Georgetown, Ohio
January 8, 1833
Taken up by James Morrow, Sr. of Byrd Twp., Brown Co. on 17 November 1832, a red brindle bull. Appraised by James Works and John McClelland. Samuel Cooper, J.P.
List of Letters Remaining at the P.O. Georgetown on 1 Jan. 1833 which if not taken out in three months, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters.
Abbot, L. Aron | Cotterill, Samuel | Keethler, Lewis |
Amon, M & D | Craig, S. Richard | Leach, Wm. |
Aid, Jacob |
Callahan, S. John | Leach, Walter |
Breckenridge, Robert | Clark, Thomas |
Liming, C. John |
Barns, Thomas or | Dale, John | Lindsy, Hezekiah |
Fletcher, William | Duke, William | Liming, Jonathan |
Baird, John | Dean, Isaac | Moore, Miss Mary |
Bamber, William | Dennison, William | Maley, W. Geo. |
Branan, George | Elder, W. Robert | Merryfield, Joseph |
Bale, Nancy |
Edwards, Geo., Col. |
McKinney, William |
Barney, M.M. | Ellis, James | McConnell, Joseph |
Boothby, James | Ellis, Parlemon | Myers, Jacob |
Baylor, Syrus | Fight, William | Moore, Andrew |
Calvin, Perry | Ferrell, Andrew | McKinney, Eliza |
Crosley, Wm. | Finney, Samuel |
McClure, Rebecca |
Case, James | Fugate, Stephen | Norris, Abram |
Hill, Samuel |
Hamer. L. Thomas |
Norris, Gibson |
Heatherly, Thomas |
Hamilton, James |
Purdom, Benjamin |
Hawk, Charles | Irwin, C. Wm. | Pilson, W. Miss Mary |
Hutson, Rosetta | Kendal, John | Roney, John |
Reed, Susannah |
Ralstin, Joseph |
Richey, Thomas |
Richards, L. |
Sullenbarger, Mr. | Woodruff, Hiram |
Robinson, H.N. | Salsbury, Thomas |
Wells, Benjamin |
Shelliday, G. William |
Tout, Bazil | Wall, Christian |
Snider, K. George | Tout, S. John | Watson, Wm. |
White, Edward |
Wiles, Christian |
P.L. Wilson, Postmaster |
List of Lots in Georgetown, Brown Co. on which the Corporation taxes remained unpaid on 1 Jan. 1833.
Abbott, John Butt, William Boals, John
Baker, John Baker, James Baker, Gibson
Campbell, Robert Newkirk, Henry, heirs Pennwell, John
Rawson, Daniel Riley & Clark Rich, John
Slade, John Sellers, Peter Spinney, Richard
Smith, William T. White, Wm., heirs Wall, Nicolas
Donaldson’s plot
List of Letters Remaining the Post Office of Ripley, Ohio, which if not taken out in three months will be sent to General Post Office as dead letters.
Allen, Harmon | Evans, Benjamin |
Moore, William |
Adair, George | Ellis, Nathan, Col. | Moore, John |
Blades, Shelby | Ellis, Elias | McCague, Thomas |
Butt, William |
Evans, John | Merwin, Margaret |
Bridges, John | Fishback, Manorah | Matthews, M.E. |
Collins, James & Eli |
Fleming, John |
McDaniel, David |
Collins, James |
Gardner, Matthew |
Murray, John |
Campbell, Alex |
Gardner, Benjamin |
McIlhany, M.S. |
Clymer, John | Huff, Elizabeth | McConnell, Joseph |
Celinis, Richard (German) | Hook, Zadock | Mills, William |
Culter, Thomas | Hopkins, T. & J. |
McPherson, Samuel |
Cropper, Mackenna |
Hopkins, Thomas | Murphy, Michael |
Collins, Eli |
Hathaway, H.D. |
McKinley, Ebenezer |
Convers, G.O. | Hart, Levi |
McKnown, Nancy |
Collins, D. Jos. | Hill, Alexander | Purdin, William |
Chapman, Isaac | Hyler, V.A. | Pogue, John C. |
Campbell, Mary | Hogdon, Wm. Jr. | Porter, Isaac |
Dragoo, Daniel |
Johnson, S. John |
Porter, Samuel, & |
Drake, S.N. | Jeffries, C. John | Collins, Theodore |
Devore, Nicholas | King, Violet | Ross, Alexander |
Dixon, David |
Johnston, A. Mary (Miss) | Rogers, Wm. |
Dixon, William | Jolly, Jolly[sic] | Read, Jackson |
Driskel, Eliza | Smith, Thomas | Richard, Jacob |
Ellison, Isabella |
Knight, Archibald |
Rice, John |
Evans, B. Henry |
Kellus, Elizabeth |
Sloan, James |
Shinn, H.H. | Shephard, N. Isaac |
Sentney, Thomas |
Scott, Joseph |
Stephenson, John & Jos. Porter | Stewart, John |
Sellers, W. Preston | Scott, Mr. | Turney, Alson |
Torrence, Wm. | Todd, W.C. | Taylor, Jonathan |
Thompson, John | Towner, Abe | Wright, James, Sen. |
Waters, William | Wintersmith, Sarah | White, Ada |
Walker, Wm. | Wiles, John | Wylie, N. |
Wall, Christian |
Winttemore, Mrs. | C.A. Campbell, Post Master |
Jan. 15
Married 27th ult. by Rev. George Palmer, Mr. William Huron to Miss Emily Senteney.
