March 14, 1817

Taken up by James Marsh, Union Twp, Warren Co., a saddle mare; appraised by Samuel Horten and George Marsh. John M’Intire, J.P.

Rebecca Drake will offer cattle and goods at house of Peter Drake 1¼ miles south of Lebanon on 22 inst.

Sheriff’s Sale 12 April next at Lebanon for Lot No. 150, property of George Johnson and suit of Hannah Snook.

Sheriff’s Sale of SE¼ Sec. 11, Twp. 3, R4 for 160 acres, property of Martin Shewy at the suit of John Hormell.

April 4, 1817

David Ballard, late of Union Twp, Clinton Co., Ohio, deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. Spencer Ballard, Adm. and Mary Ballard, Admx.

April 11, 1817

Francis Davis intends to remove from Lebanon by 1 May and requests payment of debts.

Matthias Young cautions public from taking assignment of note given to George Whitmore.

James Brown of Lebanon offers reward for two stray horses.

Oliver Richardson has lost two sheep.

May 2, 1817

Margaret Bratton will sell one lot and a half of ground adjoining Mr. Alexander Crawford on Broadway.

Take up by John Reeder of Salem Twp, Warren Co., a bay mare; appraised by John Wilkerson and Daniel Thompson. James M’Manis, J.P.

Taken up by Elemuel G. Jackson of Richland Twp, Clinton Co, a gray filly; appraised by Timothy Jones and John Bennett. Samuel Reed, J.P.

Married 24th ult. by T. Simonton, Esq., Mr. Archibald Clinton to Miss Sarah Liggett, all of Hamilton Twp. Warren Co.

May 9, 1817

Absolem Runion & Joseph Berry, shoemakers, will dissolve partnership.

Married yesterday Mr. Isaac Foster of Lebanon to Miss Hannah Aughee of Clear Creek.

Died 5th inst., Mr. Martin Earheart of this vicinity, at the advanced age of 96.

Died 6th inst., Miss Harriett Halsey, daughter of I.B. Halsey of this vicinity which occurred from a cut on the knee.

June 6, 1817

Taken up by Even Thatcher, Clear Creek Twp, Warren Co., a bay mare; appraised by John Hunt and Joseph Evans. Thomas Venard, J.P.

Taken up by John Sellers, Clear Creek Twp, Warren Co., a black mare; appraised by John Norton and Jacomiah Seaman. Lewis Woodard, J.P.

Died Friday evening, Mrs. Stewart, consort of James Stewart of this vicinity.

Sheriff’s Sale on 28th inst. of sealed obligation given by Alexander Wilson to Richard Cunningham for $300, taken as property of Richard Cunningham at suit of John Mathers.

Andrew Lewis will offer reward of mare which strayed or was stolen from Millville, Butler Co.

Alexander Vanpelt, Adm. of John Abbott, deceased, will sell S½ of Lot 74 in Lebanon.

Chas. S. Root expects to be absent from Lebanon some time and thinks business should be settled.

Sheriff’s Sale 16 August of 80 acres of Section 16, property of Joseph James at the suit of Walter Jenkins.

Taken up by Jacob Stroub of Miami Twp, Clermont Co., a grey mare; appraised by Nathaniel Barber and John Miller. John Gest, J.P.

Taken up by Aaron Glenn of Turkey Creek, Warren Co., a dark bay mare; appraised by William Sinnard and Jacob Short. B. Sayre, J.P.

Taken up by Thomas Halloway of Wayne Twp, Warren Co. a black mare with colt; appraised by Richard Cunningham and Thomas Wilson. Martin Robison, J.P.

Taken up by John Rutter of Turkey Creek Twp, Warren Co., bay mare with colt; appraised by John Snook and George Rutter. B. Sayre, J.P.

Edward Boyle of Lebanon, Ohio desirous of hearing from James and Andrew Miller from Co. Tyrone, Parish of Ardstraw, Douglass Bridge, Ireland, who have been in the U.S. about 6 years.

Taken up by Daniel Carrol of Hamilton Twp, Warren Co., small dark bay mare; appraised by Michael M’Alister and Charles Farguire. James Smith, J.P.

Sheriff’s Sale on 26th inst. of horses, cattle and wagon, property of Joseph Silver, at the suit of Noah Hains, Adm. of Seth Silver, deceased.

