Highland County
Microfilm # 21714
June 1, 1821
Sheriff’s Sale on 17th July of 108 acres, property of Elijah Johnson, at the suit of David Johnson assignee of B.H. Johnson.
Luke Coon, junr, has applied to Court of Common Pleas for benefit of Acts of Assembly for relief of insolvent debtor. Hillsboro May 24.
Taken up by David Shoemaker, a chestnut mare in Brushcreek Twp; appraised by T.M. M’Cague & Jacob Wickersham. Jas M’Cague, J.P.
Taken up by James Rees in Fairfield Twp, a bay horse; appraised by Joseph Thornborgh & Geo. Achors. David Terrell, J.P.
Brush, Henry | Francies, George | Miller, James | Triblett, Nathaniel; this is to be charged to Henry Massie. |
Brown, John H. |
Florence, John | McNeil, John | Vause, William |
Barlow, Wm. | Fulton, John | McManaman, James | Vorhies, Daniel |
Barlow, Henry heirs. | Fulton, William | McArthur, Duncan |
West, Owen |
Bayly, Thomas M. | Graham, John Richmond | O’Bannon, John | Wisby, Thomas |
Barry, Andrew | Galloway, George | O’Neil, Abijah | Watkins, Joseph heirs |
Baily, Reuben | Hunt, Jesse | Pater, James | Waddle, John |
Beard, William H. | Harden, William | Patton, Robert | Arnett, Andrew |
Butler, Lawrence | Harden, Martin D. | Phillips, William heirs | Bentley, Benner |
Bailey, Thomas M. | Harden, and C. Fields | Quinn, James | Boyd, Jonathan |
Christie, Andrew | Hurt, John | Randolph, Stille F. | Bennett, Joshua |
Conway, Joseph heirs | Hough, Benjamin | Rogers, William | Beekman, John R. |
Cable, Samuel J. | Johnston, Henry |
Reeves, Nathan |
Borden, John |
Clark, George | Jones, Thomas |
Sinks, Nicholas |
Burris, Johnson |
Carr, John H. | Kerr, Joseph | Simms, Daniel | Breeding, Jane |
Carr, Charley L. |
same & John Steally | Springer, Dennis | Barr, John heirs |
Campbell, John | Lewis, Howell | Shepherd, Samuel | Bently, Caleb |
Caldwell, Robert | Lee, Henry | Stroude, Samuel | Cummins, James |
Dickins, Thomas |
Little, William |
Scruggs, Gross |
Coulston, Rawleigh |
Davis, Augustine |
Lowry, Isaac |
Summers, Simon | Dunham, Samuel |
Demmit, Ezekiel | Matthews, George | Patton, Robert | Edgar, Nancy Admx. |
Dunham, Benjamin | Massie, Henry | Scott, James D. | Frump, John |
Doolittle, Ephraim | Murray, James | Thompson, Andrew | Finley, Robert W. |
Evans, John | Marks, John. | Thompson, James | Grove, Benjamin |
French, Nancy | Merrell, Samuel | Timberlake, Henry |
Graham, John |
Heistant, Jacob | Lunback, Daniel | McQuitty, William | McCutchen, William |
Higgins, William | Leming, Samuel | McFarland, William | Merfin, William |
John, Thomas | Leming, James | Marsh, George | McConnell, John |
Kirk, Elisha | Liggitt, William | Mahaffy, Samuel | Miller, Israel |
Kirk, Timothy, Jr. | Lucas, Charles | McCutchen, John | Miller, Frederick |
McDonald, James & c. | Price, Rachel | Ross, David | Swartz, Baltzer |
Nichols, George | Prickett, Jacob | Roads, Jacob | Smith, John |
Noland, James | Rogers, Aaron heirs | Shipton, John | Smith, George |
Vinsonhaller, William |
Worthington, Robert |
Wright, Alexander heirs | Walter, Gaudon |
White, John heirs |
Walker, David | West, William |
April 1, 1826
All persons with claims against the estate of Edward Beaver, deceased, of Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to William Sylvester, Adm.
All persons with claims against the estate of James Bruce, deceased, of Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Anna B. Bruce, Extrix.
$50 Reward for return of William Hudson, Negro man, age about 35 years from near Maysville, Mason Co. KY. On 10 Oct, he was in the neighborhood of Brown Co. Ohio, heading north. Walter Leake.
April 6, 1826
Married 30th ult. by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. Jacob Shafer to Mrs. Sarah Lessley, all of this place.
May 11, 1826
Taken up by Anthony Franklin in Brushcreek Twp. a Grey Horse, appraised by Samuel Knisely and Jacob Knisley.
Sheriff of Highland Co. will sell Lot No. 100 in Greenfield, property of Alexander Elliott at the suit of James P. Ramsey.
All property, goods and chattels of Michael Buskirk, absent debtor, will be sold.
Sheriff’s Sale of 173½ acres part of David Scott’s land No. 5086, bounded by heirs of James Daniel’s land, Thomas Robert’s land, Abel Roberts and Jas. Forsythe’s, to be sold as property of Joseph Kerr.
May 25
Purchasers of sale of Ruth Carson held May last are informed that notes became due the 27th ult and are now in the hands of Moses Carothers.
May 27
Aaron Johnson, Sheriff of Fayette Co. will sell 100 acres at the suit of John Boyd, Pierce Evans against Thomas Pendergrass, one lot in Washington, taken as property of Peter Gay.
