erie County to Miss C.A. Bond, of the former place.

Married in Cold Spring on 14th ult. by Abraham M. Casler, Esq., Mr. William Cheney, aged 77 years, a Revolutionary Pensioner to Mrs. Sarah Creighton, aged 74 years, also a Pensioner, being the widow of Pensioner of Revolution.

December 30

Married in Farmersville on 26th inst. by Elder Cherryman, Mr. Luther Cross to Miss N. Bond and Mr. Smith of Hinsdale to Marietta Bond of the former place.

Married in Erie, Pennsylvania, on 5th inst. by Rev. Henry Tullidge, Horace Hawes, Esq., counselor at Law to Miss Jane, d/o James Johnson of Greene.

 January 13 1845

Died in Little Valley on 3d inst., Mrs. Ann, consort of Mr. Horace Howe, in the 36th year of her age, formerly of Great Valley. Member Congregational Church. She left a husband and four children. She died after an illness of seven weeks four of which her husband "was in the South." Eulogy.

January 20

Married in this village on 15th inst. by the Rev. Thos. Morris, Mr. Ezra C. Woodruff to Miss Melissa Colman, all of this place.

February 3

Married in Little Valley on 24th of Jan. ult. by Rev. Mead Holmes, Mr. Buel Eldridge and Miss Laura Ann Moffit.

Died in this village, on 29th inst., Sarah Emma, d/o Mr. D.L.F. Clarke, aged 11m, 16d. In the course of a few months, a family has been completely broken up by the ravages of death. In October last, Mr. C. followed his wife to the tomb, and now his only child.

February 10

Married in Little Valley by Rev. Mead Holmes, Mr. E. Holdridge of Cold Spring to Miss Sarah Maybee of Little Valley.

Mr. Samuel Cowly, Esq., P.M. at Axville in the town of Conewango, who had both legs broken last summer, at the raising of a Hickory Tree, died yesterday about half an hour after amputation had taken place. Mr. Cowly left a wife and family to mourn his loss. Details of accident reported March 3. Mr. Cowly was 49 years old. Dr. G.W. Hazletine performed the amputation, assisted by Drs. Lansing, Wheeler and others.

March 3, 1845

Died in Conewango on 14th of Feb. ult. of consumption, Miranda E. w/o Harry D. Grant, in 28th year of her age.

Died Humphrey, Feb. 18th, Mrs. Amy Barker, in the 74th year of her age.

March 10

Died in Cuba, Allegheny County, on 27th Feb. ult., Mrs. Betsey, w/o Hon. C.T. Chamberlain, aged about 50 years.

Died in Lodi on 17th Feb. ult., Harriet, infant d/o Geo. S. & C.M. Hickox, aged about 7 months.

March 17

Died in New Albion, Cattaraugus County on 7th inst., Mrs. Julia Fisher, w/o Mr. Harrison Fisher, of Little Valley, in the 23d year of her age.

Died in Mansfield on 12th inst., at the residence of Mr. A. Stone, Harvey R. Ferrington, aged 8y, 6m.

March 31

Died in Mansfield on 25th inst. Mr. Hezekiah Smith, an old and highly respectable resident of that town.

Died in Great Valley on 16th of March inst., Mr. Lovel Gibson, aged about 45.

Died in Ashford on 8th inst., of scarlet fever, Daniel Frank, only s/o Jeremiah and Eveline Frank, aged 11y, 9m.

Died in Little Valley of Consumption, Achsah, d/o James and Betsy Stratton in 25th year of her age. Description of character. Member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Eulogy.

April 7

[From The Randolph Herald]: Mr. William P. Barnes, aged about 32 years, for several years a resident of Randolph, was found dead by the road-side in the adjoining town of Cold Spring on the 26h inst. Mr. Barnes had been quite unwell with the quinsy and probably from extreme fatigue or a fit of some kind, fell, in his struggles rolled into the gutter, his face and part of his body lying the water. He has left a wife and two children to mourn his loss.

Married in this town on 27th ult., by Rev. W.S. Hoyt, Mr. Wm. Venables, to Mrs. Huldah Rust, all of Ellicottville.

April 14, 1845

Married in Farmersville on 9th inst. by Rev. R. Cherryman, Mr. John A. Packard to Miss Mary Ann Tozer, both of Farmersville.

Died in New York on the 1st inst. of consumption, Farrand S. Stranahan, s/o late Col. Stranahan, in the 33rd year of his age.

Died at the residence of Mr. Simeon C. Ames in the town of Middlefield, Otsego County on 31st ult., Mrs. Sylvia Bradley, widow of the late James Bradley in the 71st year of her age.

May 12

Died in this village on 2nd inst. in 32d year of her age, Mrs. Calista Lord, w/o Mr. A.D. Lord and d/o of Dr. James Pratt, late of Madison County She "was a dutiful daughter, a kind sister an affectionate wife, a fond and tender mother." At the tender age of 12, she attached herself to the "Congregational church in her native village. She possessed unusually strong powers of mind which were well balanced by a thorough education in one of the best New England Seminaries. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in "this village." Long eulogy.

Died in Little Valley on 16th of April last, William Fisher, Esq., in the 66th year of his age.

Died in Great Valley on the 6th inst., Capt. Nathan Howe, one of the early settlers of this county.

Married in Humphrey on 6th inst., by Rev. S. Cowles, Adam Charlton, Esq., of Mansfield to Miss Ann Eliza M'Kallor, of the former place.

May 19, 1845

Married in the town of Franklinville on 10th inst. by Tilly Gilbert, Esq., Mr. William Grovesburgh of Cold Spring to Miss Catharine Niman of the former place.

Married in Persia on 25th ult., by Luther Allen, Esq., Mr. Redmond Magoir of Dayton, to Miss Rebecca Hall, of Persia.

Died in this village on 11th inst., Harriet Amelia d/o Joseph and Harriet Allen, aged 10m, 10d.

Died in New Lisbon, Otsego County on 11th ult., Mr. Spencer Cole in 62d year of his age. As he drew near the time of his departure he was much distressed in body, but his mind was at peace and ready to exchange this world of sorrow for one of eternal felicity.

May 26

Married on 28th April last at Geneva, Wisconsin Terr., Mr. Wm. Van Vechten of Lodi, in this county to Miss Julia Vnn[sic] White of Belvedere County IL.

Died in Angelica, Allegheny County on 19th inst., of consumption, Mr. William B. Hull, formerly of this village, s/o Hon. A.C. Hull, aged 27 years.

Died in Springville on 22d inst., Mrs. Emmons, w/o Doct. Carlos Emmons, aged about 40 years.

June 2, 1845

Married in Angelica on 22d ult. Hon. Marti-Grover, M.C. to Miss Emily M. Whittemore.

June 9

Died of hepatization of the lungs in the village of North East, Pa. on 29th ultimo, Dr. L.P. Cowles, aged 34 years. “Thus in the mysterious providence of God, the deceased was taken in the short space of thirty two days from the firm, uninterrupted strength of manhood and from a very extensive field of professional business, and laid in the grave. It will interest his friends to know, that the religion which he had many years professed, administered her sweetest comforts to him in his severe sickness...”

Died in Cherry Valley, Otsego County on 26th ult., Mr. Matthew Campbell, in the 71st year of his age.

June 23, 1845

Died in French Creek Twp., PA on 22nd day of March last, Mr. John W. Walker, aged 75 years.

June 30

Died in Machias June 17th 1845, Sarah Farrar, w/o Royal C. Farr,*** in the 33d year of her age. Otsego papers, please copy.

Married in this village on 17th ins., by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Elbridge M. Drown to Miss Francis M. Burlingame, all of this town.

July 21

Married in Humphrey, on the 15th inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Eli M. Bateman of Hinsdale to Miss Mary C. Howe, of the former place.

Died in Napoli on 10th inst., Mrs. Lurana, relict of the late Rev. Wm. J. Willcox, aged 62 years.

August 25

Married in Nunday, Allegany County NY on 11th inst. by Rev. Mr. Clark, Mr. Horace E. Purdy, editor of the Orleans Republican to Miss Emily Foote, daughter of Col. Lyman Gardiner of the former place.

September 1

Died in this village on the 28th ult., Mrs. Lydia Burlingame, aged 63 years.

September 8, 1845

Married in Albany on 28th ult. at the Delavan House by Rev. H.F. Harrington, Chas. Edmunds, Esq., of Franklinville, in this county to Mrs. Susan Matsell of Newport, N.H. [changed September 15 to Susan Matson.]

Married in Perrysburgh on 25th ult. by the Rev. Elder Cobb, Mr. Tracey Montgomery of Wisconsin to Miss Persis P. Chadwick of the former place.

Died in this town on 28th ult., Mrs. Lydia Burlingame, aged 63 years. She was well known and highly respected in this community. She was one of the first, with her late husband, that settled in this town. She was a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this village from its first organization. Few exceeded her in the spirit of christianity...

Died in Leon on 11th ult., Caleb Nichols, aged 78y, 2m, and 27.[sic]. Mr. Nichols was a Revolutionary War soldier - was taken prisoner by the Indians at Bennington, served his country faithfully, always supported the democratic creed - voting last fall for Polk and Dallas

September 15

Died in Jamestown on 4th of September inst., Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lowry w/o Nathaniel A. Lowry, Esq., aged 34y, 8m.

September 22, 1845

Married in Randolph on 14th inst. by M. Van Vlack, Esq, Mr. James Farnham to Miss Mary Avery.

Married in Perrysburg on 5th inst. by the Hon. A.H. Hurd, Mr.B.S. Robinson of Villenova to Miss Lucy Ann Edwards of Hanover.

Married in Hammondsport on 9th inst., J. Munroe Gillet, Attorney and Counsellor at Law to Miss Emeline E., d/o Rev. John Smith, all of Hammondsport.

September 29

Died at the residence of Doct. Chickering in Humphrey on the 20th inst. Spencer Crary, Esq., an old and respected citizen of Erie County, aged 62 years.

October 6

Died in this village after a severe and somewhat protracted illness, Sidney Smith s/o John W. Staunton, Esq., aged 21 years. Mr. S. was gifted with good talents and an amiable disposition which endeared him to a large circle of friends who are thus early called to mourn his loss.

Died in the Sandwich Islands on 22d of January last from inflammation of the Bowels, Mr. Isaac Jones, formerly of this village in the 23d year of his age.

 October 13, 1845

Died in Lyndon on 3d inst., of Consumption, John Frary, Esq., one of the first settlers in this county, aged 60 years.

Died in Thunder Bay Island, (Michigan) on 2d ult., Mrs. Silence, w/o Washington Jay and d/o of the late Capt. John Hurd of Hartwick, Otsego County aged about 45 years.

October 28

Married in Friendship on 13th inst. by Thos. Clarke Esq., E.S. Green to Lucinda Stowel, both of Cuba. (Oct. 28]

November 10

Married in Hinsdale on 5th inst., by the Rev. Thos. Morris, Mr. Charles Genung to Miss Huldah Norton, both of Hinsdale.

November 17

Married in this village on 12th Oct. instant, at the residence of Gen. D.I. Huntly, by the Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. A.F. Taylor of Fredonia, Chautauqua County to Miss Ann Hawkins of the same place.

Died in Peru, Illinois on 12th instant of intermittent fever, Mr. Alpheus Seaward, formerly of Great Valley, aged 37 years.

November 24

Died in Ellicottville of bronchitis on 11th inst., Mr. Elisha W. Staunton, aged 29y, 1m. The deceased was a young man who was highly esteemed and respected. At the age of 17 years, he became hopefully a subject of renewed grace, and in due time united with the Presbyterian Church in this village. He was useful and popular as a teacher of children and youth. The short space of one year and eight days previous to his own departure he was called to the severe trial of parting with his wife, who died in the triumphs of faith. He left a little daughter.

December 1

Died in Chicago of congestive fever on 18th of September last, Deacon Elijah Boardman of Napoli in the 69th year of his age. Deacon Boardman was one of the early settlers in this county. He was active in the organization and establishment of religious society in the town where he lived from its infancy, till a few weeks previous to his death. He went on a visit to see his children and other friends in Michigan and Illinois and on his return, was attacked violently with the fever just before he arrived in the city where he breathed his last. Although medical aid was called within about three hours after he felt any indisposition, it was all in vain. He died among strangers far from his home --

December 8

Married in Mansfield on 30th ult. by Rev. G.S. Gowdy, Henry Van Aernam, M.D. of Burton to Miss Melissa A. Etheridge, of the former place.

Married in Great Valley on 4th inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Andrus Norton to Miss Polly Ann Bacon.

December 22, 1845

Died in the town of Olean on 16th inst., Hon. Timothy H. Porter, aged 59 years. Few men have been more respected by a large circle of friends than Mr. P. He came to this county at its first organization and was appointed first judge and at various times since has been engaged in public life. Several times he has represented the county as a Member of the Assembly -- one as Senator and once as Member of Congress. Mr. P. made no public profession of religion, yet he always treated religion with deference and respect, and during his last illness was led to make it the subject of serious thought and stated that he had found 'the Pearl of great price,' and could died in peace. He has left a large and interesting family to lament his loss.

