September 26, 1835
A.B. Calhoun, Administrator to the estate of William Scott, late of Coweta Co., will sell real estate at the courthouse door in Newnan.
Jurors for Coweta County:
Bird Parks, F.M.
Thomas Jones
Jules Underwood
Peyton Pinkard
Thomas M'Lendon
Willard Fisher
Wm. U. Anderson
Abraham North
Thomas Hudson
Henry Keller
William A. Terrell
George Scott
Joel W. Terrell
Benjamin S. Tarver
Samuel B. Hutchinson
John Hinton
William Spratlin
Thomas Watson
Aquilla Hardy
James G. Stewart
Bennett Conyers, Administrator will make application for sale of Negroes and Land belonging to the estate of John Boling, deceased.
Allen B. Powell, Executor of James Powell, senior, deceased vs. James Powell junior. Coweta Superior Court September Term 1834. Appeal.
Whereas Joseph B. Hannon applies for letters of Guardianship for the persons and property of Alex Goulden, Michael Goulden, William Goulden, Levi Goulden and Emeline Goulden, minors, in Coweta Co.
All persons indebted to the estate of Elizabeth Underwood, deceased, late of Coweta Co. are requested to come forward and make payment to L.M. Hunnicutt, Administrator
Whereas Nimrod Childs applies for letters of Guardianship for the person and property of Ezekiel Cothron, a minor in Coweta Co.
Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Duke, deceased, late of Coweta Co. have been made by Joshua T. Duke.
Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Featherston, deceased, late of Coweta Co. have been made by Ira E. Smith
Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Johnson Miller, deceased, late of Burke Co. North Carolina have been made by Robert J. Miller
Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Lewis Sims, deceased, late of Coweta Co. have been made by Wm. G. Andrew and George Scott.
W.W. Selman, and Charity Dempsey, Administrators will make application for sale of lands belonging to estate of Levi Dempsey, deceased.
Negro man named George belonging to estate of Lewis Sims will be sold at auction by Wm. G. Andrews and George Scott, Administrators.
Pleasant Jones warns the public against taking the notes of Andrew T. Ray.
Garland Dabney and J.W. Calhann, guardians for William H. and Elizabeth A. Dabney, orphans of Andrew Dabney, late of Jasper Co. will apply to court in DeKalb Co. to sell land.
Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah Grace, deceased, late of Hancock Co. have been made by John Sims to the court in Coweta Co.
October 17, 1835
Asa and Michael Dickson will make application to the Inferior Court of Coweta Co. to sell land belonging to estate of John Dickson, late of said county.
The State vs. John Clark. Indictment for Perjury in Merriwether Superior Court.
Four months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court in Coweta Co. to sell lands belonging to orphans of Benjamin Selman, deceased. W.W. Selman, Guardian.
April 14, 1836
G.W.E. Bedell and John Walker have dissolved partnership by mutual consent.
T.W. Bolton has taken the House called the Golden Star in Newnan connected with the Bell Tavern.
$25.00 reward for return of Negro, Kate, about 18 years of age, who ran away on the 18th inst. and took a boy 2 years old with her. She is well known in Wilkes Co. and also in Columbia. C.F. Sherburne.
Wm. T. Williamson warns persons from trespassing or intruding upon Lot No. 33 in 5th District, Coweta Co.
Cary Cotton and Sarah Cotton, Administrators will sell perishable property of Weaver Cotton, deceased, of 2nd District, Coweta Co. on 5th May.
Wm. R. Pickett of Mountvintage, Alabama, advertises that a stranger called on Sunday 14th inst. at his house with severe ague. He stated his name was Moses; residence Coweta Co., Georgia, and that he was on business with a person in Ralls Co. Alabama and that he had a wife and six children. He had a letter on his person directed to James Reser or Buser; he had a memorandum as though he intended to enter land in Twp. 13, Range 27 on the back was written "Selma, Alabama." I am sorry to say he died last evening notwithstanding every possible exertion was made to save his life. February 17, 1836.
Henry Garrett forewarns persons from trading for two promissory notes, one on A.C. Boone dated 16th of this inst. and the other given by him to Larry Guce dated 24th inst.
Sarah Martin vs. Wm. F. Martin. Libel for Divorce. Coweta Co.
Four months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court in Coweta Co. to sell lands belonging to Martha Ann Powell, a minor. Wm. Spratling, Guardian.
Archibald Conner, a carpenter by trade, ran away about 8 or 10th inst. He has been working in the neighborhood the last three or four years and is about 22 to 25 years of age with genteel appearance. He got credited at almost every store and tavern in the county and then took --- French leave.
$150.00 Reward to Stop the Murderers!! George Blackwood, a half-breed Cherokee Indian and brother-in-law to Van and relation to J. Ross who was confined for the crime of murder and broke from the Coweta Co. jail on 23d. inst. Also $50.00 reward for Richard T. Hardin who broke at the same time. Hardin was confined for intent to murder, was a shoemaker by trade and lived in Jackson and DeKalb counties. Has left a wife and children here. Richard B. Wooten, Sheriff.
Four Negroes: Ailsy and her child one year of age, Harriet, about 9 years, and Warren, about 4 years of age, will be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of James Hamrick, deceased, by James M. Hamrick and Margaret Hamrick, Administrators.
April 16, 1841
Married in Franklin, Heard Co., 8th April by Rev. Mr. S.M. Smith, Dr. J.W. Heflin to Miss Margaret E.A. Williams of Charleston, South Carolina.
Married in Augusta on 7th inst. by Rev. W.T. Brantley junr., Mr. Wm. G. Larke to Miss M.A. Dillon, all of Augusta.
Married in Augusta on 6th inst., Mr. Isaac Levy, to Miss Angelica Bydenfelt, both of that place.
Died in Athens on 4th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Julia, wife of Charles G. McKinley, Esq., of that place in the 26th year of her age leaving an infant daughter.
Died at his residence in Coweta Co., Mr. Philip Orr on 4th inst., aged 60y, 2m, 37d. His illness was first a severe inflammation of the throat bearing the form of quinsy, which continued for two months. He appeared to be getting better before the disease planted itself in the liver. Mr. Orr never made a public profession of religion by joining a Church, yet had for some years previous to his death entertained a hope in Christ. He was a kind husband, a good parent and worthy citizen. He left a wife and thirteen children.
Five negroes will be sold at Franklin, Heard Co., to wit: Jim, about 25 years, Evaline, a woman 19 years old, and her child; Betty, a woman 19 years old and her infant child, all levied on as the property of Thomas Wood to satisfy a debt in favor of Moore & Davis and others.
Sheriff's Sales:
Eleven Negroes: Jack, 30 years old and his wife, Ritter, 28 years; Lycurgus, 8 years, Sylva, 6 years, Jim, 3 years, Kizea, 18 months old, Roly, 55 years and his wife, Nancy 50 years old; Dick, about 43 years, John 42 years and Aggy about 7 years and three Lots of land in 3rd District levied as property of Thomas Watson to satisfy fi.fas. from Miscogee Superior Court.
One yoke of oxen and ox-cart levied on as the property of Nicholas Bellamy; one lot of land whereon Joseph Attaway now lives and two negro girls one named Becky, age 27 years and Alsey, about 25 years to satisfy two fi.fas. from Coweta inferior Court in favor of William W. Walker vs. Joseph Attaway and William Attaway and William E. Strong, security.
One lot of land whereon Parnol H. Skeen now lives in 9th district.
12½ cents reward for absconded apprentice, Matthew Shaw, about 16 years old. William Cole.