(Undated page-- appears to be 1812) Petition filed in the Supreme Court by Rebecca Matthews asking for divorce from her husband, George Matthews, on the grounds of cruel treatment. Filed June 26, 1812, Warren Co.

Charity Cumming, W.C. Schenk, Adms. will sell real estate of John M’Cashen, deceased, consisting of part of Section 27, Twp. 2, 5R between Miami Rivers. Franklin, July 21, 1812.

Taken up by James Pugh, Wayne Twp, Warren Co., a bay mare; appraised by Abijah Oneall and J. Kelly Oneall. Gaines Goode, J.P. August 13, 1812.

Barzilla Clark of Lebanon advertises for apprentice to cabinet making business.

Taken up by Levi Moore of Franklin Twp, Warren Co., a bright bay horse; appraised by David Bunnel and Daniel Richardson, John Blair, J.P.

Christian Null and John Kesling, Adms. will sell on 3rd Sept. real estate of Henry Null, deceased, of Clear Creek, Warren Co.

Taken up by William Berry, of Turkey Creek, Warren Co., a yellow mare; appraised by James St. Clair and Robert Humfizer. John T. Jack, J.P.

Taken up by Isaiah Wilson, Wayne Twp, Warren Co., black horse; appraised by Jeremiah Wilson and Samuel Warton. Gaines Goode, J.P.

Taken up by James Sutton, Jr. of Lemon Twp, Butler Co., a bay horse; appraised by William Garret and Zadoc Saxton. Daniel Strickland, J.P.

Taken up by Lemuel Garison of Vernon Twp, Clinton Co, a black horse; appraised by James Hale and __Smalley. James M’Manis, J.P.

Eli Foster, Adm. estate of Catharine Thompson, deceased, of Deerfield Twp, Warren Co. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year.

Taken up by Moorman Johnson of Silver Creek Twp, Green Co., a bright bay horse and dark mare; appraised by Samuel Johnson and John Watson, jr. John Watson Sen. J.P.

Mr. Jefferson Hamilton, a native of Ireland and formerly of White Castle, Co. Donegal, parish of Moville who married Miss Hussy Dun in Co. of Antrem[sic], near Calugh Mills, or their heirs, please inform Wm. Smith, formerly of town of Crekenton, Co. Donegal, parish Moville and now of Green Co. Ohio of their whereabouts. Also family of Church Smith, formerly of Donegal, Town of Drumire, parish of Glaneely; also of Miss Nancy Greg who was married to George Smith and daughter of Andrew Greg, ship merchant in Londonderry who came to Boston in time of American War.

Taken up by David Bunnel of Franklin Twp, a dark horse; appraised by David Kelsey and Nicholas Fye. John Blair, J.P.

Public Sale Sept. 5th at house of Abraham Bush.

Taken up by Levi Lukens, Wayne Twp, Warren Co., light chestnut mare; appraised by William Tate and Abijah Oneal. G. Goode, J.P.

Taken up by Bruster Reed, Turkey Creek, Twp, Warren Co. Sorrel horse colt; appraised by John Stitt and Samuel Trousdale. James Long, J.P.

July 18, 1817

List of Letters remaining in the Post Office which, if not taken out by the first of October next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters.

Alexander, Joseph Cummins, John Hanie, George Maloy, Patrick Shields, Robert
Alexander, James Carr, Robt Hines, Hugh M’Millin, John Stubbs, Isaac
Athorn, Lesley F. Crage, John Heaton, David S. Minor, Barbara Scull, William
Anderson, Thomas

Coles, Joseph

Houch, Jame[sic] Martin, John Sacket, Nathaniel
Alexander, Sarah Cree, Robert

Hantley, Martin

Miller, Solomon

Sleeper, Jonathan
Austin, John

Cowgal, George

Herman, Andrew Moby, Wm. W. Lee, Hannah
Bateman, Jacob Clements, Richard Harper, Joseph Newport, Thomas Shockney, John
Brandon, Margaret Cooper, Charles M. Humnich, Philip Nichols, Thos. Stryker, Peter
Bratton, Wallace Coulson, Wm. Hart, George