All persons with claims against the estate of Jonathan Pickering, deceased, of Fairfield Twp., Highland Co., are to present them to Jonathan Pickering, Exr.
John Jones, Sheriff will sell real estate to satisfy mortgage judgment in favor of Reuben Shepherd and Claybourn Lee on assignment of Oliver Harris as property of Moses Hutchinson; land bounded by Shedrach Stafford, John Cook, John Matthews, being part of survey of 1000 acres for James Baytop, No. 2326.
G.R. Fitzgerald, Adm. of estate of Dr. Cyrus Trimble, deceased, will sell real estate of 410 1/4 acres, part of 2000 acres entered by Thomas Streshley No. 2508 and patented to James Trimble, deceased.
Common Pleas: Augustus Brown and Elizabeth Clifton, Adm. of Charles N. Clifton, deceased, vs. Mary Fortenburgh, (non-resident), Betsey Clifton, Matthew A. Clifton, Sarah Clifton, Hester Clifton, Phinetta Clifton, heirs of Charles N. Clifton, deceased. Petition to sell real estate.
Sheriff’s Sale on May 17 of 175 acres, being part of survey from Buckley to Nathaniel Massie on 28 October 1811 No. 2769 and patented to Daniel Buckely 12 May 1800; levied upon as property of Elizabeth Massie, Nathaniel Massie, Richard Kidder Massie, Nancy Massie and Henry Massie heirs of Nathaniel Massie, deceased.
June 1, 1826
Six 1/4 cents reward for runaway indented boy, John Beasley, age 15 years offered by Edward Byram of Madison Twp.
June 8, 1826
Married Thursday last by Adam Shafer, Esq., Mr. William Stroup to Miss Elizabeth d/o James Thompson, deceased, all of this county.
Taken up by Darthick D. Hewitt in Paint Twp. a light bay mare, appraised by John Cowgill and Isaac Stewart.
June 15, 1826
Married Thurs. last at the house of Joseph Woodrow in this place by George Shinn, Esq., Mr. Henry Wells, late of Virginia to Miss Abigail Flood, formerly of Kentucky..
Receipts and Expenditures of Highland Co. from 8 June 1825 to 9 June 1826.
To John Main for extra work on the jail
To John Smith for Stationary for clerk’s office
To Joseph Woodrow for making plat of Hillsborough
To John S. Jones for repairing hearths in courthouse.
To John Smith for glass tumbler, pitcher for commissioner’s office and linen for back of large map
To Moses Carothers for stationary and notice concerning road tax
To Moses H. Kirby, Esq. for services as prosecuting attorney
To John Smith, Treasurer
To Rich’d H. Boyer for blanks for auditor and assessor
To John Ellis for boarding prisoners
To Samuel Bell, Esq., his annual salary ($60.00)
To John W. Sparger for enclosing public ground
To Thos. M. Sanders for services as assessor, 1825
To. Dr. A. Farquhar for medical attendance on prisoners in jail
To A. Doggett for work at judges writing table
To Wm. A. Johnson, deputy assessor, 1825
To Wm. Keys, county auditor
To Joseph Woodrow for lock for commissioners office and red ink powder
To J.H. Mitchell for repairing judge’s table
To Thos Carothers for shade trees for public square
To Jacob Strickell for machine for impressing county seal
To John Jones, Sheriff
To Thos. M. Sanders, Esq. for listing taxable property of 1826
To Moses H. Gregg for running lines of Paint Twp.
Six cents reward for apprentice to cabinet and joiner business, John Hicks, age 19 years, ran away from James M’Connell in Greenfield, Highland Co. on 4th inst.
Taken up by Owen Rees in Green Twp, Fayette Co. Twp. a chestnut mare, appraised by George Knedler and John How.
July 6, 1826
Married Thursday last by Rev. A.B. Gilleland, Mr. Henry Turner, merchant, of Bainbridge, Ross Co. to Miss Maria Boyd, daughter of Dr. John Boyd of this county.
Caution: All persons warned against trading or taking an assignment on note of hand given by subscriber, Isaac Parker to John Iler in Oct last.
Taken up by Nancy Branchen in Brushcreek Twp. a grey horse, appraised by Joel Butler and Jonathan Bereman.
Taken up by John Bundy in Jackson Twp., a bay mare, appraised by John Wademore and William Moore.
July 13
Taken up by Frederick Curp in Jackson Twp., a bay mare, appraised by Jacob Knisley and Samuel Knisley.
Married Tues. last by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. Jacob Tomlinson to Miss Sally, d/o John West, all of this county.
July 20
John Donoho lost an umbrella June 20 in Hillsborough.
August 3
Married by Rev. A.B. Gilleland, Mr. James R. Patton of Indiana to Miss Betsey Patton daughter of Joseph Patton, of this county.
All persons with claims against the estate of John Richards, deceased, of Highland Co. Co., are hereby notified to present them to William Richards and Reuben Richards, Executors.
Sheriff’s Sale on 16 Sept. of Lot No. 6 and Lot No. 23 in Sinking Spring, property of Seavern D. Conner at the suit of John S. Dougan.
Sheriff’s Sale of two saddles and silver watch, property of Morris R. Chew at suit of Robert Stuart.
James Morrow lost pocketbook 31 July at Hillsborough containing note in favor of John Sinthin against John Frayzur; favor of James Morrow against John Garrett.