Died in the village of Olean on 12th inst. Mrs. Esther Russell, aged 57 years. Mrs. R. was one of the very few, now left, that came to Olean at its first settlement. For many years she experienced the difficulties, and privations attendant on residing in a new country. She had been educated in the Protestant Episcopal Church, but for many years after her removal to Olean, she was deprived of its service. From the first organization of the Church in Olean she became a communicant and continued so to the last. Her last illness of about six weeks, she bore with remarkable patience.

December 29

Married in Ellicottville on 18th inst. by Israel Day, Esq, Mr. Harmon Stewart of Pennsylvania to Miss Rosannah A. Harrington of the former place.

Died in Ashford on 22d inst., Mr. Henry Van Slyke, a worthy and respectable citizen, aged 31 years.

January 5 1846

Married 31st Dec. ult., by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Robert H. Shankland, Editor of The Cattaraugus Republican to Miss Julia Huggins, Mansfield.

Married in Little Valley on 25th Dec. ult. by Rev. William Hall, Mr. Constant S. Trevitt of Burton to Miss Susan Ann Lele of the former place.

Died in this town on 24th ult., Mrs. Rhoda w/o Benjamin P. Mason, Esq., aged 62 years.

January 12

Married in this village on 6th inst. by Rev. Mr. Root, of Cuba, Mr. Albert W. Kimball to Miss Ann P. Huntley, all of this place.

Died in this village on 8th Jan. of pleurisy after an illness of 6 days, Mrs. Mary H. Cowles, w/o Rev. S. Cowles, aged 41 years. Eulogy.

January 19

Married in the town of Angelica, on 1st inst. by Rev. Lewis Thibou, Lewis D. Simmons, Esq., att'y of Law of the firm of Grove & Simons, to Miss Harriette G. d/o W.G. Angel, Esq.

Married in Franklinville on 1st inst. by Rev. M. Sacket, Mr. J.H. Thomas of Springville to Miss Martha J. Smith of the former place.

Married at Standing Stone, Bradford County Pa. on 25th Dec. by the Rev. Mr. Hazard, Mr. Judson Holcomb of Wysox, Pa. to Miss Maria Nobles of Great Valley, Cattaraugus County N.Y.

Married in Carlton on 4th inst. by Chase Fuller, Esq., Mr. Francis Moore to Miss Sarah Randall.

Died in Oswego on 30th ult., Mrs. Catharine Parker w/o J.M. Parker, Esq. and d/o Charles Pumpelly, aged 32 years.

Died in Albany on 7th inst., Cornelila Amanda, infant d/o Abram A. and Cornelia S. Lansing, aged 7m, 5d.

Died in Springville on 7th inst., William B. only s/o Mrs. Sarah Fellows and grandson of Johnson Bensley, Esq., aged 3y, 6m.

January 26

A Revolutionary Pensioner gone—Died in this village on 22d inst., Alexander Phelps, aged 93 years.

Died in Franklinville September 25th, 1845, Walter Blount, aged 51 years. He was a true philanthropist. He was ready to do every good work. While employed at his Mill, he fell dead and died instantly. There was not a word, not a groan, not a breath.

February 2, 1846

Married in this town on 26th ult. by Rev. J.H. Havens, Mr. Porter Canfield of Mansfield to Miss Sarah Huntly, of this town.

Died in Franklinville on 19th of Jan., Mr. John M'Nall, aged 66 years. He was one of the first settlers in the town and one of the most industrious. He had not made a profession of religion, yet he bore his painful sickness without a murmur or complaint and died perfectly easy as if going to sleep.

February 9

Married in Clarendon, Orleans County on 29th inst. by Rev. F. Woodward, Mr. T.C. Bailey of Albion to Miss Fanny B. Gould of the former place.

Married in Oakfield, Orleans County on 28th inst. by Rev. H. Gregg, Mr. George Gould of Clarendon to Miss Mary A. Barker of the former place.

Married in Conewango on 29th ult. by William Lyman, Esq., Mr. Reuben Hurlburt of this village to Miss Sarah Ann Hamilton of the former place.

Died in Carlton on 1st inst. Andrew J. s/o Orange Spafford, aged 2y, 10m.

February 16

Married in the town of Mansfield on 5th inst. by Rev. Thomas Morris, Mr. Edward Harvey to Miss Julia Hinman, all of Mansfield.

Died in New York on 4th inst., Mrs. Emma w/o Hon. Ely Moore and d/o late Gilbert Coutant.

Died at Cuba, Allegany County on 9th inst. at his residence, Hon. John Griffin in the 75th year of his age.

 Died in Franklinville on 11th inst., Mrs. Christina w/o Mr. R.H. Williams, aged, aged 26y. She was a member of the Meth. Epis. church, an exemplary christian, a tender mother and a kind neighbor. Eulogy. She leaves a husband and three children - an infant two weeks old.

February 23, 1846

Married in Franklinville on 29th ult. by Elder R.D. Pierce of Genesse County, Mr. Amasa Bosworth of New Hudson, Allegany County to Miss Emma Jane Dwinell of Yorkshire.

Married in Ellicottville at Mechanic's Hall on 14th inst., by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. George Chamberlain of Fredonia, Chautauqua County to Miss Clarissa Clark of Franklinville.

Died in Great Valley on 12th inst., Miss Laura Cadelia, d/o Isaac Thomas, aged 21 years.

March 2

Married in Franklinville on 15th ult. by F.G. Clarke, Esq., David Seward to Lucinda Bliton, all of Franklinville.

Married in Mansfield on 22d of Feb. ult. by James L. Smith, Esq., Mr. George W. G. Bowen to Miss Lucinda Micham, all of Mansfield.

Died in Ellicottville on 26th ult. after a protracted illness, Mrs. Sally w/o Mr. Charles Williams, aged 50 years and 6 months.

Polly, my wife has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. I will not pay debts of her contracting. Oliver B. Crandall.

Sophia, my wife has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. I will not pay debts of her contracting. Alanson Dewey, Ellicottville.

March 9

Married in Boston, Erie County on 23d ult. by Rev. Mr. Sanforth, Mr. Peter D. Oyer of Ashford to Miss Rachel Vadder of the town of Ellicottville.

Married at Irvine Hall, Ellicottville by Rev. J.H. Havens, Mr. Wm. W. Nelson of Concord, Erie County to Miss E. Oyer of Ashford.

Died in the village of Cooperstown on 20th ultimo, Miss Ann Williams in the 86th year of her age.

Died 24th ult. at his residence (Lake Lands) Cooperstown, John M. Bowers, Esq., in the 74th year of his age.

Died at Kalamazoo, Michigan on the 15th ult. very suddenly, Mrs. Sarah Sabrina, w/o H.H Comstock, Esq., and daughter of the late Isaac Cooper, Esq., aged 35 years.

Died at White Water, Wisconsin Terr. on 5th ult., Mrs. Susannah w/o Mr. John F. Blair, formerly of this village, age 19 years.

Died in this village on 4th inst., Miss Minerva Brown aged 29 years. Deceased was one of those who made her peace with God at the interesting age of 14 or 15 and united herself to the Baptist church.

Died in Ellicottville Feb. 26, 1846, Mrs. Sally w/o Charles Williams, age 50 years. Long Eulogy.

March 16, 1846

Married 7th inst. by Rev. J.H. Havens, Mr. Archibald Crary to Miss Huldah S. Bryant, both of Sugartown.

Married in Farmersville on 3d inst. by Rev. S.W. Titus, Mr. G.W. Huntley of Ellicottville to Miss Harriet W. Butler of the former place.

March 23

Married in Randolph on 14th inst. by Rev. C.H. Dutton of Franklinville, Mr. Sanford F. Holbrook to Miss Sophronia L. Woodworth, d/o of Z. Woodworth, Esq., both of the former place.

Died in Ashford, very suddenly, on 12th inst., Mr. Timothy Stephens, aged 70 years.

Died at Olean on 12th inst., Louisa d/o Ansel Adams, aged 6y, 11m.

Died in this village on 14th inst., Sarah Elizabeth d/o Mrs. Sally D. Courter, aged 2y, 4m.

March 30

Married in Randolph on 14th inst. by Rev. C.H. Dutton of Franklinville, Mr. Sanford F. Holbrook to Miss Sophia L. Woodworth, d/o Z. Woodworth, Esq., both of the former place. [The above marriage is inserted again this week on account of the name of one of the parties being wrong in our last.]

Died in this village on Monday the 23d inst. Ralph R. Phelps, Esq. aged 74 years.

April 6

Married in this town on 29th ult. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. William N. French of Ellicottville to Miss Amelia A. Eberle of Lancaster, Penn.

Died in Chicago, Ill. on 6th ult. Clarence Albert, eldest s/o Edgar M. and Darliska N. Gregory, age 3y, 2m, 6d.

April 13, 1846

Died in Mansfield on 10th inst. Mr. Ezra Canfield an old and highly respected inhabitant, aged about 60 years.

Died in Olean on 27th ult. of a lingering illness which she bore with christian fortitude, Elvira d/o Dr. David Bennie in the 24th year of her age. Eulogy.

April 20

Died in Cherry Valley, Otsego County on 7th inst. Mrs. Elenor Campbell in the 89th year of her age.

Died in Franklinville on 11th inst., Miss Anna d/o Andrew and Abigail Low, aged 17y, 1m, 5d. Eulogy.

April 27

Married in the Presbyterian Church at Rushford on 19th inst. by Rev. Mr. Rawson, G.L. Walker, Esq. and Miss Almira Trall of Hume.

Married in St. James Church in Batavia, on 14th inst. by Rev. James A. Bolles, the Hon. Heman J. Redfield to Miss Constance Collins, d/o Ephraim Bolles, Esq. of Newark, NJ.

Died in Franklinville on 9th inst., Mr. Jesse Smith of consumption, aged 57 years.

May 11, 1846

Married in Olean on 5th inst. by Rev. T. Morris, Mr. Luke B. Lattin of this village and Miss Mary Russell, of the former place.

Died in Persia of consumption on 25th March, Lavinia A. d/o Mr. Barney Allen, aged 24 years.

May 18

Married in Angelica on 7th inst. by Rev. H. Fraser, A.S. Thurston, Esq., of Elmira, Chemung County to Miss Cornelia S. eldest d/o of Hon. A.C. Hull of the former place.

May 25

Married at Christ's Church in Boston, Mass, May 14th by Rev. M. Woatt, Hon. Calvin T. Chamberlain of Allegheny County NY to Miss Sarah Russell, d/o Isaac Waters, Esq., of Boston.

June 8

Married in Little Valley on 28th ult. by Rev. S. Crosby, Mr. Alonzo Brown of Sinclearville, Chautauqua County to Miss Maria B. d/o N. Crosby, Esq., of Little Valley.

Married in Mansfield on 30th ult. by James L. Smith, Esq., Mr. Joseph Rasey *to Miss Sarah Ann Bowen, all of Mansfield.

June 15

Married in Rushford, Allegheny County on 2d inst. by Rev. N. Leighton, Marshall B. Champlin, Esq. Counsellor at Law of Cuba to Miss Achsah, eldest d/o Oramel Griffin, Esq., of Rushford.

Died in Little Valley April 13th, Mrs. Sally wife of Mr. Harmon Fisher in 41st year. Her husband mourns the wife of his youth, taken from him after a long and happy union. Her children weep for an affectionate parent. Eulogy.

June 22

Died in May 1st in Little Valley, Mr. Ephraim C. Hall, aged 24 years. Mr. Hall graduated with honors at Union College in 1843. He took charge of Academy at Springville, Erie County Last fall, on account of declining health, he left the Academy and returned home to his friends in Little Valley. Eulogy.

June 29, 1846

Died at Warsaw, Wyoming County on 18th inst., John Windsor, aged 42 yrs.

July 6

Married in this village on 25th ult. by I. Day, Esq., Mr. George Potter to Miss Orilla Bal*win, both of Machias.

July 12

The old settlers are passing away. Daniel Huntley, one of our oldest and best citizens died on the 5th inst, aged 62 years. He came to this county before its organization, when all was forest trees, which, with his sturdy arms he helped to fall and build roads and bridges. His health had always been remarkable until this year past, and last Sunday, from an *affection of the heart, he sank to rest universally lamented by our community. He was a devoted member of the Baptist Church and a zealous advocate of the temperance cause.

Married in this town on 8th inst, by Rev. J.H. Havens, Mr.John W. Rust to Mrs. A.B. Kingsley, all of Ellicottville.

Died in this village on 5th inst, Daniel Huntley, aged 62 years. Description of character.