Married 25 November by Rev. James Reid, Mr. Harrison Miller to Miss Mary Beavens.
Married 23 December by Rev. James Reid, Mrs. George Hagan to Miss Jane Barrere.
Married 27 ult. by Rev. Robert J. Hall, Mr. Mathias Keir to Miss Jane Bell.
Married 29 ult. by Wm. Neal, Esq., Mr. James Whiting to Miss Mary Ann Peters.
Married 5th ult. by Michah Woods, Esq., Mr. Joshua Grimes of Adams Co., age 60, to Miss Rachel Fowler of this county, age 50.
Married 4th ult. by Rev. Alexander T. Rankin, James L. Crosswell to Miss Isabella C. Watson.
Married 12th ult. by Rev. Jesse H. Lockhart, Mr. Robert J. Huggins to Miss Sally Moore.
Married 20 ult., By Mr. Wm. Neal, Esq., Mr. Levi H. Bradbury to Miss Mary Ann Turner.
Married 31 ult. by Uriah Springer, Esq., Mr. Stephen Parker to Miss Katharine Herrick.
Married 27th ult. by Rev. George W. Maley, Mr. William DeWitt to Miss Susan Black.
Public is cautioned against purchasing note from James Beard for $100 dated 21 August 1832; due 1 Sept. 1833. Franklin Shepherd and Mary Hamten determined not to pay.
Writ of attachment against goods and chattels and rights of Ignatius Mitchell, absentee debtor, Union Twp., Brown Co. C.F. Campbell, J.P.
June 1, 1835
George F. Snider has lost, between Ripley and Georgetown, a morocco pocket book containing a $20.00 bill.
Taken up by Anna Bassett of Byrd Twp., Brown Co., a sorrel mare. Appraised by Caleb Shreve and R.T. Fowler. Thomas Mifford, J.P.
Married 14th ult. by Nathan Bishop, Mr. Robert Cox to Miss Mary Curless, all of Perry Twp.
Married 19th ult. by Rev. James Dennis, Mr. Hezekiah Babcock to Miss Agnes Montgomery, both of Pleasant Twp.
Married 28th ult. by Henry Martin, Esq. Mr. Samuel Ellis to Miss Sarah Wright, both of Pleasant Twp.
Adminstrator’s Sale 1 June 1835: land belonging to estate of Josiah Boothby, deceased, late of Clark Twp. bounded by Christian Smith on Joseph Ralston’s line; subject to widow’s dower. James Boothby and Robert Hamilton, Adm.
T.L. Alexander will sell 582 acre lot entered in name of Henry Lee of Va. bounded by Curtis Kendall’s entry. Person wishing to purchase certificate, see George Baird of Ripley, OH.
Wm. Liggett, deceased, late of Pleasant Twp. Brown Co. All those indebted to estate are requested to pay within one year; all those with legitimate claims should present them. Benjamin Guthridge, Exr. 27 April 1835.
Aquilia Hauck, deceased, late of Lewis Twp., Brown Co. All those indebted to estate are requested to pay within one year; all those with legitimate claims should present them. Anna Hauck, Adm. 20 April 1835.
George M. Martin will sell 108 acres in Lewis Twp., Brown Co.
John Joliffe Franklin will sell 180 acres in Byrd Twp., Brown Co.
July 20, 1835
Died at his residence in West Union, of cholera, 13th inst. Col. John M’Daied, one of the most worthy and respected citizen of Adams Co. Sheriff for eight years.
Died 13th inst., Magdalena, consort of Frederick Faul of Franklin Twp, age 34; mother of eleven living children.
Died at residence of his mother in Pike Twp. on 8th inst, Mr. James Harris, age 27 years, after long and lingering disease.
$25.00 Reward. Escaped from jail at Georgetown on 29th June, Thomas Adams, 60 years old, accused of horse stealing. John H. Blair, Sheriff.
Brown Co. Court of Common Pleas, March 1835, Following accounts were filed on estates by Exrs, Adms. and Guardians.
Oliver Crawford’s Adm. Alexander Jolly’s Adm.
Andrew Craighead’s Admix. George Fisher’s Adm.
Jonathan Atwood’s Adm. John Evans’ Adm.
Robert Deniston’s Exr. including receipts of heirs.