Sheriff’s Sale: 300 acres east fork of Brushcreek levied upon as property of heirs of John Beasly, deceased, at the suit of Thomas Massie and David Massie.
Taken up by Elihu Long in New Market, a bay mare, appraised by D.H. Murphey and Hiram M’Quiety.
August 10, 1826
All persons with claims against the estate of John Summers, deceased, of New Market Twp. Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Lucy Summers and James Morrow, Adms.
All persons with claims against the estate of Asa Hunt, deceased, of Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Libini Hunt, Extrx., by August 17 next.
Attachment of goods and chattels of Stephen Stoops and Samuel McManany, two absconded debtors.
Daniel Nichols, age about 15 years, ran away from Caleb Sumner, Jr. Reward.
Richard Cherry vs. Sarah Ellen Cherry (non-resident) and Mary Cherry (non-resident), heirs and legal representatives of William Cherry, deceased, for sum of $100.00.
John Fenner, guardian of minor heirs of Jeremiah Lane, deceased, presented account for settlement.
All persons with claims against the estate of James Barrett, deceased, of New Market Twp, Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Thomas Barrett, Sen. and Martha Barrett, Adms.
Aaron Johnson, Sheriff of Fayette Co. will sell 150 acres levied on property of Charles Beaty at suit of Samuel Swearingen, bounded by Elijah Beaty’s land being part of John Core’s survey No. 6097.
Eleazer Huff vs. Joseph Lynn (non-resident). Debt for $200. Highland Co., July Term.
John Florence vs. Thomas S. Foot, Richard Elzy Tutt, Matilda C. Tutt, George W. Bosler and Elizabeth, his wife (non-resident) regarding property in Highland Co.
Peter Shoemaker vs. Anthony Franklin and Daniel Call. (non-resident), Exr. and devisee in trust of John Means, deceased. July Term.
August 24, 1826
Married 10th inst. by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. Levi Miller to Miss Lahami Summers, daughter of Mr. Lewis Summers.
Married 10th inst. Mr. Rolly Richards to Miss Ruth Beaty daughter of Mrs. Beaty.
Married 10th inst. Mr. Abner St. Clark to Miss Elizabeth Fenner.
Married 16th inst. Mr. Joseph Skean to Miss Rachel Leaverton daughter of Mr. John Foster Leaverton, all of this county.
Daniel Nichols, about 15 years old, runaway apprentice, absconded from the subscriber 18 June last. Caleb Sumner, Jnr.
John Fenner, guardian of the minor heirs of Jeremiah Lane, deceased, presented his account for settlement.
Attachment on goods and chattels of Purnial Truett, absentee debtor.
$200 Reward for Rowsley Peyton, 22 year old Negro, 6’ tall and very black. He and his brother broke open a house, stole two horses and $100 worth of goods. Rowsley was raised by Mr. Kendall of Stafford Co. Virginia - can write and will no doubt forge a pass. Edward Stone, Bourbon Co. Kentucky - August 24, 1826.
On 16 Sept. William and Reuben Richards will sell goods and chattels of John Richards, deceased, of Liberty Twp.
On 24 August Frederick Kesler was appointed administrator of Jacob Fishbeck, deceased.
Sheriff’s Sale in Fayette Co. on 23 Sept. to sell property of Charles Beaty at suit of Samuel Swearingin.
Highland Co. Court of Common Pleas:
Eleazer Huff vs. Joseph Lynn (non-resident) Attachment for debt.
John Florence, complainant vs. Thomas S. Foot and others. Richard Elzy Tutt, Matilda C. Tutt, George W. Bosler and wife are non-residents.
Peter Shoemaker vs. Anthony Franklin and Daniel Call, (non-resident) Exr. and devisee in trust of John Means, deceased.
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Sinking Spring Ohio, which if not taken out in three months, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters.
Boyd, Jonathan | Kisling, Frederick | Turly, Sampson |
Boyd, David | Letherwood, Zechariah | Vinsonheller, George |
Campbell, Elizabeth | Lemming, Sam’l | Wickersham, Jacob |
Cartwright, Peter | Lewis, Jonathan |
Willson, Mathew |
Delay, John | Morrison, Abraham | West, Conrod |
Fay, Matthias | McClure, Wm. | |
Fishback, Jacob | Swan, Matthew | |
Gibson, Joseph |
Stults, Jacob |
Howel, Wm. |
Shoemaker, John |
Hammond, John | Stultz, Geo | |
Harrison, Little Bury |
Sweet, Joseph |
Kesler, Frederick |
James M’Cague, Post Master |
August 31
Married Thursday last by Rev. A.B. Gilleland, Mr. Hugh Evans to Miss Elizabeth Bernard, daughter of Capt. Richard Bernard, all of this county.
Elizabeth Davidson, Admix. of estate of Joseph Davidson requests exhibit of claims made against the estate.
Elijah Capps has taken up two sorrel horses in Fairfield Twp. Appraised by Goudin Walker and Thomas Hobbs.
Aaron Insley has taken up a sorrel horse in Fairfield Twp. Appraised by Obediah A. Borum and William Hiatt, Elihu Hiatt, J.P.
Joseph Patton will sell first rate wagon.
Taken up by Anna Bassett of Byrd Twp., Brown Co., a sorrel mare. Appraised by Caleb Shreve and R.T. Fowler. Thomas Mifford, J.P.
September 7
Married Thursday evening last by John Ferguson, Esq., Mr. John Cokenhour, late of Virginia to Miss Esther d/o Moses Burris, Sen. of Highland County.