July 20

Married in Angelica on 24th ult. by Rev. L. Thibou, Mr. Charles Horton, editor of the Angelica Reporter to Miss Jennifer Smith, eldest daughter of Ithemar Smith, Esq. of Angelica.

Married in Truxon, Cortland County on 1st of July inst. Mr. Edward F. Thomas of Homer to Miss Frances A. Shedd, of the former place.

July 27, 1846

Married in this village on 22d inst, by Rev. Thos. Morris, Mr. William Gallagher to Miss Dryden B. d/o Hon. S.N. Clarke, all of this place.

Died in Franklinville on 16th inst., Mr. Timothy Gillet, senior partner of the firm of T. & G. Gillet at Franklinville, age 74 years. Mr. Gillet died of apoplexy, leaving a large circle of family connexions[sic] to mourn his sudden loss.

August 10

Married in Lodi on 26th ult. by Rev. A.L. Skinner, Mr. William Griffith to Miss Clarinda J. Rollen, all of Lodi.

Married in this village on 3d inst., by Israel Day, Esq. Mr. Brownell Cornell to Miss Rachel Worden.

Died in Sardinia, Erie County on 25th inst., Mr. George M. Richmond, age 24 years.

Died in Franklinville on 5th inst., suddenly, of the putrid sore throat, Maria Annette, infant d/o Mr. S. Penney, aged 1 year.

August 17, 1846

Married in Portville on 5th inst., by Dauphin Murray, Esq. Mr. James Faunce to Miss Ruth Scott, all of that town.

August 24

Died in this village on 17th inst., Mr. Mary P. Day w/o Hon. Israel Day in the 56th year of her age. The deceased,for many years, had suffered much from chronic disease. For the last ten years it was seldom she was able to leave her dwelling. The writer has often admired her patience and the triumph of christian hope. She was an affectionate wife, parent and grandparent.

September 7

Married in Franklinville on 2d inst. by Manley McClure, Esq., Mr. George W. *Viscent to Miss Mary Ann Brookes of Franklinville.

Died in Franklinville on 31st ult., very suddenly, Mr. Sheldon B. Willard, age about 60 years.

September 14, 1846

Married in Perrysburgh on 3d inst. by Hon. A.H. Hurd, Mr. Sidney Bills to Miss Irene Brownell, both of the town of Hanover, Chautauqua County

Married in Perrysburgh on 7th inst. by Rev. Mr. Skinner of Lodi, Mr. George W. Cooper to Miss Charlotte Patch, both of Perrysburgh.

Married in Christ Church, Cooperstown on 1st inst. by Rev. Mr. Beach, Cyrus Strong, Esq. of Binghampton, Broome County to Mrs. Mary Martha Bush d/o Col. John H. Prentiss of Cooperstown.

Married in this village on 9th inst., by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Amos B. Holden of Ashford to Miss Mary Lynds of this village.

Died in Mansfield on 9th inst., Mr. Daniel Waller, father of Mr. M. Waller, of this village age 80 years and 6 months.

Died in Persis on 10[?] August ult., Mrs. Mary E. w/o Mr. J.C. White aged 21 years.

Died in East Ott on 24th of August, ult, Confucius, s/o John and Minerva Laing[?], aged two years and two month.

September 28

Married in New Albion on 2d inst. by John A. Kinnicutt, Esq., Mr. Hawly Cross of Great Valley to Miss Eliza Hillbrant, of the former place.

Married in Perry on 14th inst., by Rev. Mr. Nash, Benj. P. Mason, Esq. of Ellicottville, to Mrs. Sarah Chapman of the former place.

October 5

Married in Yorkshire on 21st ult. by Rev. G.S. Gowdy, Mr. Chauncey Crittenden of Groton, Tompkins County NY to Miss Emily Marsh d/o Lewis Marsh, Esq. of the former place.

Married in Cuba on 29th ult., by Rev. Thos. Morris, Mr. Stephen L. Davison to Miss Susan R. Hampton.

Married in New Haven, Connecticut on 18th ult, by the Rev. Dr. Bacon, Rev. Sylvester Cowles of this village to Frances Wolcott,d/o Hon. J. Wood of New Haven.

Married in Farmersville on 27th ult. by Elder A.C. Andrews, Mr. William Sekins to Miss Sally E. Wright.

November 2, 1846

Married in Angelica on 22d inst. by Rev. A. Bradley, Doct. A.J.Crandall of Franklinville, formerly of Friendship to Miss Almira M. Wilson d/o Wm. Wilson of the former place.

November 9

Married on the 26[?]th ult. by Rev. E. Edmu--- of Franklinville, Mr. Ezra Woster of Cuba to Miss Deborah Campbell, d/o Robert Campbell of Franklinville.

November 23

Died on 9th inst. while attending school at Nunda, Miss Harriet Angeline Abel, third daughter of Mr. Gordon M. Abel of Machias, in the 15th year of her age. Her disease was inflammation of the brain which terminated her life on the 8th day after the attack. She united with the Presbyterian Church at Franklinville at the age of 10 years. She had been a member of the Ellicotville Ladies School for two terms.

Died in Madison Branch County Michigan of Chill Fever, Mr. Elias J. Vaughn, formerly of this town, aged 16 years.

Died in Humphrey on the 16th inst., Doctor Calvin Chickering, aged 50 years.

November 30

Married in Angelica on 19th inst. by Rev. William Bradley, Mr. Willis M. Howe of Hinsdale to Miss Theoda A. Eldest d/o John Moore, Esq. of the former place.

December 21

Died in Humphrey on 16th inst. after a protected illness, Doctor Calvin Chickering, aged 37 years.

Married at Rutledge on 10th inst. by Rev. Dr. Morgan, Mr. James H. Hollister to Miss Cornelia Louise, d/o Rev. L.S. Morgan, M.D.

Married in Ellicotville on 9th inst. by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Nelson Kingsley to Miss Lucy M. Hurlburt, all of this town.

Married in the village on 16th inst. by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Daniel F. Johns to Miss Laura M. Hurlburth, all of this town.

Married in Machias on 13th inst. by Lyman Twomley, Esq., Mr. Edward Rasky of Ellicottville to Miss Lucy d/o Hon. R. Lamb, of the former place.

December 28, 1846

Married in Great Valley on 22d inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, A.G. Rice, Esq. of this village to Miss Ellen R. M'Coy of the former place.


January 4, 1847

Died in Conewango the 19th ult. Mrs. R. Cordelia J. Dean w/o Paul D. Dean and daughter of Hon. George A.S. Crooker. She bore the pains of a lingering sickness with uncommon fortitude and resignation. She left a husband and one child.

January 11

Married in Carrolton on 1st inst. by Chase Fuller, Esq., Benjamin F. Irvine, with Miss Rebecca Leonard of the former place.

January 18

Married in Little Valley on 31st December last by N.A. Boutell, Esq., Mr.Joseph Picket to Miss Orilla Perego, both of Little Valley.

Married in the same town on 9th inst. by N.A. Boutell, Esq., John Amidon to Miss Mary Champlin, both of Napoli.

Married in Concord, Erie County on 7th inst. by Rev. H. Eddy, Mr. Alanson A. M'Coy, of this Town to Miss Elizabeth W. Williams, of the former place.

January 25

Married in this town on 20th inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. William Nichols to Miss Mary J. French.

February 1

Died in Napoli on 20th inst., Mrs. Electa consort of Mr. A. Adye, aged about 24 years.

Died in village of Norwich on 17th inst. Virginia Eliza, wife of Henry K. Murray and eldest daughter of Hon. D.S. Dickinson in the 21st year of her age.

ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIER GONE. Died at the residence of his son-in-law, in Yorkshire on 23d of January inst. Bishop Caston, aged 88 years. this is another of the fallen relicts of the American Revolution. Mr. B. was in the battles of Saratoga and Monmouth and was also engaged under General Sullivan in his expedition against the Indians on the banks of the Genesee River. He has lived to a good old age ever sustaining an unblemished reputation, and is now gathered home to join in the band of spirits of his companions of early toil. He has lived to witness the rising strength and majesty of our loved Republica.

ANOTHER - In Sardinia on 22d inst.     Goodrich, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 94 years.

February 8

Died in Great Valley on 29th ult. Mr. Anthony McKallor, aged 33 years, 26 days. Eulogy.

February 15, 1847

Mr. John French, a citizen of this town [Springville] was killed instantly on the buffalo Reservation on Tuesday last, by a tree on the limb of a tree falling upon him which broke his neck. He was engaged in chopping and a tree that he had fallen had lodged against another and either the tree or a limb from the other tree fell upon him. He was about 40 years of age and has left a wife and several small children to mourn this sudden bereavement. Springville Express.

Married in Utica, on 24th at the Methodist Episcopal Church by the Rev. D.A. Shepard, Mr. J.C. White of Lodi in this county to Miss Mary A. De Forest of West Schuyler, Herkimer County only daughter of Samuel De Forest, Esq. formerly of New York.

Married in Yorkshire on 2d inst. by the Rev. B. Hunt, Mr. Charles Marsh to Miss Lucia A. Sutton, both of the former place.

Married in Yorkshire on 27th ult. by Rev. G. W. Proper, Mr. Alonzo C. Lummis to Miss Clarinda Burdick, both of Yorkshire.

Married in Humphrey on 4th inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Hiram Leach of Ellicottville to Miss Nancy D. Howe of Humphrey.

ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIER GONE. Died in Great Valley on 4th of February inst. 1847 Benjamin Chamberlain, Esq., father of Hon. Benjamin Chamberlain of this Village and Gen. C.T. Chamberlain of Cuba, aged 91 years and 11 months. The deceased was in the battles of Lexington (the surrender of Cornwallis), Bunker Hill, Quebec, Still Water, White Plain, Monmouth and the storming of Stony Point. He was also engaged in many other scenes of the seven years struggle, which, although, they stand less prominent on the page of history, were equally perilous to their participants and contributed towards the great achievements of the time. At Quebec he was one of the gallant three who scaled the walls, were taken prisoner, confined in irons, all the winter. Mr. C. carried the marks of his manacles ever after. While with Washington at Valley Forge, he lost an eye in consequence of an old wound and exposure to the cold. “In short, although an active participant in many of the blodiest[sic] scenes of the war—having served the whole seven years—and a sufferer in its severest hardships, the God to whom he and his compatriots appealed for justice of their cause, spared him through all; and though oft-times wounded he has lived to a good old age,” seen and experience the blessing of the free institutions whose permanency he helped to establish and now gone down to his grave, but still to live on in the affections of a large and respected circle of descendants.

February 22

Married in Great Valley on 30th ult. by George Barkley, Esq. Mr. Otis Howe to Miss Julina Chase, all of Great Valley.

Married in Little Valley on 14th inst. by the Hon. Benj. Chamberlain, Mr. Horace Howe, to Miss Diana Jeffereds, of Randolph.

Married in the town of Humphrey on the 15th inst, by the Rev. J.M'Euen, Mr. R.H. Williams of Franklinville to Miss Hannah B. Dubois of the former place.

Married in this village, on the 14th inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Samuel B. Covey to Miss Hiletta Vanderhoof, all of this village.

Died in Otto on 7th inst, Mr. Henry Beach, an old and highly respectable citizen, aged 55 years.

 March 8, 1847

Married in Concord, Erie County on 30th ult. by J.L. Douglass, Esqs., Mr. Lafayette Moore, to Miss Lucy Lush, all of Concord.

Married in Springville on 25th ult. by Elder A.W. Ensign, Mr. Gilbert Wilcox to Miss Amy Ann Jacoby, both of Concord.

Married in Olean on 24th ult. by Rev. S.W. Titus, Mr. Rufus L. Whitney to Miss Mary L. Moses, all of Olean.

Died in Concord, Erie County, on 17th inst., Mrs. Phebe, wife of Mr. Frederick Matherson in the 29th year of her age.

Died in Buffalo on 27th ult. James R. son of Silas and Helen Huntley, aged 2 years and 9 months, formerly of this village.

March 15

Died in Lodi on 18th February ult. after a short and severe illness, Cynthia J. daughter of John Pierce, aged 14 years.

Died in Randolph on 4th March instant, Mrs. B. Rosetta Sheldon wife of T.S. Sheldon, Esq., aged 24 years. The death of Mrs. Sheldon has struck a chord which vibrates through this entire community and resounds only to the note of universal sadness. Long eulogy about death bed conversion.

Died in Lodi on 20th February; last, Luther Allen, Esq, in 49th year of his age. Mr. Allen came to this county about 30 years ago and has ever maintained an honorable and reputable standing in the community. He has always shared largely in the confidence of his fellow citizens as the many responsible and important offices he has had conferred upon him at various time, declare.. He leaves a wife and three children.

March 22

Married in Little Fort, Illinois on 25th ult. by J.H. Trader, Esq., Mr. Albert H. Saxton, formerly of this village to Miss Mary White, formerly of Buffalo.