Nickerson, Joshua

Shipler, James

Bracken, Margaret Deckart, Daniel Harlin, George Oxly, Aaron Stibs, Henry
Berry, Joseph Drew?, Rebecca Hill, James Esq. Porter, Nathaniel Stiles, Joseph
Bowman, Hugh Daugherty, John Hall, Thos. Piatt, James Sheriff of Warren Co.: William Peacock
Blackford, William Doughman, Josephus Hardy, George Parsell, David Snider, John
Biglow, Elizabeth Doughman, John Hampton, Jonathan Philips, John Smith, John
Bowers, Nathaniel Ensor, Anthony Harriman, David Philips, Samuel Teabrick, Capt.
Burges, Rev. Dyer Earheart, Jacob Harrel, Nathan Parshal, Nathaniel Tate, Joseph
Bishop, David W. Elder, William Houch, Henry Place, Asher Trotter, Samuel
Bowman, George Egbert, Paul Hill, James

Pribble, Hugh

Terry, John
Beckwith, Perry G. English Da-- Jones, John Riley, James Turner, William
Brady, Sarah Evans, Thomas Johnson, Michael H.

Reed, Isaac

Tibergbien, Mrs. Destarmona
Baker, Ephraim Earle, ?? Ireland, Francis Ruland, Archer Titus, Samuel
Bishop, Frazee Fouch, William Jinkinson, Joseph

Roberts, Aaron

Taylor, Naomi

Berry, William Finkle, John P. Jones, Julian Rogers, Henry Tate, Hugh
Barkhirst, George Felter, Benjamin Kesling, Capt. Rue, Mrs. Marthy Tullis, Jonathan
B--, Solomon Farmer, Margaret Kelso, Isaac Redingower, Andrew Thatcher, Joseph
Black, Alexander French, Daniel Kelly, John Rhodes, Jacob Ulry, Susan
Brockw-, Polly Fithian, William Low, Gilbert Roup, Jacob Underwood, Joseph
Baldridge, Daniel Furguson, Hugh Lightfut, Jeptha Robison, John Upton, Mathew
Caldwell, Alfred Garard, John Lawrence, James Ramsey, Miss Mary Watkins, Benjamin
Crawford, Alexander Gordon, George Lyons, Benjamin Shields, David Waits, Richard or Reubin
Cummins, David Godfrey, Amos

Laird, David & Jesse

Sutton, Elizabeth Wheelock, John
Crandell, Abraham Galenor, Benjamin

Mount, Ralph

Simonton, Theophelos Walker, John
Clark, Jabez Hill, John Musgrove, Jno. Snider, Philip Wallace, Thomas B.
Coburn, William Hunter, Robert Morrison, Guyan Smith, Russell Watson, Nathaniel
Colwell, C. Hunt, Jonas Meek, John Scott, William Waldon, John
Clinton, Isaac Hannah, John M’Can, Daniel Shiply, Reason  

Classer, Nicholas

Hamilton, Siras

Morris, Miss Sarah Smith, Jeremiah  
Cain, Samuel Hankins, Isaac

Meek, Abner N.

Sale, Clayton George Harnsberger, Post Master

August 5, 1817

Alanson Hill lost pocketbook between shop and Broadway.

John Wallace, Union Village, offers reward for runaway mare.

Nathan Kelly offers Van Meter’s Tavern for rent.

Taken up by Joseph B. Stagg of Hamilton Twp, Warren Co., a yellow mare; appraised by William Hopkins and Abraham Haney. John Hopkins, J.P.

William West who lived in Xenia, Green Co. Ohio on 8 Jan. last has left wife and two children without anything to support them. Left home on pretended business, but forgot to return. Passes for single. Cabinet maker by trade. Wish he would return. Eliza West.

William Rockhill wishes to employ journeyman.

David Robertson will sell thirty acres.

William Dickey will sell between 90-100 acres in Hamilton Twp., Warren Co.

William Bratton has just arrived form Philadelphia and opened new firm in Lebanon.

August 29, 1817

$5.00 Reward for runaway bay mare from Union Village. John Wallace.

Broke out of stable of George Fogelson, Lebanon, Warren Co., a 9 year old bay horse. Reward offered by John Hiser.

Taken up by Clark Hatfield of Turkey Creek, Warren Co., a bay horse; appraised by Frazey Hatfield and William Hatfield. B. Sayre, J.P.