Married 28th ult. by Elihu Hiatt, Esq., Mr. Edward Bruce to Miss Harriet Martin, both of Leesburg.
Married 30th ult. in Society of Friends at Fairfield Meeting, Mr. Samuel Pike, merchant of Leesburg and Miss Elizabeth L. Pope, daughter of Wm. Pope, all of this county.
John Jones, Adm. of estate of John Warson, deceased, will sell 14 October real estate at public sale; 300 acres bounded by John Watts Survey #647, the farm where said Watson Douglas now resides and the farm usually called Jacob Mitchell’s; also all the land conveyed to Douglas by Allen Trimble and William Creighton on 17 June 1818 not in dispute between heirs of George Douglas and not sold by said Watson Douglas to Wm. Douglas, being part of Burgess Ball’s survey #648 and to include farm and implements of Watson Douglas with the reservation of 157 acres conveyed by said Watson Douglas to Thomas Wallace and relinquished by John Smith who held mortgage; to satisfy judgment in favor of Allen Trimble and two in favor of James A. and John A. Trimble.
Sheriff’s Sale 9 October on In-lot #100 in Greenfield, property of Alexander Elliot, at suit of James P. Ramsey.
Russel Adkins, of Perry Twp. has taken up bay mare. Appraised by Edward Boyle and Peter Lane. Ebenezer Davis, J.P.
September 14, 1826
Sheriff’s Sale on 9 Oct; 136 1/2 acres bounded by Robert Creed’s former tract, Wm. McCulley’s tract, Jeremiah Smith property of Henry Miller at suit of Joseph Watkins and David Henderson, Adms. of James Henderson, deceased.
Married Thursday evening last by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. John Fidler to Miss Sally Manker, daughter of Jacob Manker of this vicinity.
List of Letters Left at the Hillsboro, Post Office 30 Sept. 1826.
Alexander, Robert | Benjamin, Crock | Coons, George | Grim, Peter |
Jones, Thomas |
Alexander, John | Bell, Samuel | Chany, Joseph | Harper, John |
Inskip, Daniel |
Arthur, Pleasant | Boid, Daniel |
Davis, Henry |
Hibbard, Wm. |
King, John |
Bennet, Joseph | Brouse, Lewis |
Daugherty, Lydia |
Herrod, Jacob | Kelly, Mary Ann |
Bowman, Lydia |
Crab, Stephen | Duncan, Alexander |
Huff, Eleazer |
Lewis, Thomas L. |
Bradfield, John | Crum, Christian | Epperson, James | Hutsonpillar, John | Lemans, Samuel |
Burgess, Daniel |
Clark, John | Fiddler, John | Houseman, George | Miller, William |
Beals, Lydia | Caplinger, Wm | Foreman, John | Hunt, Jas | Manlove, Mark |
Baker, Nathan | Combs, Job |
Felps, John |
Hand, Jasper |
Marsh, James |
Bostick, Wm. | Chapman, Isaac | Gardener, Eliza | Houpt, Daniel | Moore, William |
Baylor, Wm. | Callaway, George H. | Garner, James | Heart, John | M’Faddin, Joseph |
Bruck, Wm. | Colvin, James | Gelbert, Polly | Hedding, Elijah | Maddox, Alphas |
Buntain, Alexander | Cartile, James | Gray, Jacob | Joslin, William | Moore, Abraham |
Balis, Lydia | Cammel, Abraham | Gregg, Moses H. | Johnson, Benjamin H. | Mocral, John |
M’Mullin, John |
Pagan, Robert |
Pittinger, Nich’s | Rily, James |
Robbins, Ezekiel |
Odell, James | Penewit, Reuben |
Ruter, Martin |
Ruky, William | Starr, Sarah Ann |
Pelzor, Jacob |
Parker, Jonathan |
Roadson?, Gustavus | Rogers, Robert | Sweningen, Joseph |
Stivens, John |
Stinson?, Josiah |
Stucky, George | Shambagh, Frederick | Taylor, Presly |
Sperry, John |
Stewart, Isaac | Stucky, James | Trenary, Wm. |
Triplett, Elizabeth |
Vanpelt, John | Wright, Samuel | Wright, Wm. |
Wildman, Townsend |
Wilson, Nancy | Wood, Abel |
Wheeler, Paschael |
Walker, John |
John A. Trimble, P.M. |
List of Letters Left at Leesburg, Ohio 30 Sept. 1826
Allagree, James | Conway, Dr. C.W. | Morris, John |
Wilkins, Joseph |
Bruce, Edward H. | Conway, Phebe Ann | Pope, Abraham | Wilkinson, Elijah C. |
Boxley, Thomas F. | Dunn, David | Row, Isaiah | |
Capps, James | Doddridge, Dr. Benj. |
Rhonsmos, Wm. |
Capps, Elijah | Halsey, James | Van Winkle, Harkness | |
Carter, David | Johnson, Charles |
Walter, Gauden |
Sam’l Sanders, P.M. |
October 12, 1826
Horse escaped from stable of Ambrose Emry.
Thomas Ratcliff found a pocketbook 11th inst. in between Hills and Paris in Clinton Co.
John Shockley found a horse whip 3 miles from Hillsboro.
October 26, 1826
Married Thur. last by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. Edward Chaney to Miss Sarah Fenner, d/o Mrs. Fenner, all of this town.
Wm. H. Allen has returned to Hillsboro where he will continue business.