Died in the town of New Albion on 26th of January, Mr. Alvan Smith, age 67 years.

March 29, 1847

Married in this town on 18th inst. by Rev. Thos Morris, Eleazor Harmon, Esq., to Miss Maria H. Thalhimer, all of this town.

Married in Ashford, on 14th inst. by the Rev. G.W. Proper, Mr. Ransom P. Leonard to Miss Marierte Fuller, all of Ashford.

Died in Dansville, Livingston County on 26th of Feb. last, Mr. Oliver W.L. Warren in the 54th year of his age.

April 3

Died in this village on the 31st ult. Mr. John Fellows, age 59 years and 6 months.

April 10

Married in Napoli on 29th of March last by Rev. Wm Fisher, Mr. Jared Penny of Little Valley to Miss Dorcas Fisher of Napoli.

April 17

Died at Beverly, Massachusetts 7th inst. Hannah P. d/o Mr. A.D. Lord of this village, aged 4 years.

Marred in New Albion on 5th inst. by D. Ingersoll, Esq., Mr. Lyman Rice to Miss Melinda Guy, all of New Albion.

April 24, 1847

Died in Randolph, on 14th inst. Henry M. s/o Horace H. and Mary S. Holt, aged 1 year and 4 days. Poem to deceased.

May 15

Married in Rutledge on 9th inst. by Rev. Dr. Adams, Stephen S. Gardner to Miss Hannah Crossfield, both of Rutledge.

Married in Portland, Chautauque County on 4th inst. by Rev. Thos. P. Tyler, Mr. William A. Fellows of this village to Miss Mary L. Barker of Portland.

Died in Little Valley on 7th inst. Nancy Jane daughter of H.H. and Sophir[sic] Van Tassel, aged 2 years and 9 months.

May 22

Married in this town on 6th inst. by the Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. J.J. Keys, formerly of England to Mrs. Sally D. Courter of this town.

Died in Clarksville, Mass. on the 28th ultimo of Consumption, Miss Elizabeth N. Ketcham, formerly of Marion, Wayne County, aged 30 years.

June 5

Died on Sunday the 30th ult. Samuel Cochran, aged 41 years at Great Valley. This again warns us of the uncertainty of human life. He was building a Shanty on Sat. for the purpose of performing a contract for making 200,000 shingles when he was taken suddenly ill, and died in about 36 hours -- he was much respected and his death will by much regretted.

Died in New Albion on 13th inst. Malinda wife of Lyman Price and youngest daughter of Robert and Laura Gay in the 19th year of her age.

June 29

Married in Franklinville on 15th inst. at the house of Thos B. Walker by William Elliott, Esq., Mr. Fuller of Carrolton to Miss Jane Bisbee of Ellicottville.

July 3

Married in Concord on 25th ult. by Morris Fosdick, Esq. Mr. Thomas Bruce of Leon in this county to Miss Abigail Colburn of Collins, Erie County NY.

Married in Great Valley on 28th ult. by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Andrew J. Chamberlain to Miss Hannah M.J. Johnson, both of Great Valley.

July 10, 1847

Died in New Albion May 13th Malinda Rice, wife of Lyman Rice and youngest daughter of Robert and Laura Gay in the 29th year of her age. Mr. and Mrs. Rice had been married but a few weeks and one hour before her death enjoyed as fair prospect as others of a long and happy connubial life. But she has gone to try the realities of another world, while her crushed and widowed husband is left to pursue the weary journey of life with no none to share his joys and soothe his sorrows. She has also left an aged Father and Mother to mourn her sudden departure.

Married in Boston, Erie county on 30th June ult. by Rev. John Scott of Hamburgh, ME, Jacob Oyer to Miss Juliett A. Spalding, both of Ashford.

Married at the same time and place, by the same, Mr. Jacob Vedder of Ellicottville to Miss Harriet C. Spalding of Ashford.

Married in this village on 1st inst. at the house of A.A. Gregory by W. Johnson, Esq. Mr. Harvey W. Woods of Gerry, Chautauque County to Miss Harriet Dutton of Dayton.

July 17

Died in this village on 3d inst. Helen daughter of Abraham B. and Mary Matteson, aged 8 years and seven months. Eulogy

July 24

Married in Hinsdale on 18th inst. at the house of Mr. Reynolds Ferris by Dauphin Murray, Esq. Mr. Adam Bennett to Miss Patty Ferris, both of Hinsdale.

July 31

Married in St. Patrick's church in Rochester on 17th inst. by the Rev. William O'Riley, Ephraim H. Sanford, Esq., editor of the “True Democrat” and the “Gem of Science” of Ann Arbor, Michigan to Miss Rebecca M. Moses of Mount Morris, New York.

Married in this village on 28th inst. by the Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. James Blackman to Miss Mary Jane Brown, all of this village.

August 7, 1847

Died in Farmersville on 30th June last very suddenly, Mrs. Harriete Foote, wife of Mr. Henry Foote, in the 28th year of age.

Married in Attica, Wyoming county on 19th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Preston, Mr. George Marsh of Yorkshire, Cattaraugus County and Miss Elizabeth Loomis of Wyoming.

August 27

Died in Franklinville on 12th inst. Bradford, son of Mr. Lucius Lee, aged about 10 years.

Died in Nauvoo, Illinois, on 16th ult. of congestion of the brain, Elisha Mack, Esq., Counsellor at Law in the 49th year of his age. Mr. Mack formerly resided at Springville, Erie County in this state and was a zealous supporter of the democratic party.

September 4

Silas Wright died at his home in Canton, St. Lawrence County on 27th ult. of apoplexy.

Married in Angelica on 18th ult. by Rev. Mr. Frazer, Mr. Byron Budd to Miss Caroline D. daughter of A.A. Norton, Esq., formerly of this village.

Died in Burton on 21st ult., James R. Clark, aged about 42 years.

September 11, 1847

Married in Randolph on 6th inst. by Spencer Scudder, Esq., Mr. Robert T. Wier to Miss Hannah R. Bush, all of the same place.

Married in Ellicottville on 5thinst. by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Ephraim Washburn of Franklinville to Miss Amanda Ann Hall of Burton.

Died at his residence in Cooperstown on 30th August at 4 o'clock P.M. of paralytic attack, Robert Campbell, Esq., aged 66 years.

Died in Barton on August 14 at 12 o'clock of dropsy in the chest, after a long and distressing illness, Mr.James R. Clark, aged 46 years, 3 months, 4 days. Although Mr. C. never united with the church, he was believer in the Episcopal Church. He bore his sickness with christian resignation.

October 2

Died in Franklinville July 23 Cynthia Burrows, aged 46 years. The deceased was distinguished during her life, for extraordinary goodness of her heart which ed her carefully to seek the object of affliction that she might follow the example of the good Samaritan. Many have experience her benevolent efforts while suffering from the withering effects of disease, been animated by her cheerfulness, soothed by her attention and relieved by her promptitude and judgement. . . Her death was as peaceful as her life had been faithful and useful.

Married in Olean September 22nd by Rev. S.W. Titus, Mr. Tracy T. Taylor to Miss Juliette M. Boyington, all of Olean.

October 9

Married at Ellicottville September 24th by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Zuriel W. Smith to Miss Mary Allen, both of Burton.

Married In Farmersville September 29th by Rev. G.W. Huntley, Mr. Curtice L. Watkins to Miss Lucretia C. Divine, both of the above place.

Died in the town of Great Valley on 6th inst. of consumption, John son of Rev. John Ellis, aged 22 years.

Died in Rochester, Wisconsin August 26th Lydia, wife of Charles Ward, formerly of Great Valley in this county.

Died in Randolph in this county on 23d ult. Mrs. Caroline T. Scudder wife of Spencer Scudder, Esq., and daughter of Mr. Daniel Salisbury of Nelson, Madison County The deceased was 32 years of age and died of consumption of which complaint she had been sick five months. Her funeral was attended by a very large congregation at the Baptist meeting house in Randolph on which occasion Rev. A. Handy, pastor, preached. Eulogy.

Died in the village of Chenango Forks, Broome County on 23d ultimo, Catharine Juliette, youngest daughter of John B. and Harriet Rogers, aged 5 years and 3 months. Eulogy.

Died at Kendall Creek, Pa. September 6th, Benjamin C. Melvin, aged 16 years, son of Jn'o T. Melvin, Esq., formerly of Hinsdale, in this county. The deceased was a young of unusual promise. He was recovering from the measles, and no apparent danger near, when suddenly seized with convulsions which locked up his senses, and ere the sun went down his manly form was the reality of death.

October 16, 1847

Died in this village on the 13th inst. Peter Myers, infant son of Jacob Weber, aged six weeks.

Married in this village on the 10th inst by Rev. S. Cowles, J.M. Staunton, M.D. to Miss Mary E. Wilborn, all of Ellicottville.

Married in Thompson, Sullivan County on the 18rh ult. by Rev. Jonathan Davies, Hon. Ely Moore of New York City to Mrs. Clarissa Baker, daughter of Wm. Vandewater, Esq. of New York.

October 23

Married in Hopewell, Ontario County on 14th Oct. inst. by Rev. Mr. May, Mr.B.E. Litchfield of Ellicottville, to Miss Lucinda Thatcher of the former place.

Married in Cold Spring on the 10th Oct. inst. by A.M. Casler, Esq., Samuel Patterson, grandson of Governor Blacksnake, head chief of the Seneca Nation of Indians to Miss Lucy Brown, all of Cold Spring.

Married in Cold Spring on the 2d September by the same Josiah Wyman to Miss Elizabeth Washburn all of Cold Spring.

Also on the 5th September by the same, Ezra Wright to Miss Harriette Lorette Brown, both of South Valley.

Married in Schenectady on 28th September last, by Rev. Dr. Frazier, Mr. Charles J. Mason, formerly of this village to Miss Elizabeth Clute, daughter of the late Walter Clute of Schenectady.

Married in Little Valley on 14th inst. by Rev. S. Crosby, Mr. Hiram V.R. McKay of Mansfield to Miss Tryphena L. Fuller of the former place.

November 13

Married at East Randolph on 7th inst. by M. Van Vlach, Esq., Mr. Alexander Hill to Miss Marietta Ralston, all of East Randolph.

Married in Napoli on 4th inst. by Rev. H.A. Taylor, Mr. E.F. Altenburg of Randolph to Miss Elvira Bushnell of the former place.

November 27, 1847

Married in Little Valley on 16th by Rev. Mr. Rufus D. Pierce, Mr. Wm. J. Markham to Miss Sophronia Fields, all of Little Valley.

Married in Franklinville on 21st inst. by Elder Beman, Mr. Elias N. Barret of this village to Miss Lucy Chamberlain of the former place.

Died at the Irvine Hall in this village on 23rd inst. James Blakey, the only Son of Blakey and Elizabeth S. Pilkington of Newark, Licking County Ohio, aged 1 years, 19 months and 16 days. Thank you to the citizens of Ellicotville.

December 4

Died in Logansport Indiana on 2nd Nov, Mrs. Mary P. wife of Rev. C.M. Richmond, formerly of this village and daughter of Hiram Lazell of Stockton, Chautauque County

Died in Racine, W.T. on 14th ult. of congestion of the brain, Alexander T. Hubbard, M.D. eldest son of H.H. Hubbard, late of Springville, Erie County Ny, aged 26 years.

Died in this town on the 14th ult., Mary Ophlelta, infant daughter of William N. and Amelia French, aged 6 months. Eulogy.

Married in Randolph on the 11th ult. by Rev.E. Taylor, T.S. Sheldon to Agnes E. Calhoun, daughter of James Calhoun, Esq.

December 11

Married at LaPorte, Indiana on 18th of November by Rev. John W. Cunningham, Mr. Thomas Pryce of Rochester In, formerly of this village and Miss Henrietta A. Newell of LaPorte.

Married in Springville on the 27th ult. by C.C. Severance, Esq., Mr. Gardner Brand to Miss Julia M. Hufstader, all of Springville.

December 25

Died in Truxton, Cortland County on 4th inst., Walter B. Sturtevant, M.D. aged 31 years.

Married in Albany on 14th inst. by Rev. L.H. Samford, Mr. Anson Colbern of Albany to Miss Susan M. only daughter of Hon. Thos J. Wheeler of Conewango, Cattaraugus County

Married in Coldspring on 21st ult. by A.M. Casler, Esq., Mr. Lorenzo Carr to Miss Matilda, daughter of Allen Campbell, Esq., all of Coldspring.

Married in Franklinville on 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Bemis, Mr. Harvey Wilkinson to Minerva Augusta, eldest daughter of Lewis J. Mason.

Married at the same time and place, by the same Mr. Wm. Sawens of Darien, Genessee County to Miss Al Foster of Franklinville.

Married in this village the 15th inst. by Rev. Thomas Morris, Mr. Charles Chapin of East Bloomfield, Ontario County to Miss Abigail, daughter of Hon. S.N. Clarke.