October 17, 1817

List of Letters remaining in the Post Office which, if not taken out by the first of January next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters.

Aughe, John F. Cammerl, Joseph Hart, Elizabeth Miller, Solomon Still, Isaac
Anderson, Hiram Dye, Seth Hubble, John Milikin, Daniel

Scofield, Jared

Austin, John Dyer, John Hughs, George M’Lean, Wm. Shepherd, John
Ashmead, Jacob Dunning, Stephen

Herkerader, Benj.

Munsel, Leander Shank, George

Ball, J.B.

Dunham, Josephus Hawthorne, Wm. Mackey, Wm. Starlin, Samuel
Beaker, George Draper, Edward Haufner, John Mount, John See, Hannah

Barren?, David

Dunn, Betsey Hanby, J.J. Mooney, Jonathan

Shrader, John

Babbet, Job Dynes, Chambers Johnson, Joseph Moore, William Smith, Amos
Bundy, Benjamin Dyckey, Wm. Jarrard, Rebecca Mills, Joseph Sergent, Samson
Bowman, Abraham Davis, Richard Jones, John

Noggle, Jacob

Shepherd, Moses

B-letter, Daniel Evans, David Johnston, James Norris, James Skinner, John

Barber, Joseph

Elder, Wm. J. John, M. John Nichols, Thomas Stryker, James

Bowen, Joseph

Eliott, S.

Kelly, James Perrine, James Scudder, Clark
Bowser, Henry Ellis, David Kibbey, Mr. Post, John W. Salyer, Joseph
Bannon, Michael Ensor, Anthony Kinkhead, Robert Pool, Simeon Sacket, Nathaniel
Boal, Robert Farqur, John Kennedy, Gilbert Philips, Hiram Stryker, Peter
Bolden, Ephraim Fithian, William Kirby, Amy Prentice, Nathan’l Tullis, Jonathan
Brook, Alexander Freeman, Thomas Kinnard, Benj. Parker, Stephen B. Titus, Timothy
Bracken, Hugh Fullerton, John King, Smith

Potter, William

Taylor, Elizabeth
Brice, Alexander Forsight, William Linaweaver, Geo. Piatt, Mary Tin--e, Amy
Brice, Margaret Fox, Absolum Lyons, Benjami Parker, Gideon Thomas, Enoch
Bettenhouse, Wm. Good, Gaines Luty, Thomas Parker, James Taylor, George
Collett, Joshua Gallaher, Samuel Laughlin, James Poff, John or Henry Cassell Ullery, Susan
Craig, James Gerin, George

Lenover, Potipher

Parkill, James Upton, Matthew B.
Cross, John Griffeth, John Lake, William P. Rutherford, John A. Vorhis, Amos
Crosely, Moses Garretson, John Lee, Lemuel Ross, John Van Tuyl, Thos B
Cofford, Alexander Grigs, John Lewis, F. or David Reeder, Dan’l F. Warwick, Leak
Cook, John Hole, Catharine Mallet, Isaac Reeder, Abijah Wilkison, James
Cahole, James Hull, Rebecca M’Guire, Adjet Roland, Jacob

Woolery, Daniel

Campbell, Andw. Harrison, Isaac Musgrove, John Robinson, James Williams, Enos
Cassett, Henry Hamilton, Robert M’Mahan, Arch Reeves, Zeriah

Wilson, George

Crandell, Abraham Holcomb, J.P. Murphy, John Rosman, John Williams, Matts
Curry, David Hendley, William Marshal, Samuel Rodgers, Henry Wertz, Daniel
Cook, Thomas Hathaway, Eben’r Meover, Isaac Shields, David Weer, Ann
Curry, Thomas Huron, Silas Mitchel, John

Smith, Jonathan

White, Hartshorn
Crawford, Andrew Hunt, Aaron Macredy, James Sinclair, John Waugh, James A.
Wooley, James Wood, Beriah      
Wilson, James Jr. Wheelock, John   George Harnsberger, P.M.  

J. Smith offers to sell tan yard in Fairfield, Green Co.

W. Coleman will sell house and lot on Mechanic Street.

Taken up by John Smith Jersey in Wayne Twp, Chestnut horse; appraised by Gaines Goode and Staples Thomson. Burwell Goode, J.P.