Samuel Smithson of Fairfield Twp. found Morocco Pocketbook 18th inst.
Sept. Term: Samuel Buck vs. James Buck, Jane Buck, Robert Buck (non-resident), John Buck, (non-resident), Wm M. Buck, Charles Buck (non-resident), Wasson Buck and David Buck.
Mary Hueston, Extrix. and John Smith, Exr. of Robert Hueston, deceased, will sell dwelling and property on Sugartree Ridge in Concord Twp. 10 November
November 2, 1826
Married Thursday last by Elihu Hiatt, Esq., Mr. William Chalfont, jun. to Miss Sally Arthur, d/o Pleasant Arthur, all of this county.
November 16, 1826
$5.00 Reward for stolen mare. Abel Wood.
November 23, 1826
Married Thursday last, by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. Andrew Bradney of Adams Co. to Miss Susan Stockwell, daughter of Isaac Stockwell of Highland Co.
December 21, 1826
Married Sat. last by Rev. Jacob Lamon, the Rev. Mr. Hezekiah Johnson to Miss Eliza S. Harris daughter of Mr. Oliver Harris, of this county.
David Grim of Highland Co. will never pay claims or demands upon any contract by Casper Devault pretended to be in partnership with me.
Asa Widemeyer found small amount of money on road from Hillsboro to Miller’s Mill.
Chas. W. Conway will sell house and property 2 January next at Lexington, Highland Co.
Sheriff’s Sale on 20 Jan. of property of Joseph Spencer and Peter Spencer as a result of suit of John Clark.
Thomas Kephart will sell 286 acres; being part of survey entered in the name of Cornelius Skinner, No. 1553.
December 26, 1826
Sheriff’s Sale 20th Jan for 136 1/4 acres bounded by Wm. McCulley’s tract, Robert Creed’s former tract, Jeremiah Smith’s tract, property of Henry Miller by suit of Joseph Watkins and David Henderson, Adm. of James Henderson, deceased.
Alexander Buntain, Coroner, Highland Co.
February 15, 1827
Private Resolutions of Legislature
For relief of Ebenezer Goodrich.
Divorce: Martha B. Wilson from husband, Stephen R. Wilson.
Relief of Harlchigh Sage.
Repealed act for relief of Ansalem Harris.
Divorce: Mary Teabolt, otherwise called Mary Gassaway, from her husband, Godfrey Teabolt.
For the relief of Horatio Maxy, Joseph Woodring, Henry Magner, James Johnson, John Beckett, John Matthews, George Jackson, Benjamin Sells and Samuel Thompson.
Married 7th inst. by Rev. William Baldridge, Mr. John Hutsonpiller of Highland Co. to Martha Montgomery of Adams Co.
Wm. Hulit will hold a private sale at his residence in Paint Twp. on 2 April.
Sheriff’s Sale in Adams Co. 12 March of 300 acres, property of heirs of John Beasly, deceased, at the suit of Thomas and David Massie.
Sheriff’s Sale in Adams Co. 15 February of bay mare, property of Abraham Fitz Miers at the suit of William Armstrong and Abraham Hollingsworth, Adms. estate of Joseph Coonrod.
Hananah Bareman, late of New Market Twp, deceased. All those indebted to the estate are requested to pay within one year; all those with legitimate claims should present them. William Joslin & John Bereman, Adms. 25 Jan. 1827.
Jesse Barrett will sell 262 acres on Hardin’s Creek.
Sheriff’s Sale on 3 March of Lot No. 100 in Greenfield, Highland Co., property of Alexander Elliot at the suit of James P. Ramsey.
Sheriff’s Sale on 31 March of Lot No. 6 and Lot No. 25, property in Sinking Creek of Soverign D. Conner at the suit of James S. Dugan.
Rumor circulating in Clinton & Highland Cos. that Samuel Rogers was indicted for horse stealing some 2-3 years since in Cincinnati, Court of Common Pleas, is false. A certificate has been produced by the Clerk of Court in Hamilton Co. showing no case where Samuel Rogers was defendant. John Bowman signed with a mark that he did not say Samuel Rogers stole a horse and he could prove it. Attested by Robert M’Coy and John Fenner.
Court of Common Pleas: John Bareman, Joel Bareman, Thomas Bareman, Zerviah Reeves, late Zerviah Bareman, Oliver Harris vs. John Sperry & Sally, his wife, late Sally Johnson, Joel Johnson, Abraham Medsker, guardian of Joel S. Bareman, legal representative of Sarah Bowen, deceased, and legal representative of Mary Welch, deceased, heirs and legal representatives of Jonathan Bareman, deceased. Petition for partition of real estate in New Market, Highland Co. Assignment of right of dower of widow who has since died. Petition granted that, except for Oliver Harris, each to have 1/7; Harris to have 1/3 of 1/7 set off for him.
February 22, 1827
Married 13th inst. at Daniel Tripplett’s in Franklin Co. by John Davis, Esq., Col. Nelson Franklin to Miss Martha Triplett (daughter of Capt. Jno Tripplett of this place), both formerly of this place.
Dissolution of partnership by mutual consent: Samuel Pike & Joel Wright.
March 1
Taken up by Thomas Dick, Jackson Twp, a chestnut mare; appraised by David Hilton and Edward Burnet. Zadock Bundy, J.P.
March 15
Married 6th inst. by Rev. Jonh[sic] Dewitt, Mr. Jesse Turner to Miss Christena Countryman.