January 1, 1848

Married in Ashford Dec 23d by Eld. Taynton, Mr. Edwin Hopkins to Miss Lana Maria Rowland.

 Married by same at the same time and place Mr. Niram[sic] Rowland to Miss Ellen Young, all of Ashford.

Married in the village of Olean on the 26th ult. by the Rev. Milo Scott, Mr. Horace H. Clark of Burton to Miss Almira Johnson of Hinsdale.

Married in Little Valley on 28th ult. by the Rev. Milo Scott, Mr. Ely Gleason of Burton to Mrs. Mary Bliss of Little Valley.

Married in Humphrey on 23d ult. by Rev. John McEuen, Dr. Virgil Reed of Ellicottville to Mrs. Caroline Chickering of the former place.

January 7

Married in Randolph on 1st inst. by Thomas Higgins, Esq. Mr. Thomas Horton to Miss Elizabeth Casler, all of Cold Spring.

Announcement of the death of Gen. Geo. P. Barker January 27th in the 40th year of his age. From the Buffalo Reflex.

Married in Olean on the 25th ultimo by Rev. Mr. Titus, Mr. George Hazlett of Burton to Miss Augusta Dickson of Olean.

February 5

Died in this village on 31st ult. Charles Henry, son of Mr. Joseph Colman, aged 6 years. Mr. Colman has truly suffered affliction -- the loss of his wife but a few days since, leaving several small children and now his oldest son taken from him.

February 12

Married in this village on 6th inst. by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Fayette T. Fuller of Carlton to Miss Olive Ann Kellogg of the same place.

Died at Utica at the residence of his son, Spencer Kellogg, Esq., Levi Kellogg, aged 89 years.

Died at Aurora, Erie County on 28th ult. of scarlet fever, Julia, daughter of Albert Sawin, Esq., aged 8 years and 1 month.

February 26, 1848

Married in Forestville on 6th inst. by Rev. H.W. Beers, Mr. Samuel K.J. Chesbro of Pawtucket, R.I. to Miss Ann E., eldest daughter of the late John Morrison, Esq. of Forestville.

Died in Olean on 6th inst. after a severe illness of ten days, Henry only child of Norman and Sarah Birge, aged 3 years and 4 months.

Died in this village on the morning of the 23d inst. Joseph Harlin son of Mr. Joseph Colman, aged 4 years.

Died in Buffalo on the 13th inst, Mr. Alanson Pierson, aged 48 years, formerly of Otsego County.

March 4

Announcement of the death of John Quincy Adams on 24th ult, aged 81 years.

Married in Yorkshire on 24th February ult. by Rev. B. Hunt, Mr. H.L. Marsh, son of Lewis Marsh, Esq. to Miss Lucina E. daughter of Samuel G. Sutton, Esq. all of Yorkshire.

Married in Randolph by A.G. Bush, Esq., Mr. Lyman Leitle, to Miss Angeline Wilber.

Married on 15th inst. by Rev. A. Wright, Mr. Selah Howe to Miss Sarah Pl. Smith, all of Buffalo.

Married in Concord, Erie County by Rev. H. Eddy, Mr. A.P. Morton to Miss Laura Abbot, all of Concord.

Married the 23d by same, Mr. Augustus Chafee to Miss Melinda Andrews.

March 11

Married on 27th February by Rev.W. Childs, Mr. Theodore Fuller of Ashford to Miss  --issa A. Holcome of Sheldon, Wyoming County

Married in this village on 5th inst. by Hon. R. Lamb, Mr. William Snider to Miss Harriett Carver. Also Mr. S.S. Cobb to Miss Ann Eliza Linginfelter, all of Machias.

Married in Ashford on 2nd inst. by Rev. O. Tainter, Mr. John A. Vedder of Ellicottville to Miss Rachel Oyer of Ashford.

Married in Gerry, Chautauque County on Feb. 29 by Rev. Lewis Sweetland, Mr. Henry D. Gates of Gerry to Miss Emeline P. Fuller of Little Valley.

Died in Great Valley on 5th inst. David, son of Mr. David Markham, aged 13 years.

March 18

Married in Concord, Erie County on 8th inst. by Rev. Mr. St. John of [blank] Mr. Hiram Wells to Miss Ann Emmons, both of Concord.

Married in Sardinia, Erie County on 29th ultimo by Rev. P.W. Mills, Mr. Lorenzo D. Childs of Springville to Miss Lucy Blake, daughter of Calvin Blake of Concord.

Married in Burlington, Iowa in 4th January last, Mr. Jerry Stilwell, formerly of Franklinville to Miss Frances L. Barney, formerly of Olean.

Married in Buffalo on 8th inst. by Rev. A. Wright, Mr. George Hyatt to Miss Joanna Allen, both of Franklinville.

Married in Albany on 7th inst by Rev. Dr. Potter, Dr. H.P. Wilcox of Irving, Chautauque County to Mrs. Sarah M. Hall, daughter of G. Stanton, Esq. of Albany.

Died in Randolph on Friday, March 18, 1848 in the 30th year of her age, Mrs. Martha J. Thomas, wife of Mr. James H. Thomas of that place. She was a native of England, but for the last five years he resided in this country and was a highly esteemed member of the Baptist church. Eulogy.

March 25, 1848

Died in this village on 22d of Croup, Emma D., youngest daughter of Rev. S.Cowles, aged 2 years and 6 months.

Died in Great Valley, on 18th inst. Mary Caroline daughter of Samuel and Eliza Reynolds, aged 4 years and 10 months.

Died in Little Valley on 29th February at the residence of her son-in-law, Eld. R.D. Pierce, Mrs. Catharine Finch, aged 72 years. For fifty years the deceased was a firm and consistent christian. Eulogy.

April 1

Married in Franklinville on 15th ult. by Rev. V. Bemis, Mr. Russell C. Shepard to Miss Pluma A. daughter of Mr. O. Hitchcock, all of Humphrey.

Married by Rev. S. Rice of Portville, Mr. C.D. McLouth of Franklinville to Miss Pauline P., daughter of Mr. T.B. Shepard of Humphrey.

Died in Great Valley on 23d ult., Jane, wife of Mr. Geo. Nelson and youngest daughter of Dr. A. Crary in the 25th year of her age. Long eulogy mentions infant child and that her uncle commended her soul to God in prayer.

April 8

Reported the death of John Jacob Astor, age 85 years.

Married in Farmersville March 29 by G.W. Huntley, Mr. Dighton B. Ellsworth of Great Valley to Miss Amanda Denison of the former place.

April 15, 1848

Married at Silver Creek on 15th ult. by Rev. M. Waithe, Mr. Daniel Young of Warsaw, Wyoming County to Miss Caroline Lee, daughter of the late Oliver Lee of Buffalo.

Died in this village on 7th inst., Lucinda Ann, d/o Eben S. Colman, aged 2 years.

Died in Great Valley on 4th inst. of Scarlet Fever, John Wesly, youngest son of Samuel and Eliza Reynolds, aged 1y, 3m, 19d.

Died in this village on 14th inst of Croup, Harriet, youngest d/o Harlen and Emily F. Colman, aged about one year.

April 22

Married in this town on the 9th inst. by Rev. S. Cowles, Mr. Hiram Wheaton of Burton and Miss Mary Gibson of Great Valley.

April 29

Died in Mansfield on 16th inst at the residence of his brother, Jonathan Clement, Esq. aged 67 years.

Married in Ashford on the 16th inst. by Rev. O. Tayntor, Mr. Jepson Wiltse, to Miss Maryette Tyler. Also on the same day, Mr. Hezekiah Willis to Miss Lucinda Chamberlin, all of Ashford.

Married in this town on the 15th inst. by John Vedder, Esq., Mr. Charles Dills to Miss Maria Harsen of Ellicottville.

Married in this village on the morning of the 24th inst. by Rev. J. McEwen, Mr. Wm. P Scoville to Miss Jane Dow, all of Ellicotville.

Married in Hinsdale on the 18th inst. by Rev. Milo Scott, Mr. Zenas S. Goodrich, to Miss Permelia E. Scott, all of Hinsdale.

Married in Little Valley on 19th inst. by Rev. Wm. Hall, Mr. B.F. Hall to Miss Mariette Bennett, all of Little Valley.

May 6, 1848

Died in Battle Creek, Michigan on 2d of april last of lung fever, Mr. Isaac Phillips formerly of Great Valley in this county aged 56 years.

Died in Berrien County Michigan on 28th of March last, Mr. Warner Hooker, formerly of Angelica and brother of Mrs. Benjamin Chamberlain and Mrs. Bethuel McCoy, aged 42 years. The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian Church in which he exercised the office of Elder. To use his own words he felt he had a short time to stay on the earth... and he would lay up treasures in Heaven. He died of inflammatory rheumatis and inflammation of the lungs. Eulogy.

Married in Little Valley on 1st inst. by Elder S. Crosby, Mr. Emmons Jones of Ashford to Miss Parney Chase of the former place.

Missing issues

July 10 1850

Married on 4th July Mr. Roswell Burrows to Miss Harriet Eddy, all of Mansfield.

IOOF of Randolph Lodge tribute of respect to wife of worthy Brother, Eli B. Barrows depriving him of one he held most dear, and his child of a mother's affectionate care.

July 17

Married in Little Valley on 4th inst by Rev. R. Willoughby, Mr. Clark Wheeler to Miss Elizabeth Waite, both of Little Valley.

Married in Fountain City Wisconsin on 23d of June last by Rev. S.C. Spofford, Mr. Alonzo H. Boardman of Erie Pa. to Miss Nancy Burges of Boston, Mass.

Married in Fredonia on 4th inst by Allen Hinckley,Esq. Mr. James L. LeBarons of Dayton to Miss Mary Gillet of the same place.

Married in Gowanda on 9th inst by Rev. J.C. Knapp, Mr. E.H. Southwick of this village to Miss Clarinda Howe of Gowanda.

Married in Hume, Allegany County on 7th inst. by Rev. J. Trowbridge Mr. L.S. Bailey of Springville, Erie County to Miss Mary L. d/o Hon. John Roberts of Townsend, Windham County Vt.

August 7, 1850

Married in Great Valley at the Plank Road Hotel on 4th inst. by J.H. Mudgett, Esq., Mr. George Altesburg of Burton to Miss Sarah Oyer of Ashford.

Married in Great Valley on 5th inst by J.H. Mudgett, Esq., Mr. Benjamin W. Fuller of Great Valley to Miss Ann Clark, of this village.

Married in Springville on 1st inst. by Rev. W. Metcalf, Mr. John Canfield to Miss Lydia Davis both of Gowanda.

Died in Springville on 28th ult. Ogilva R., son of Augustus W. and Hannah V. Bunnell, aged 1y, 10m 20d.

Died in Dryden, Mich. July 3rd, Col. Harvey Eldredge, formerly of Little Valley, of typhoid pneumonia.

Died at Boston, Erie County on the 29th. ult, Sperry Peck, father of Mr. Daniel Peck of the Boston Center House. He was in the 83rd year of his age.

August 21

From Springville Herald: Dexter Pratt, residing at Prattham, Sardinia near Springville committed suicide on Tuesday morning of this week by hanging himself in his barn. He was found by his wife. He is supposed to have been partially deranged—we regret to learn he was buried without inquest.

Married in Buffalo by Rev. Mr. Hosmer, Mr. Henry Clifton, to Miss Elizabeth Dorsheimer, only daughter of P. Dorsheimer of the “Mansion.”

August 28, 1850

Married in Great Valley on 18th inst. by J.B. Madget, Esq., Mr. Charles Nobles to Miss Cordelia Cross, both of Great Valley.

Married in Springville on 21st inst. by Rev. J.B. Sax of Aurora, Rev. Charles H. Dutton to Miss Frances D. Spencer both of Springville.

Died in Springville on 21st inst. Mary P. d/o George W. Miller age 14 months.

Died in Milford, Otsego County on the 16th inst., Mrs. Olive Waters, aged 85 years, wife of the late Revolutionary soldier, Capt. Waters.

September 4

Married in this town on 2d inst. by Rev. D.C. McVear, Mr. Joseph Bryant of Great Valley to Miss Jane M'Kallor of this place.

Married in Eagle, Wyoming County by Rev. D.C. McVear, Mr. John McFarlan of Castile, to miss Mary Buchanan of Scotland.

Married in Ashford on 25th ult. by J.J. Frank, Esq., Mr. Henry Hiller to Miss Lydia Bement, all of Ashford.

Died in Randolph on 28th ult. Horatio P. Sample, son of Mr. John Sample, aged 19 years and 6 months.

Died in Springville on 28th ult. Olive M. d/o Philander Taylor, aged 3 years.

September 11

Married in Olean on 5th inst. by Rev. S.W. Titus, Mr. Gracy Taylor to Miss Alzine Freeman, all of Olean.

