Newnan, Georgia

April 18, 1856

The District Court met at the time appointed by Mr. White of Kansas and in attendance were Col. Jeff Smith of our place, Col. Wright, resident attorney here, and Col. Butt of Campbellton. White failed to appear and rumor has it that he as been foully dealt with and that he was lying over at Jonesborough from the affects of a wound received in a recontre with a Rail Road Conductor. We heard from Mr. Looney, a whole-souled Kansas man, who made some excellent remarks.

            We learn that patriotic people here and in the vicinity are making or have already made arrangement to equip a company of young men headed by Capt. Rand Cook who expect to leave in time to "make the connection" at the next October election.

Lots 42, 23, and 9, lying in Carroll County belonging to late Horace Smith, deceased, will be sold by P.P. Grow, Administrator

David Bowling, Administrator, will apply to sell land of John R. Boyd, deceased, late of Carroll Co.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas Turner, deceased, late of Carroll Co. have been made by D.H. Witcher and Lourany Turner.

John B. Wilcoxon and W.L. Ligon have dissolved partnership by mutual consent.

James R. Hardman, Administrator of estate of John Hardman, will sell property in Coweta County at the courthouse in Newnan.

P.C. Diamond, A.Y. Blackman and Wm. Blackman, Executors will sell, pursuant to an order of the Carroll Court of Ordinary, the property of James Blackman, deceased. Property in Fayette Co., Cobb Co, Polk Co., Paulding Co. Sumter Co. and Calhoun Co.

R.S. Tonne, Executor of estate of Elias Curry, deceased will sell property in Carroll County.

Joseph T. Lane, Guardian for Mary Jane Chapman (formerly Mary Jane Mullion) applies for letters of dismission. Heard County.

Robert Spearman, Guardian for Benjamin T. Spearman, Robert T. Spearman and Sarah E. Spearman applies for letters of dismission. Heard County.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of William H. Hardigree, deceased, late of Heard Co. have been made by Kintchen Boon.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Willis R. Holderfield, deceased, late of Heard Co. have been made by John Foster, Sen.

Tubal C. Winchester, guardian for James W. Winchester applies for letters of dismission. Heard County.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Doctor N. Matthews, deceased, late of Heard Co. have been made by Alfred O. Stephens.

Mrs. R. Bohannon, Executor of estate of Joseph Bohannon, deceased, will sell property

of 1620 acres about six miles from Newnan.

Geo. B. Davis will sell his plantation lying on the Chattahooche River containing 333 1/3 acres.

Elenor Omary, Executrix. and John P.A. Wall, Executor will sell property in Carroll Co. belonging to G.W. Omary, deceased.

Eleanor Weldon, Executrix will sell property in Merriwether County where Isaac Weldon resided until his death.

$40.00 Reward for return of Negro woman, Fanny, age 35 years who ran away from Silas Gordon of Coweta Co.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Jeremiah Corley, deceased, late of Coweta Co. have been made by William Crim.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of Stephen Hearn, deceased, late of Coweta Co. have been made by Oliver and Jane Hearn.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of James Barron, deceased, late of Merriwether Co. have been made by Edward G. Matthews.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of James Barron, deceased, late of Merriwether Co. have been made by Sarah Barron and John B. Spears.

S.H. Hulsey and A.P. Green, Adms. on the estate of Wm. Green, deceased, late of Carroll County apply for letters of dismission.

Wm. F. Brown, guardian for J.G.W. Brown of Carroll Co. applies for letters of dismission.

Samuel Avery, Administrator of estate of John Curry, deceased applies for letters of dismission in Carroll Co.

Whereas Carington Knight applies for letters of Guardianship for the person and property of Francis J.C. Brantley, a minor in Carroll Co.

Application for Letters of Administration on the estate of John A. Smith, deceased, late of Carroll Co. have been made by William W. Smith

All persons having demands upon the estate of George Godfrey, deceased, late of Merriwether Co. are requested to present the same. Chas. B. Zuber, Adm.

All persons having demands upon the estate of Solomon T. Strickland, deceased, late of Heard Co. are requested to present the same. James H. Strickland, Administrator

Josiah Goggans, Administrator will apply to the Court of Ordinary in Carroll Co. for right to sell real estate belonging to estate of William Dryden, deceased.

C.F. Sherburne requests that friends indebted to him make immediate payment.