Married "on Thursday last" by Rev. D. M’Conaughy, Mr. Samuel E. Hibber, Merchant, Hillsboro, Highland Co., to Miss Margaret Galloway, daughter of Mr. John Galloway of this borough. From Gettysburg Compiler, March 7.
Married 1st inst by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. Miles Hart to Miss Ann Chaney, d/o Benjamin Chaney, deceased, both of this county.
Married 7th inst by Rev. Mr. Dickey, Mr. Benjamin Mackerly, of this county, to Miss Margaret M. Wells of Ross Co.
Writ of Attachment to the goods and chattels of Jacob Easter, Jr, an absconded debtor.
March 29, 1827
Ann B. Bruce, Exr. will sell, on 18 May, house and lot in the town of Monroe, property of James Bruce, deceased, now occupied by Capt. O. Dowden.
Persons cautioned against taking assignment or trading for note given to Jeremiah Fenner. Determined not to pay, the same being fraudulently obtained. Jacob Graybill.
John Timberlake, late of Highland Co., deceased. All those indebted to the estate are requested to pay within one year; all those with legitimate claims should present them. Richard Timberlake and William A. Johnson, Exrs. March 29, 1827.
Vincent Runyon, late of White Oak Twp, deceased. All those indebted to the estate are requested to pay within one year; all those with legitimate claims should present them. Peter Runyon and Amos Pettyjohn, Adms. March 29
James McConnell, late of Madison Twp, deceased. All those indebted to the estate are requested to pay within one year; all those with legitimate claims should present them. James McConnell and John R. Strain, Adms.
Public cautioned against trading Allan Farquhar of Highland Co. for note which has been justly paid; he refusing to give up the note. Catharine Wilson.
April 5
Dr. A. Farquhar expects to leave Hillsboro in a few weeks. He requests settlement of all debts.
Married 22nd ult. by Rev. Lewis Duckwall, Mr. Andrew Insely to Miss Isabela Johnson.
Married Thursday last by Rev. Lewis Duckwall, Mr. John Zink to Miss Jane Graham.
List of Letters remaining at the Post Office at Hillsboro on 1 March 1827. If not taken out within three months, will be sent to the General P.O. as dead letters.
Abel, John | Johnson, Nelson | Weaver, Jacob | |
Anderson, John |
Johnson, Andrew | Wire, Barney | |
Alexander, John | Jones, Stephen | Woolas, John | |
Bell, John | Kane, James | Wood, Joseph | |
Bostick, William |
Litler, Samuel | Williamson, Andrew | |
Baker, Jesse | Leverton, Thos. | Walkup, Samuel | |
Boyd, George J. | Lyle, Sam’l | Young, Mary | |
Bradfield, John | Madox, Michael | ||
Bordes?, James | Manlove, Vinson | ||
Busick, James S. | Monse, Alexander | ||
Bruce, John | Mercer, Simon | ||
Boyd, John | M’Quitty, Mary | ||
Belzer, Micajah | M’Bride, James | ||
Barker, John | M’Faddin, Joseph | ||
Brock, John W. | Miller, Henry | ||
Baskins, Thomas | Fitz Myers, Abraham | ||
Chaff, Mr. | Mullinger, John | ||
Chaffant, Wm. | Manlove, Lasla? | ||
Crudsur, Matthew | Marsh, Wm. | ||
Connell, Jane | Nevin, Joseph | ||
Creed, Polly | Parlis, George & Acquilla | ||
Chaney, Joseph | Parris, Loyd | ||
Campbell, Abraham | Puzer, John | ||
Duncan, Alexander | Powell, Garland | ||
Doggett, Wm. | Penewait, Reuben | ||
Everheart, William |
Pagan, Andrew |
Easter, Peter | Penewait, Lucinda | ||
Edenfield, Sam’l |
Robinson, John |
Evans, Talitha | Ross, David | ||
Erwin, Sarah | Rogers, Robert | ||
Eastburn, Benjamin | Robins, John | ||
Franklin, Anthony | Rogers, Joel | ||
Foreman, John | Rickman, Sally | ||
Farquahar, Dr. A. |
Sanders, Thomas M. |
Gilmore, Andrew | Saucer, Robert F. | ||
Gilmore, Matthew | Strain, John R. | ||
Gains, Henry | Snider, Nancy | ||
Gossett, Amoriah |
Skillman, William |
Gibson, William | Shirt, Isaac | ||
Grove, Benjamin |
Sumner, Joseph | ||
Hughes, John | Snider, Adam | ||
Hoover, Milly | Smith, Rulisha | ||
Hillebrand, Henry | Smithson, Samuel | ||
Hand, Gen. J. | Sumner, Seth | ||
Huff, Sam’l | Sumner, B. | ||
Hall, James | Shinn, Francis | ||
Hagey, Frederick |
Stroup, Henry |
Hougham, Isaac | Tebo, Conrod | ||
Insley, Noah |
Telfare, Jane Ann | ||
Johnson, Jesse |
Weaver, John | Jno. A. Trimble, Post Master |
List of Letters remaining at Post Office at Leesburg on 31 March 1827:
Boxley, Hannah | Dirk, Susana | Job, Charity | Terry, David |
Burgess, Ruth | Gilespey, Hugh | Kinzor, Adam |
Trenary, Richard |
Beardsley, Dr. |
Geeger, Eleanor |
Kinzor, John | Wright, William or |
Binegar, George | Hardy, William W. | Limes, William | Stafford, Jonas |
Bruce, Anna B. | Hinshaw, Elias | Medley, James | Wright, Joel |
Combs, John M. | Insley, Andrew | Morris, John | |
Cowan, Nancy |
Insley, Nancy | Rees, James | |
Chiles, John |
Johnson, Hezekiah |
Smith, Jefferson | |
Cunningham, Andrew |
Johnson, James | Snider, George | Sam’l Sanders, Post Master |
List of Letters remaining at Post Office at New Market 1 April 1827.