Married in Hinsdale, on same day by same, Mr. Lewis J. Merwin to Miss Mary Lewis, all of Hinsdale.

Died in Burton of consumption on the 5th inst., Mr. John W. Clark, aged 71 years.

Died in Portville on 6th inst., Lydia, youngest daughter of Jacob and Lydia Howe, aged 13 years.

Died in Portville on 7th inst., Mr. Joel Wakefield in the 86th year of his age.

September 18, 1850

Married in this town on 17th inst. by Israel Day, Esq., Mr. Ezra Buck to Miss Louisa M. Hurlbert, all of this town.

Married in Great Valley on 12 inst. by L.B. Muget, Esq., Mr. Francis S. Fellows to Miss Sally Green, all of Great Valley.

Married at Bard's Hotel in Franklinville on 2d instant by Lewis J. Mason, Esq., Mr. Geo Cooper of Olean to Miss Mersy[sic] Sarah Wilmarth of Rushford.

 Also by same on 10th inst. Mr. Geo Conrad of Rice to Miss Martha Bennett, oldest daughter of Charles Bennett of Franklinville.      

Married in Waverly on 12th inst. by Rev. H. Eddy, Mr. B.H. Johnson of Buffalo to Miss Lucy P. Elliott of the former place.

Died in Panama, Chautauqua County on 13th inst. Mrs. Anna Everett, aged 56, wife of Timothy Everett, formerly of Napoli and sister of Rev. S. Cowles.

September 25

Died in this village on 10th inst. Sidney Smith, only son of Ralph and Eliza McMitchell, aged 2 years, 4 months.

Died in Franklinville on 19th, Clarissa daughter of James and Clarissa Seward, age 18 years and 9 months.

October 2

Married at Little Valley on 1st of September ultimo by Edwin O. Lock, Esq. Mr. Walter Linsey to Miss Sarah Tillsworth, all of Franklinville.

Married at Little Valley on 14th September by Edwin O. Lock, Esq. Mr. William McCawley to Betsey O'Brien.

Married in Great Valley at the Rock City Hotel on 18th of September by J.H. Mudgett, Esq., Mr. Eli Woodard to Miss Daphca Kelsey, both of Great Valley.

Married in this village at the Arcade Hotel on 30th ult. by G.W. Gillett, Esq., Mr. Charles Ruther of Franklinville to Miss Sarah L. Lindsay of Humphrey.

Died in Franklinville on 19th ult. Clarissa daughter of James and Clarissa Seared, aged l18 years and 9 months. {repeat}

October 9, 1850

Married in Great Valley on 1st inst. by J.H. Mudgett, Esq., Mr. John Taylor to Miss Ann Lemon, both of Great Valley.

Married in Great Valley on 5th inst. by J.H. Mudgett, Esq., Mr. Chester W. Giddings to Miss Elizabeth Badger all of G. Valley.

Oct. 16

Married in Ashford on 9th inst. by Rev. M. Millard, Mr. Joseph Morton and Miss Sophronia H. Lowe, both of Ashford.

Married in Stockton, Chaut. County on 9th inst. b Rev. L. Rathbon, Doct. A.T. Phillips of Barton to Miss Fidelia Woods of Stockton.

Died in Ashford on the 10th, Mr. Wilbur Nelson, aged 23 years.

Oct. 30

Married in Randolph on 1st inst. by Rev. I.E. Chapin, Mr. Judson Sibley to Miss Ann Eliza Miller both of Napoli.

Married by the same on 2nd Mr. Horace C. Sibley of Napoli to Miss Mary Kendill of Leon.

Married by the same Oct. 23rd, Mr. Augustus C. Goodwin of Conewango to Miss Julia Ann Ireland of Poland.

Married in Great Valley at the Plank Road Hotel on 13th inst. by J.H. Mudgett, Esq., Mr. Harrison Chamberlain of Great Valley to Miss B.C. Burdick of Burton.

November 6, 1850

Married in Waverly on 28th ult. by S.St. John Esq., Mr. Joseph N. Root to Miss Lucy A. Horton of Waverly.

Married in Franklinville on 31st ult. by Rev. Mr. McVane, Mr. Alexander Hawkins to Miss Mary E. Brown, both of Bradford.

Died in Cincinnati on 27th ult. Mr. Joseph Allen aged 44 years, formerly of this village.

Died in Gorham, Ontario County on 31st ult. Mr. John S. Salisbury aged 30 years, formerly of this village.

November 13

Died in Buffalo, Mr. Charles D. Holmes, formerly of this village.

November 20

Married 19th inst. by Amos Gibbs, Esq. Mr. Gurles C. Coit to Adaline Root, daughter of James Root,all of this town.

Married in Ashford on 12th inst. by Elder O. Tayntor, Mr. Charles Boyd to Miss Lucy Taystoe, both of Ashford.

Died in Concord on 14th inst. ult. Anna w/o Joseph Harkness in this 36th year of her age.

Died at the Mormon Gulch, California on 16th July last of bilious fever, Mr. Richard Stoneman, late of Busti, aged 25 years.

November 27, 1850

Married in Cold Spring on 13th inst. by I.W. Darling, Esq., Mr. Curtis Merritt to Miss Rebecca Wandall, both of Coldspring.

Married in Cold Spring on 16th ult. by I.W. Darling, Esq. Mr. Wm. Gowen of New Albion to Miss Jane Gipen of Ellery Chautauque County

Died in Waverly on 13th inst. James Borden, Esq. age 48 years.

 Dec. 4

Married in this village on 23d ult. by Israel Day Esq., Mr. John Gallagher to Miss Clarisa Lattis, both of Otto.

January 15 1851

Married at Cold Spring on 13th inst. by Isaiah W. Darling, Esq. Mr. Horace A. Edson of Cherry Creek, Chautauqua County to Miss Dorcus Holland of Ellington, Chautauqua County

Married in Leon. Catt. County on 1st inst. by the Rev. Mr. Brayman, Mr. William Smith of Dewittville to Miss Harriet Wilcox, of Leon.

Married In Sugar Grove, Dec. 8th by the Rev. John Broadhead, Mr. Chester Bulluck of Cherry Creek to Miss Delphinia Weld, of Sugar Grove, Pa.

Married at this mansion at Port King on the 12th ult. by the Right Rev. Bishop Hopkins of Burlington, Vt. Miss Elizabeth B. Shankland to Col. Charles M. Watson.

January 22

Married in this village on 15th inst. by H. Colman, Esq., Mr. George Rae to Miss Jane Sims, all of [t]his place.

Died in Randolph, on 29th Dec. last Mr. Riley Garfield, aged 59 years. Genesse papers please publish.

February 5, 1851

Married in Randolph on 29th by the Rev. Mr. Howard, Mr. Elias R. Rowley of this village to Miss Emma Congdon of Napoli.

Died at his residence in Illinois on the 20th December 1850, David Chamberlain, Esq., formerly of this county aged 58 years. The deceased was one of the first settlers of this county, and during a residence of 35 years, he has ever possessed the well merited esteem and confidence of all with whom he had any acquaintance. Every upright and honorable in his intercourse with his fellow man, he has left a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss.

Died in Humphrey on the 2d inst. Mr. Niram[sic] Skeels in the 88th year of his age.

February 12

Married in Springville on 2d inst. by S.W. Goddard, Esq., Mr. James Huggins jr. of Mansfield to Miss Louisa Hall of Ellicotville. [Portions of this section were cut away.]

February 19

Died at his residence in the town of Unadilla, Jan. 26th Seth Rowle, a soldier of the Revolutionary War at the advanced age of 90 years and 11 months.

February 26, 1851

Married in Buffalo on the 18th inst. at St. John's church by the Rev. Dr. Shelton, John M. Crozier to Miss Fanny Smith all of that city.

Married at Cold Spring, Erie County n the 17th inst. by B. Hodge Esq., Mr. Charles Wheeler of Randolph to Miss Jane Darlington, of Black Rock.

Died in Cuba Allegheny County on the 7th of Feb. 1851, Mrs. Deborah E., daughter of Robert M. and Elizabeth Campbell and wife of Ezra Webster aged 27years, 5 months, 10 days. Her companion and friends must feel that they have met with a heavy loss; for in her deportment she was amiable, she was dutiful as a child kind and affectionate as a companion and warm hearted and confiding friend., Eulogy.

Died in this village on the evening of the 12th inst., Staley N. Jr. son of Hon. S.N. Clarke, aged 23. The health of the deceased had been more or less infirm for more than two years. He returned from attendance of lectures at the Medical College in Buffalo on the morning of the 16th inst. as well as he had been in some time and so continued until the evening of eh 18th when he was attacked and continued sinking and in great distress until he expired in less than forty eight hours after the attack of an affection of the heart. Whig.

Died in July last of Cholera at the crossing of Plate River on the California trail, Mr. Archibald C. Metcalfe son of Thomas Metcalfe of this village and formerly of Steuben County aged 37 years.

March 19

Died in Wellsborough, Tioga County Pa. on the 22d of Feb. last, Mrs. Gerusha Ann Bellknap, daughter of Mrs. Jonathan Nobles of Great Valley, aged 27 years.

Died on the 21st of Feb., Charles son of said deceased aged 3 years—both are buried in the same grave.

March 26, 1851

Married in Buffalo on the 17th inst. by Rev. V.R. Hotchkiss, Alonzo A. Gregory, Esq. member of the Assembly from this county to Miss Albina A. Reynolds both of this village.

Died in this village on 24th inst. Deacon Augustus Gardiner, aged 62 years. In recording this afflictive event, we deem it due both to living and dead to indulge in something beyond the brief announ-cement at this head of this article. When a good man dies, it is a matter of interest to the entire community in which he lived and no one who enjoyed the privilege of his acquaintance can fail to feel in the influence of the event of his departure from among us.

            Mr. Gardiner was born in Stephentown, near the city of Albany in 1789. From thence he removed to Cooperstown in Otsego county where he resided several years. He afterwards resided for a short time in Albany and in Byron, Genessee County and came to this village in 1839, where he remained until his death. In all his business relations, he maintained the strictest integrity and never departed from what he conceived to be a course of rigid and exact justice. At about the age of 33, he made a profession of religion and united with the christian church. In 1827 he was elected elder and has continued in that capacity. In his family he faithfully sustained the position of husband nd father and beautifully illustrated all the duties which are imposed by those sacred and interesting relations. Eulogy.

April 2

We are under the painful necessity of announcing the death of Judge Ashbel H. Hurd of Gowanda. He expired on Monday last, after an illness of some three months. Judge Hurd was quite a young man and gave great promise of future usefulness. He was attacked at first with apoplexy, from which he slowly commenced recovering, which led friends to hope for his restoration to health and usefulness, but a relapse again prostrated him and ended all his earthly sufferings.

Married in this village on 25th ult. by H. Colman, Esq., Mr. Joshua French of West Hampton, Mass. to Miss Harriet Litchfield of this town.

Married in Humphrey on the 23d ult. by Hector Prichard, Esq. Mr. John Wright to Miss Angeline Pierce, both of Humphrey.

Died in this village on the 19th inst. Hannah, wife of Gideon Lattin, formerly from Hartwick, Otsego County in the seventy-sixth year of her age. Eulogy.

Died in Randolph on the 24th ult. after a short but severe illness, attended with convulsions and terminating in congestion of the brain, Walter Crowley, father of Sheriff Crowley in the 77th year of his age. Mr. C. was formerly from Vermont.

April 8, 1851

Died in Mansfield on the 22d ult. Mrs. Deborah Smith, mother of Jas L. Smith, aged 75 years.

Died at Batavia on the 1st inst. Mrs. Rachel Evans, mother of eh late David E. Evans in the 86th year of her age.

Died in Utica of consumption, Gustavus Kellogg, aged 27 years, son of Spencer Kellogg, Esq.

April 16

Married in this village on the 10th inst. by Rev. Thos. Morris, Mr. Richard L. Cary to Miss Lucia A. Beecher, daughter of Moses Beecher, Esq. all of this village.

April 30

Married in Springville on the 24th inst. by Rev. W. Metcalfe, Rev. Alban T. Cole of Freedom in this county to Miss Sarah J. Bailey of Concord, Erie County

Married at St. John's Church in this village on Tuesday morning last, 29th inst. by Rev. Dr. Bruce, James O. Crosby Esq. attorney and counsellor at Law to Miss Caroline C. youngest daughter of Anson Gibbs Esq. all of this village.

Died at Sinclearville on the 26th inst. after a long and severe illness, Melinda, wife of Nathan Crosby, formerly of Little Valley aged 43 years and 22 months.

Died in South Valley on the 21st of March last, Sophia King Flagg, after an illness of six days, aged 3 years, 7 months, 14 days.

Died in South Valley on the 16th of March after an illness of a few days, Frank D. infant son of George and Elvira Watkins, aged 11 months and 13 days.

