Hillsborough Gazette
Highland County
November 9, 1833
Married Thursday last by Wm. C. Scott, Esq., Mr. James Dryden to Miss Elizabeth Ellis, all of this town.
Married 29th ult. in Russellville by Rev. J.H. Lockhart, Mr. Samuel Wilkins to Miss Sarah C. Clark, all of Brown Co.
Chancery: James Bundy and Rebecca, his wife vs. Mary Stults, Isaac B. West and Mary West, his wife; Wm. Edenfield, John Edenfield, Jonas Edenfield, and Samuel Edenfield, defendants regarding 268 acres of land bounded by Jesse Miller, William Elliot’s part of survey No. 8075 consisting of 600 acres in name of Thomas James.
All persons with claims against the estate of Sarah Woollas, deceased, of Liberty Twp., Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to John W. Woollas, Adm.
Isaac Greathouse, Adm. of estate of Robert Glass, deceased, wishes to sell real estate for use of Jonathan Allison, vs. widow of said Robert Glass, land bounded by land sold to Sarah Whitley, being part of 1000 acres of No. 923 granted to Cadwallader Wallace and John Watts, conveyed by them to said Robert Glass.