Bennett, Silas
Davidson, John (Salem)
Doty, Wm.
Davidson, John
Donoho, John
Elkins, Ephraim
Ferguson, Eli
Igo, William
Shafer, Andrew
Sterns, Ebezezor
Spigard, Geo
Tea, Benjamin
Walker, Mary
Wiley, Robt.
Wood, Charles Andrew
October 13, 1827
Alexander Edie, late of Whiteoak twp, deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. Joseph Edie, Adm. 13 October 1827.
Dr. Davis of Lynchburg, Virginia, will sell his share of real estate of Otway Byrd, deceased, consisting of 150 acres on Rocky Fork of Paint Creek and 350 acres 11 miles from town.
A List of Letters left in the P.O. at Hillsborough 1 October 1827
Arledge, William
Brownfield, Christian
Bradfield, John
Brouse, Adam
B--, Charles or
Daniel Deifenbash
Burris, Daniel
Barrow, Thomas
Chalfield, John
Clark, Daniel
Cowgill, Isaac
Corry, John
Cochran, John
Capps, Elijah
Crabb, Stephen
Chaney, James
Christian, Jas T.
Caplinger, John
Craig, Joseph
Calvert, Robert
Chaney, Joseph
Crum, Christian
Dryden, Joseph
Duckwall, Lewis
Deardoff, Rebecca
Doggett, Col. A
Davidson, Widow
Easter, Peter
Ewick, Jesse
Frailey, Daniel
Garritson, Isaac
Gardner, Eliza
Graham, Robert
Gailbraith, Benj’n
Gossett, Amoriah
George, Silas
Grantham, Col. Amos
Haghay, Elizabeth
Huffman, Ambrose
Huffman, Humphry
Huff, Amon
Hamilton, Elias
Hart, Absalom
Hoskins, Moses
Johnson, James
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Nelson
Jones, John, Esq.
Jennings, Mary or
Jones, Mary
Jolly, David
Leslie, Sarah
Lucas, Samuel
Lowden, Wm.
Manlove, George
Mercer, Simon
Murdock, James
Marquis, Isaac
Massie, Simon
Morrow, Wm. or
Wm. Ferguson
Matthews, George
Mattox, John
Milligan, James
M’aster, David
Merchant, Jesse
M’Calpin, Mrs. Grizy
Nelson, Thomas
Pitzer, Jacob
Pope, Nathan
Pierce, Benj’n
Rockhold, John
Streighthoof, Francis
Savill, Joseph
Seal, Elizabeth
Shockley, John
Sanderson, John
Sanders, Thomas
Strain, Phebe
Smith, James or Wm.
Stafford, Charles
Stokesbury, David
Teboe, Coonrod
Thomas, Thomas S.
Thompson, Catharine
Thompson, Balsam
Todhunter, John
Thurman, David or James
Thurman, Joel
Tomlinson, Moses
Urmston, Ann
Underwood, James
Wilkerson, Richard
Wilkerson, Mary
Walton, Solomon
Wilson, James
Wright, Sam’l
Wade, Zephaniah
Winegar, Andrew
Young, John
Jno A. Trimble, P.M.
Letters remaining at the Post Office, Leesburg, Highland Co.. Ohio, on 1 October 1827.
Adams, Peter
Antrim, Zachariah
Brown, Augustus
Boots, John
Brady, Willis
Burgess, J.C.
Bennegar, George
Crispin, John
Draper, Thomas or
William Aden or
Robert Antrim
Davis, David
Darnell, James
Goodrick, William
Harenden, Avaline
Hinshaw, Elias
Jobe, Charity
Johnson, Hezekiah
Mason, William
Merchant, William
Millum, James
M’Kee, Rebecca
Nunn, Worten
Rees, Evan
Sanders, Thomas
Smith, Thos. S.
Stinson, John or David
Samuel Sanders, P.M.
David Creamer, living in Hillsboro, offers reward for strayed two year old colt raised in Fayette Co.
Taken up by Joseph Swim, Salem Twp, 1 year old mare; appraised by Elison G. Keys and Andrew Murphey. John Colvin, J.P.
Taken up by Charles Hambleton, a roan mare branded J.S.; appraised by Alex Buntain and Wm. C. Scott. Joseph Dryden, J.P.
Mease Smith, one of the heirs and legal representative of Thomas Parker, deceased, will sell residue of land belonging to estate in New Market.
October 27, 1827
Married Thur. last by Joseph Dryden, Esq., Mr. Tara Templin, Jun. to Miss Rachel Johnson, both of this county.
Samuel Litler, late of Highland Co., deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. Sarah Litler, Admix.
June 14, 1828
Bodies of Dr. Cooper, his wife and daughter were found near Manchester, Adams Co. Ohio on 6 May. They left Wheeling last February in a skiff. Two horrid stab wounds were found in the body of Dr. Cooper. Inquest brought verdict of "willful murder."