May 7, 1851

Died in Columbus, South Carolina on the 1st of April last, Mr. George C. Hooker, aged about 39 years, formerly of Buffalo and son of Jonathan Hooker, Esq. of Arcade.

May 14

Married in Corridon, Pa., on the 27th of April last, by John Woodbeck, Esq., Mr. Henry Cosverse to Miss Ellen Morrison, both of that place.

[missing issues]

July 16

Married in this village on Sunday last, by Anson Gibbs, esq., Mr. Wallace Horton to Miss Sarah Jane Terry both of Burton.

August 20

Married in Franklinville on Sunday evening last at McGeorge's Hotel by Lewis J. Mason, Esq., Jr. Thomas A. Tillinghast to Miss Paulina Goodspeed, both of Sardinia.

Married at Waverly on the 7th inst. by Rev. H. Eddy, Mr. Joseph Harkness of Springville, Erie County to Miss Herma Johnson of the former place.

Married at the same time, by the same Mr. James Ferris to Miss Annette Johnson, both of Waverly.

Died in Albany on 8th inst. Margaret, youngest daughter of Thomas and Margaret McElroy, aged 15 years.

Died at Bridgeport, Ct. on 4th inst. of consumption, Mrs. Ruth Carrier, mother-in-law of J. King Skinner, of this village aged 52 years.

October 21, 1851

Married in Machias on 21st inst. by Rev. E.W. Clark, of Arcade, Mr. Andrew R. Walker of Yorkshire to Miss Jane Andrews of the former place.

Married in Mansfield on 19th inst. by C.G. McKay,Esq. Mr. Albert Satterlee of Otto, to Miss Mary Ballard of Mansfield.

Married in Collins on the 11th inst. by Rev. Mr. Conley, John J. Gurnsey Esq. of Leon to Miss Eunice N. daughter of Joshua Palmerton of the former place.

Died in Humphrey on the 23d ult. Sarah Ann Crary, mother of Dr. Augustus Crary, aged 86 years.

Died in Mansfield on the 19th inst. Capt. Wm. Travis, aged about 50 years.

November 5

Married in this village on 5th inst. by Rev. H. Eddy, Mr. Frederick A. Saxton to Miss Ada M. Bentley, all of this place.

January 21 1852 [only issue for this year]

no local marriages of deaths reported.

May 12 1853

Married at the Clarendon house in Buffalo on 3d inst. by Rev G.W. Hancock, Mr C.K. Judson, Editor of The Randolph Whig to Miss Lucie Ingersoll of Clarendon, Orleans County N.Y.

Married in Randolph on 3d inst. by Rev. J. Howard, Mr. Robert Carr to Miss Ann A. Hall, all of Randolph.

Died in Franklinville on 26th ult. Maria M. wife of Dwight Giddins in the 33rd year of her age.

May 19

Married in Chesterfield, Mass. on 8th inst. by ___ Bisbee, Esq. Mr. Quartus Rust of this Town, to Mrs. Sarah Todd of Chesterfield.

May 26, 1853

Married in Gowanda on 15th inst. by Rev. S.S. Morgan, Mr. Abraham Dyget and Miss Margaret Emeline Kas, both of Ashford.

Died in this village on the 18th inst. Mrs. Lydia Powers aged 80 years and 10 months.

Died in Mansfield on the 14th inst. Mary Gray, aged 23 years.

June 2

Married in Allegany on 26th ult. by Warren Onon, Esq. Mr. Harry Atwater of Hinsdale to Miss Abby C. Wiley, of Oleans.

Married in East Randolph, on the 17th ult. by Rev. A. Burgess, Dr. N.F. Marsh to Miss Aurelia Burt all of Ellington.

Married in Machias, on 2nd inst. by Heman G. Button, Esq. Mr. John Oaks to Miss Elizabeth Tisdale, both of Franklinville.

Died in Olean on 21st inst. Mrs. Rhoda Comstock, widow of the late Mr. Andrew Comstock, formerly of Monticello, Sullivan County NY and more recently of Buffalo, in the 66th year of her age.

June 9

Married in St. Paul's church Erie, June 6 by Rev. Thos. P. Tyler, L.L. Pratt, Esq., of the Fredonia Advertiser to Sarah S., daughter of A. Buckingham, Esq. all of Fredonia.

Married in Fredonia on the 4th inst. by Rev. Daniel Clarke, Jr. Mr. Edward S. Tefft to Miss Amelia Hunt, both of Jamestown.

Married in Perrysburgh on the 25th ult. by Rev. Mr. Blackman, Mr. Devillo Smith of Arkwright to Miss Betsey Cooper, of the former place.

Died in Sinclearville on 23d ult. in the 30th year of her age of pulmonary consumption, Mrs. M. Ann Barnes, wife of Rev. N.H. Barnes (pastor of the Presbyterian church in that place,) and daughter of Dr. David Bennie, of Olean.

June 16, 1853

Brevet Major General Riley died at Buffalo on the 9th inst. age 66 years. He went to California in 1848, where he served gallantly until ill health compelled him to return home. He has been suffering some time from cancer. He leaves and wife and five children.

Died in Great Valley on 9th inst. Mr. Rodman Bryant, aged 49 years.

Died in this village on Sunday last, William Johnston, Esq. an old resident of this village aged about 68 years.

June 23

We learn that a widow lady named Leonard committed suicide by drowning on Monday night at Hinsdale. She retired to rest that evening as usual and her lifeless body was discovered the following morning in the canal. Her health has been poor and it is supposed that she laboring under mental derangement. From Olean Journal, 8th.

July 7

Married in this village on the 4th inst. by J. McCoy, Esq. Mr. Cyrus Briggs of Genesee, Allegany County to Miss Catherine E. Root of Ellicottville.

Married in Sinclearville on 29th ult. by Rev. N. H. Barnes, Mr. Samuel Scudder to Miss A. M. Gould, all of Randolph.

Married in Clear Creek June 30 by Rev. Mr. Burgess, Mr. Charles Beers of East Randolph to Miss Eunice Harmon, of the former place.

Also, Mr. Phalo Beers of Rutledge to Miss Phebe Tilcon of Ellington.

July 14, 1853

Married in Yorkshire on 5th inst. by Rev. Mr Bliss, Mr. William Vibbard of Yorkshire to Miss Marietta Blount of Machias.

Married in this village on 28th ult. by Rev. Mr. McKiver, Mr. John Carney to Miss Joanna Brodrick, all of this village.

Died in this village on 9th inst. Sarah A. wife of Moses Beecher, Jr. of this place and eldest daughter of Mr. A.F. Taylor of Fredonia, Chau. County

Died in Chicago on 21st ult. Mr. Abram Fero, son of Robert Fero of Buffalo aged 28 years.

Died at Hartwick Seminary on the 1st inst. William Derbyshire in his 73d year.

Died in Great Valley on 11th inst. Stephen Searl, son of Arza Searl aged about 20 years.

July 21, 1853

Married in Randolph on 12th inst. by Rev. Taylor, Mr. L.L. Hall of East Randolph to Miss Carrie B. daughter of E. Draper of Randolph.

Married in Panama on 4th inst. by Rev. S. Gregg, Rev. Noble W. Jones of the Eric Conference of the M.E. Church to Miss Mary M. Edwards of Panama. by the same Mr. Wm. Rice to Miss Sarah E. Allen both of Harmony.

Married in Wallingford, Vt. July 7 by Rev. S.L. Elliot, Mr. H.A. Frew of Frewsburg, N.Y. to Miss Jeanette E. Cock of the former place.

Died in Yorkshire on the 8th inst. Mrs. Emily Bond, wife of Mr. John Bond and daughter of Mr. Ezekiel Pierce, aged twenty years and six months.

August 11

Married at Elmira on the 21st ult. by Rev. Dr. Murdock, Wm. Trapp, Esq. to Miss Elmina Green, both of that place.

Married at Greenbush, Ill. on the 21st ult. by L.L. Ury, Esq. Mr. Daniel B. McKay, M.D. formerly of Mansfield in this county to Mrs. Rebecca Simon of Greenbush.

Married at Gowanda on 1st inst. by Rev. J. Kennards, Mr. Shuble Lewis, Esq. of Orleans County to Miss Mary Bugbee of Gowanda.

Died at Dayton on July 21st, O.M. Olmstead, aged 42 years and 4 months.

Died in Olean on the 27th inst. of typhoid fever, Mr. Edwin B. Andrews aged 47 years and 10 months.

Died on the 4th ult. at the Island of St. Thomas, Captain I. Morris Cooper, only son of the late Isaac Cooper, Esq. of Cooperstown, aged about 40 years.

August 18, 1853

Married at the Mansion House in Gowanda on the 7th inst. by T.J. Parker, Esq., Mr. Isaac A. Roberts to Miss Electa C. Ingram, both of Otto.

August 25

Married at Saratoga Springs on the 28th ult. by Rev. A. Baxter, Mr. C.H. Trotter to Miss Eliza A. Gallup of East Avon.

September 1

Died in this village on Monday morning last, Jesse Cummings, aged 5 months, infant daughter of Moses Beecher, jr.

September 8

Married in New Albion on 5th inst. by Rev. G.S. Gowdy, Mr. H.D.V. Pratt of Hume, Allegany County to Miss Mary C. Hillabrant of New Athens.

Married in Centerville August 27th by Mr. Hopkins, Mr. James K, Clark of Dunkirk, formerly of this place to Miss Freelie E. Smith of Farmersville.

Married in Randolph August 28thby Rev. J. Howard, Hon. Rufus Crowley, merchant at Randolph to Miss Adaline Hitchock.

Married in Olean on the 28th inst. by David Day Esq., Mr. Lewis Boyington to Miss Mary S. Lockwood both of Allegany.

September 15, 1853

Died in this village on Saturday last of consumption, at the residence of her brother, E. Harmon, Esq., Miss Clinne Harmon aged about 30 years.

October 20

Married in Ashford on the 28th ult. by Elder Joseph Parking, Mr. Noah Pratt to Miss Jane M. Holden, both of Ashford.

Died at Chenango Forks, Broome County on the 16th ult. Mrs. Alice M. Nichols, wife of Eli B. Nichols, Esq. of Olean, aged 24 years.

November 3

Died in Great Valley on 22dn ult. in the 33d year of her age, Margaret, wife of James Craig.

November 10, 1853

Married in this town on 2nd inst. by Elder Raymond, Mr. Asa Clement to Miss Caroline Bartlett.

Married in East Randolph on the 26th ult. by Rev. G.W. Chesbrough, Mr. Alfred V. Fuller of Cold Spring to Miss Helen A. Buck of Jamestown.

Died in Livonia, Livingston County on the 29th of October ult. Mr. Eli Murray, formerly of this village age 67 years.

Died in this village on the 6th inst. after a lingering illness of eight months. Miss Mary Lucinda only daughter of John W. Staunton, in the 24th year of her age. She was a native of this village and endeared herself to all. Eulogy.

November 17

Married in Franklinville on 9th inst. by Rev. C.B. Reed, Mr. Charles B. M'Clure to Miss Sarah C. Sumner all of Franklinville.

Married in Machias on 5th inst. by Heman G. Bolton, Esq. Mr. Marshal Jones of China, Wyoming County to Miss Almira Bakeman of Freedom.

Married in West Franklinville on 12th inst. by the same Mr. Isaac Hazleton to Mrs. Roxey Warren both of West Franklinville.

Died in Humphrey (Sugartown) on the 10th inst. Benjamin Barrow, aged 19.

Died in Yorkshire on the 14th inst., Elizabeth Marsh, aged 82 years, mother of Lewis Marsh, Esq.

December 1, 1853

Died in this village on 27th inst. David Gregory, Sen. in the 74th year of his age. Mr. Gregory was one of our oldest inhabitant and a man of more than ordinary energy and capacity. Some years ago, he was the acting Sheriff of eh county. He was a member of the Freemasons by whom ceremonies were held.

Died in this village on Saturday last, James Parker, only son of Mr. John Parker in the 15th year of his age.

Died in this village on Saturday last, Mrs. Dinah Griffin, formerly of Mansfield, aged 66 years and 9 months.

December 8

Married in Franklinville on 1st inst., by Rev. C.B. Reed, Mr. J.H. Seward of Hinsdale to Miss L.C. Cooley of the former place.

December 22

Died in Randolph on 14th inst. Hon. R. Owen, Jr. aged 33 years.

Died in Coldspring, November 12th W.F. Henshaw, aged 56 years.

January 5, 1854

Married in Otto on 1st inst. by Rev. S.B. Thompson, Mr. G.J. Witherell to Miss Margaret A. Cross, both of Great Valley.

Married in Jamestown on 29th inst. by Rev. S.P. Marvin, Mr. George Perkins and Miss Marian Eddy, al of Jamestown.

January 26

Died in Binghampton on 14th inst. Mary Martha wife of Cyrus Strong, jr. Esq. and daughter of Col. John H. Prentise of Cooperstown aged 3(3?) years.