Married Sunday evening last, by Rev. Eli Truitt, Mr. Alanson Hill to Miss Nancy Bunday of this place.

Married by same, Mr. Norval D. Meredith to Miss Mary James, all of this place.

Married last evening by Rev. William Gray, Mr. John M. Houston to Miss Lydia Truitt.

Dr. John C. Winans gives notice to the public that horse stolen last July 9 was not sold to Capt. Stephen Reeder who left this place about same time. Reeder appeared before J.P. and stated he did not buy horse. Franklin, 9 October 1817.

$100 Reward for Mark Tomlinson who broke jail from Highland Co. on 12th inst. He has been indicted for murder. He is 25-30 years old, sandy hair, makes use of Quaker language. John Jones, Sheriff.

Taken up by Robert Kelly of Chester Twp., Clinton Co., on 10 Sept., dark bay mare; appraised by Jacob Taylor and Abraham Moore. Aaron Collett, J.P.

Sheriff’s Sale at house of Martin Earheart 15 November to sell property of John McCashen, deceased, at the suit of Isaac Bachman and Jacob Hubble.

Public cautioned not to accept note to Peter Westerfield bearing date 6 Sept. 1817 was note was fraudently obtained. Robert Wilson.

November 28, 1817

Wm. Elstun, late of Miami Twp, Clermont Co., deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. Isaac Elstun, Adm.

Taken up by Andrew Shederly of Clermont Co, a bay mare; appraised by John Erwin and Lewis Frybarger. Silas Hutchinson, J.P.

Nicholas Earheart and George Earheart, Adms. will sell the late dwelling house and personal property of Martin Earhart, deceased.

Taken up by John Smith Jersey of Wayne Twp, Warren Co., a sorrel horse; appraised by Gaines Goode & Stapes Thomson. Burwell Goode, J.P.

Taken up by Robert Smith of Silvercreek Twp, Greene Co., bright bay mare; appraised by Wm. Airy & Reuben Brackney. Peter Price, J.P.

Samuel Lee, late of Green Co., deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. Peter Price and James Lee, Adm. 2 August 1817.

Taken up by Noah Davis of Silvercreek Twp, Green Co., bay mare; appraised by John Hammer and Charles Airy. Peter Price, J.P.

Taken up by William Wilkerson of Salem Twp, Warren Co., bay horse; appraised by William Sattemire and John Reeder. James McManis, J.P.

January 2, 1818

Taken up by Lewis Chaney of Union Twp, Highland Co. a light bay horse; appraised by Samuel Horton & George Marsh. John M’Intire, J.P.

January 19, 1818

Taken up by William Garbury, Franklin Twp., Warren Co. dun mare colt; appraised by Joseph Parks and David Bowersock. Jacob Deardorff, J.P.

James Brown, blacksmith of Lebanon, advertises for apprentice.

Taken up by Daniel Carrol, of Hamilton Twp, Warren Co., a sorrel mare; appraised by Samuel Stewart and John M’Colister. James Smith, J.P.

Taken up by Peter Sydal of Salem Twp, Warren Co., a mare; appraised by Wm. Bennent and Otha Craig. James Hill, J.P.

$40.00 Reward for bay horse stolen from Thomas Ludinton’s stable at Todd’s fork in Clinton Co. Offered by David Ludinton.

January 24, 1818

Taken up by Richard Mathers of Salem Twp, Warren Co., bright bay; appraised by George St. Miner and John Hall. James M’Manis, J.P.

Persons cautioned against trading with Major Taylor of Middletown, Butler Co. Ohio for promissory note, one gold watch and wagon as Taylor has failed to comply with contract. Jacob Short, Lebanon.

March 21, 1818

Benjamin Enyard, late of Turkey Creek, deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. Mary Enyard, Extrix.

March 28, 1818

Kesiah, my wife, has eloped from my bed and board. I am determined not to pay debts of her contracting. Adam Null (March 11).

Jeremiah Burns living Chillicothe Road three miles east of Lebanon will sell lot of land on which Wm. Shaddnow resides and formerly occupied by Joseph Akin.

Joseph Sayler will sell 142 acres on Waynesville Road.

Samuel Gustin has lost or mislaid certificate of entry for NW 1/4 Section 29, 13th R, 12th Twp. Application has been made for new certificate.