Charles Campbell, guardian of Henry Newkirk’s heirs.
John C. Poague and John Culter, Adms. of estate of Samuel McPherson, deceased, vs. Edward Easton filed 19 March 1835 in Brown Co. Court of Common Pleas. Attachment for debt.
Brown Co. Court of Common Pleas: Notice to Jane Steward, Eliza Steward, William Steward, George Steward and Levi Steward, widow and heirs, and legal representatives of John Steward, deceased Suit to fulfill contract to John Walker. John D. White, Adm.
Isaac Stansbury vs. Walter Molden and Susanna, his wife, late Susanna Harris; John Smith and Sally, his wife, late Sally Harris; Daniel Harris, Curtis Harris, James Lucas and his children: Henry Lucas, Sarah Lucas and Mary Gray, late Mary Harris,
William Lindsay ((non-resident), and Elizabeth, his wife, late Elizabeth Harris and Elizabeth Harris. Bill in Chancery filed 17 April 1835 to execute deed of Thomas Harris, deceased who left the above persons; his children, heirs and widow.
Sorrel Mare Strayed from Christian Light of Georgetown.
Lawrence Irvin, deceased All those indebted to the estate are requested to pay within one year; all those with legitimate claims should present them. Mary Irvin, Adm. Pike Twp. 9 April 1835.
March Term, Brown Co. Court of Common Pleas:
John Martin vs. Rachel A. Denniston and Stanley Dickason. Certain Robert Denniston, late of Brown Co. in his lifetime sold 2 tracts of land to Stanley Dickason who assigned title to plaintiff. Since 24 October 1824, said Robert Denniston has departed this life leaving Rachel Amanda Denniston his heir and legal representative. Petition to clear title.
Frederick Grandgirard will sell 230 acres half mile south of Mourertown.
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Georgetown on last day of June 1835. If not take out within three months, will be returned to the General Post Office as dead letters.
Applegate, James | Estel, Trinin | Martin, John |
Baudendistel, Stephan | Fight, William | McKenney, Jesse G. |
Boothby, James |
Gotheman, Anderson C. | Minering, Joseph |
Bonner, John | Grice & Bargots |
Marshall, Martin |
Bieri, Samuel |
Goodin, John |
McKee, James |
Busby, William | Gibson, Dr. T.H | Moorcraft, William |
Blair, Lucinda |
Gordy, Marthy | Marshall, William |
Bently, Mr. | Galup, Rev’d J.Q. | Martin, Samuel |
Craighead, Elizabeth | Hays, Rhoda | Mullin, James |
Carr, John |
Hesler, Gibson | M’Clure, Rebecca |
Crist, Frederick | Hickman, Hiram |
McKee, Daniel |
Clark, Thomas | Hines, James |
McKinley, Aeshal |
Campbell, James | Hesler, George | Nickerson, Jeremiah |
Campbell, Charles |
Hanna, Hanson R. |
Philips, Thomas |
Caball, Thos. | Jones, Allen | Philips, Voluntine |
Cox, William | Jones, Samuel | Pulsipher, John F. |
Dawson, Daniel |
Kinnet, Volentine | Ross, John |
Donaldson, John |
King, George W. |
Ritter, C.G. |
Davis, Margaret | Kirker, Thomas | Sisco, S.G. |
Dunham, Stephen | Low, Eligy | Sheaphard[sic], Jos. |
Dixon, Thomas | Lacock, Levi | Shepherd, Charles L. |
Egbert, Job | Liming, Jonathan | Shearer, Kezia |
Elliott, William |
Lawyard, William | Sellers, Peter or Gardner, Curtis |
Edmunson, John | Locus, Joseph | Thomas, Townsend, Jr. |
Ellis, Sylvester | Lamb, Christian | Wood, James |
White, Adam | Whiteman, Henry | Whall, Christian |
Willis, Elijah | David Ammen, Post Master |
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Russellville on last day of June 1835. If not take out within three months, will be returned to the General Post Office as dead letters.
Butt, Samuel A. | Devore, Emily | Parker, Stephen |
Baylor, Cyrus A. | Fisher, Xander | Shields, Isabel |
Brown, Wm (Jackson Twp.) |
Kretzer, Eli |
Smith, Patience |
Cumberland, Jacob |
Linn, Wm. or John |
Wells, Jackson P. |
Dunham, Josiah, Esq. |
Mabarry, James |
R.D. Tomb, P.M. |
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Hamesville on last day of June 1835. If not take out within three months, will be returned to the General Post Office as dead letters.
Brooks, Mary (Mrs.) | McKiney, Thomas or Catteral, Andrew | |
Fite, Massy | Lewis, Penny | |
Gould, Samuel | Spriggs, David | |
Kaylander, Sarah (Mrs) |
Whiteman, Henry |
Wm. H. Kennedy, Postmaster |