Died in Randolph on Friday the 20 inst. of typhoid fever, Dr. J.W. Hill, aged 34 years.

February 9

Died in East Randolph on 30th of January Eliza C. Otis wife of Mr. N.G. Otis and adopted daughter of Hon. B. Chamberlain and daughter of Jesse and Sally Walker of East Randolph. She suffered from pulmonary disease for six months which terminated in disease of the brain. She leaves an infant daughter at the tender age of three years. She was a member of M.E. Church.

Memorial of the Portville Loge No. 237 of IOOF for Henry T. Leighton who died 23d October last at Crescent City, Oregon Territory. Mentions widow and surviving relations.

February 16, 1854

Married in Great Valley on 18th January last, by Rev. Mr. Buck Mr. A.W. Raney of Mansfield to Miss Sarah Williams of Great Valley.

March 2

Married in this village on the 22d ult. by Rev. E.M. Buck, Mr. Myron Sutherland of Batavia, Genesse County to Miss Roselle Drury of Franklinville.

March 9

Married in Otto on 22d of Feb. ult by S.B. Thompson, Esq, Mr. George H. Beebe of Poland, Herkimer County to Miss Nancy J. Pratt of Otto.

Married in this village on Sat. last by E. Dickinson, Esq., Mr. John McMillen to Miss Susan Reed.

Died in Farmersville on 18th ult. James Giles, age 70 years.

March 16

Married in this village on Sunday last by Rev. Mr. Buck, Mr. Hayden L. Litchfield to Miss Louisa Burlingame.

March 23, 1854

Died in this village on the 13th inst., Elsie Drano age 59 years.

April 6

From Machias: Master George Loomis, aged about 12 years, only son of William and Emma Loomis of this town came to his death by the falling of a tree, by persons engaged in getting fire-wood on Tuesday the 27th inst. Description of character.

Died in this village on Friday evening last, Mr. Harmonie Vibbard, aged 55 years sister of Quartus Rust, Esq.

Died in this village on 26th inst. Mrs. Hannah McCoy, wife of John McCoy, Esq. aged 67 years and 5 months. Long eulogy.

April 13, 1854

Married in Springville on 4th inst. by Rev. W. Metcalf Mr. James H. Colwell of Sardinia, to Miss Sarah Ann Newton of Springville

Married at East Randolph on 5th inst., by Wm. K. Miller, Esq. Mr. George Murch to Miss Lucy Green both of Ellington, Chaut. County

Died at Napoli after a long and most distressing illness, Mary P. wife of Rev. C.H. Baldwin, on April 3d, age 29 years.

The Cattaraugus Republican

Volume I, Number 1 A.W. Perrin, Editor and Publisher

Ellicottville, New York

February 7, 1867

Married in Ellicottville on 31st ult. by Rev. L.P. Sabin, Mr. Joseph Wilson and Miss Juliette Harvey, both of Mansfield.

Died in Ashford on the 20th ult., A.P. Weber, age 20y, 7m.

February 14

Died at Allegany, New York on 9th inst., Noah Lehman, a native of Germany, aged about 50 years.

February 21, 1867

Died at Ellicottville on 18th inst., Waterman Williams, aged about 60 years.

March 7

Married at Franklinville on 28th ult. by Rev. Solomon Cummings, Mr. M.M. Fay of Mansfield to Miss Katie E. Johnston of Ellicottville.

Married at Fredonia on 2d inst., Mr. John Nelson and Miss Sylvia Bennett, both of Great Valley.

Married in Chicago on the 14th ult., Mr. Madison Scobey of Springville and Miss Agnes Bensley of Chicago.

March 14

A son of James Hayes of Franklinville, aged 4 years died recently from injuries received by inhaling steam from the spout of a tea kettle.

T.T. Bloomer, Esq., a will known and popular landlord of Buffalo, died last week.

March 21, 1867

Married at Mansfield on March 13th by Rev. L.P. Sabin of Ellicottville, Mr. Oliver Velzy and Miss Lydia A. Bedient of Mansfield.

Died at Great Valley on the 16th inst., Ives Chamberlain, aged 60 years.

April 4

Galusha H. Snyder of Hinsdale was killed last Saturday by a train when his horses became frightened and dashed onto the track. Mr. Snyder was a soldier of the war for the Union, was a man of good habits and excellent moral character. Left a young wife. From the Cuba Era.

April 14

Married 8th inst. by J.J. Latham, D.W. Day, M.D. of Elkader, Iowa and Miss E.M. Smith of Franklinville.

Married at Ellicottville on April 11th at the residence of O.T. Drown, Esq. by Rev. L.P. Sabin, Mr. Richard McCadden of Ellicottville and Miss Debbie A. Groat of Ashford.

April 25

Married [should be died] in this village on the 18th inst., Mrs. Rhoda Dills wife of Mr. John Dills, aged 76 years.

May 2

Married on 21st inst. in Sandusky, Cattaraugus County by   Wheeler, Esq., Mr. James Oswald, late of Springville to Miss Mary E. Crandall of Sandusky.

Died at Leon, Monroe County, Wisconsin on 16th ult., Mrs. Cynthia French, wife of John French and formerly of this village, age 68 years.

May 9

Died at the residence of her son N.S. Kingsley in Summit, Minnesota, Mrs. Orril Kingsley on 24th of January last, age 77 years.

Died in Mansfield on 25th ult., Mr. Austin Eddy, son of Sheldon Eddy, age 17 years.

May 16, 1867

Died in East Ashford on 3rd inst. of dropsy, Carlos Starks, aged 54 years and 2 days.

Died in New Ashford on 4th inst, George W. King, aged 54 years, 5 months, 28 days.

Died in LeRoy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania on 12th ult, Nathan Kelborn, aged 59 years, 5 months.

Died in East Otto on the 4th inst. at the residence of his father, Nathaniel N. Tefft, Esq. of diphtheria, Olive D. Tefft, age 18 years, 26 days.

Died in Ashford on the 9th inst., Mrs. Hannah Degert, age 77 years.

From The Westfield Republican: On the 1st inst, Rollin F. Kingsley, aged 13 years, son of Chester Kingsley of Ripley shot himself accidentally with a musket resulting in almost instant death.

C.A.B. Foster, mail carrier on Fort Bowie and Messella (NM) route was lately attacked on the plains by a party of six Indians with whom he kept a running fight for 2˝ miles `till he fell form his horse after killing two of his assailants and wounding others. He was a native of Chautauque County and intended that as his last trip after which he would return home.

May 23, 1867

Died in New Ashford on 4th inst, George W. Kingman, aged 84 years.

With the deepest sorrow and regret, we announce the death of Mrs. Amanda C. Green w/o Henry C. Green of Persia, who departed this life 16th inst. at the residence of James C. Green in Otto, aged 37y, 10m, 26d. Four years ago, the 15th of last April, Mr. and Mrs. Green buried a son aged 4 years. At the funeral Mrs. Green got wet and took cold and has since been sick with lung disease terminating in her death. Eulogy.

Col. C.O. Shepard died in Arcadia on 19th inst. He twice ran for Lt. Governor on the Abolitionist ticket.

May 30

From Dunkirk Journal: William Darlington, a deaf and dumb man, was killed by the [railroad] cars at the station last week. He came from Forrestville and was selling steel plate engravings. He was about 50-60 years old. Details.

June 6

Married in Arcade on 28th ult., by Rev. Dewey, Mr. O.F. Hawkins of Franklin and Miss Libbie M. Smith of Arcade.

Married in Otto by Rev. Mr. Warner, Mr. A.D. Lake to Miss Eliza Dewey, all of Otto.

Married in Great Valley on June 5th by Rev. L.P. Sabro, Mr. Samuel Hogg to Miss Viola Boss, both of Great Valley.

Thomas Edgerton, Esq. of Allegany died at his residence on 24th ult. He was a man of high literary culture and positive strong moral and principles.

June 13, 1867

Married in East Ashford by Rev. Dr. Johnston, Mr. Samuel E. Forbes of Denver, Michigan to Miss Florence M. Dowd of East Ashford.

Married in Great Valley on 11th inst. by Rev. Mr. Waterbury of Cuba, Mr. E.D. Wilcox of Jamestown to Miss Fanny D., youngest daughter of Bethuel McCoy, Esq. of Great Valley.

Died in this village 9th inst. at the residence of her son, Marcena Brooks, Mrs. Orange Brooks, aged 78 years, relict of the late Edward Brooks.

June 27

The body of the boy found in the Allegany River at the mouth of Chipmunk Creek on the 17th inst. is Daniel Mehegan, a lad who has been missing from the college since the 16th ult. Mehegan has a mother in New Jersey.

Married the 18th inst. by Rev. W.W. Norton, Mr. Eugene French to Miss Ellen Losee, all of Otto.

Also married on the same day by the Rev. W. L. Warner, Mr. Chester Soule of Otto to Miss Lucy Stebbins of Mansfield.

July 4, 1867

Married in Ashford Hollow by Rev. N.F. Langmade of E. Ashford, Mr. Anderson Rowland, Jr. of Ashford to Miss Mary E. Blowers of Ellicottville.

Also by the same at East Ashford on June 22nd, Mr. George A. Lawten to Miss Adaline Cradler, all of East Ashford.

Died at Humphrey on 26th ult., Mr. Arnold King, aged 76 years.

Died at Little Valley on 29th ult. Mr. Rufus Huntley, aged 71 years. He was an old resident and well known as a man of strictest integrity.

Willie Ackley, a lad of 4 or 5 years drowned in the aqueduct at Olean a few days since. It was supposed he fell into the water while playing with a small boat.

July 11

Married at Irvine Hall on the 8th inst. by George E. Cagwin, Esq., Mr. Robert C. Blair of Mill Village, Pennsylvania, to Miss Emma R., youngest daughter of E.A. Austin, Esq. of Machias.

July 18, 1867

Married in this village on 20th ult., Mr. George M. Ball to Miss Emma Hollister, both of Mansfield.

Married at Portage Falls on the 4th inst., Mr. Marcus Butler to Miss Emma Ballard, the eldest daughter of Nathan Ballard, Esq., all of Mansfield.

Married at Gowanda on the 4th inst. at the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Abner Ballard to Miss Jane Peck, all of Otto.

July 25

Mr. Lathrop L. Hills, brother of Milton Hills of Nunda was murdered on the plains recently by the Indians. The deceased was Division Engineer on the Union Pacific Railroad. When his body was found, 19 arrows were found and five pistol balls were lodged in his body.

Married at Irvine Hall on 20th inst. by Rev. L.P. Sabin, Mr. Philip Ditcher to Miss Melissa Wing, both of East Otto.

Mr. William Bagnall, esteemed citizen of Olean, died when a plank he was sawing was dislodged and thrown with great violence into Mr. Bagnall's stomach. He died a little after midnight on Friday.

Died in East Ashford on July 6th, Mr. Nelson Hadley of inflammation of the bowels, in his 61st year. He was born in Brattleborough, Vermont where he entered business and married, but having poor health, he changed to farming. He came here in 1850 and was a member of the Congregational Church. Description of character.

August 1, 1867

Mr. Anson Jones, a former resident in New Albion committed suicide on Thursday last week shooting himself through the body. Intemperance was said to be the cause of this rash act.

August 8

Married at the residence of the bride's father on July 31 by the Rev. A.S. Dobbs, Mr. Charles K. Farnsworth of Hume, New York to Miss Drucilla Wiler of Connewango.

Married at the residence of the bride's father in Cuba on July 14 by Rev. T.W. Potter, Mr. John Graham of Huron Township, Canada West to Miss Ama J. Braden of Cuba, Alleganay County

Also married on July 16 by the same at the parsonage in Hinsdale {paper torn} McCain of Tidoute, Pa. to Miss Hannah Williams.

Married at East Ashford on July 21st by Rev. N.F. Langmade, Mr. Ephraim H. Bryant of Ellicottville to Miss Amelia M. Hitchcock of Ashford.

August 15, 1867

Died the 8th in Humphrey, Mrs. Emma Wheeler, wife of John Wheeler, aged 26 years.

Died in Eddyville on 2nd inst. with protracted consumption, Frederick Crandal in the 30th year of his age.

Joseph Boghle, a German, was found dead near the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad between Bucktooth Creek and Salamanca soon after the train passed. He was an old man living near the railroad track.

August 22

Married in this village on the 18th by Timothy Walsh, Esq., Mr. Arthur Kane and Miss Mary Booth, both of Great Valley.

August 29, 1867

Married on 20th by Rev. Dr. John Johnston at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Henry H. Hadley and Miss Libbie A. Wiltse, all of East Ashford.

Married the 25th inst. by Rev. T.W. Potter, Mr. John M. Nichols of Kingsville, Ashtabula County, Ohio to Miss Hannah M. White of Olean.