Died 24 February last, after short illness at Lima, Mr. James Cooley, State of Ohio, charge d’Affairs of United States in Peru.
Samuel Bell and Richard Collins, defendants, vs. Benjamin Tutt, James Hirons, Ezek’l Hirons, Hugh Wardlow, Robert Davidson, Marlin Gats and John Florence, defendants. Petition for partition of two tracts of land; Entry No. 1016 and Entry No. 3316 supposed to be altogether about 1516 acres.
Richard Cherry, Adm. of estate of William Cherry, deceased, will sell real estate 12 July next.
Taken up in Salem Twp, by Elijah Faris, a stray black mare; appraised by James S. Busick and Joseph Swaim. John Colvin, J.P.
Taken up in Fairfield Twp, by Elijah C. Wilkmon, an iron gray mare; appraised by David and Daniel Hixson. David Terrell, J.P.
Dr. George J. Hardy, of Baltimore, late of Boonsborough, Washington Co. Maryland, has located in Petersburg to practice medicine, surgery and midwifery.
Jesse Willis, late of Paint Twp, deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. Demsey Overman, Adm. April 9, 1828.
Thomas Moon, late of Green Twp, Fayette Co., deceased. All those with claims against the estate must make them within one year. David Moon, Exr.
Chancery Court: John Smith & William Wright, complainants vs. Solomon Beeding & Jane, his wife & George Hodson, defendants. Dispute over 100 acres situated in Highland Co. on east fork of Little Miami, the right that was in said Jane Beeding.
Common Pleas: Hastings Marks, complainant vs. William and Polly Moore. John Marks, by his last will and testament executed, proved and appealed in Wilkes Co. GA. devised to complainant 1000 acres of land received by him, said Marks for services in the Revolutionary War and 4000 acres located between Scioto and Little Miami River; survey No. 1520 & 1521. Defendant William Moore fraudulently obtained patent in name of Polly Moore as heir at law of said John Marks and has refused to convey same to complainant.
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Hillsborough, Ohio on 1 October 1833 which if not taken out in three months will be forwarded to the General P.O. as dead letters.
Armstrong, James | Cullings, George | Hutchinson, Wm. T. | Nevin, William | Thomas, Elisha |
Anderson, Benjamin | Crumley, John S. | James, Daniel |
Oldaker, John |
Tomlinson, Nath. |
Bennet, Sarah | Davies, Thomas | Jones, John | Pike, Samuel | Vanover, Wm. |
Byshire, Christopher | Evans, Elizabeth | Irwin, Elizabeth | Pitzer, John | Vanhise, Isaac |
Bradfield, Jonas |
Easter, John son of Mark |
Jones, Ross | Quinn, Rev. James | Vanover, Henry |
Beard, John | Ellis, John | Jarman, John | Reveal, Wm. | Vest, John |
Boyd, John | Eppison, William | Jenkins, John | Richardson, Henry | Wood, John |
Butcher, Ann | Evans, Albert G. | Keen, John M. | Swadley, Mary |
Waller, Mrs. Ruth |
Brock, John | Fenner, Joseph | King, Thomas | Swadley, Nicholas | Wise, Christopher |
Bailey, Thomas |
Franklin, Nelson |
Loyd, Wm. | Snider, Henry | Wilson, William |
Baker, Amasa | Ferguson, William | Lee, G.H. | Stroup, Michael | Weaver, Jacob, Sr. |
Berreman, Elizabeth & Chaney, Mary | Gardiner, Jane | Lee, Edward | Sanders, David A. | Williams, Mary T. |
Bower, Jacob | Gibson, Samuel | Lucas, Bazil | Stroup, Margaret | Waddel, James |
Boyd, Samuel | Graham, Robert | Lauder, Fred | Spicknerd, George | Yates, Sam. |
Bowman, Isaac | Gillespie, Hugh | Murray, Mary | Smith, Sina | Young, R.S. |
Coons, Rachel | Goodrich, Wash | Miller, Levi or Bell, J. | Shriver, Arthur | |
Cunningham, And. | Gray, Jacob |
Milligan, Sam’l |
Smith, Miss Ann | |
Chafin, Jacob | Gallion, Achilles H. |
McCloud, James |
Sargent, Henrietta M. | |
Cherry, Richard | Harris, Benj. | Manker, Evan |
Sample, George |
Collier, Perry | Hill, Simeon | McDaniel, Alfred | Seward, Israel | |
Conrad, Ebenezer | Hart, John | Murdock, James |
Shriver, Wm. F. |
Carson, Ellen | Hill, Jas H. | Manker, Jacob | Thompson, William | J.A. Trimble, Post Master |
Hillsborough Gazette
Highland County
November 9, 1833
Married Thursday last by Wm. C. Scott, Esq., Mr. James Dryden to Miss Elizabeth Ellis, all of this town.
Married 29th ult. in Russellville by Rev. J.H. Lockhart, Mr. Samuel Wilkins to Miss Sarah C. Clark, all of Brown Co.
Chancery: James Bundy and Rebecca, his wife vs. Mary Stults, Isaac B. West and Mary West, his wife; Wm. Edenfield, John Edenfield, Jonas Edenfield, and Samuel Edenfield, defendants regarding 268 acres of land bounded by Jesse Miller, William Elliot’s part of survey No. 8075 consisting of 600 acres in name of Thomas James.
All persons with claims against the estate of Sarah Woollas, deceased, of Liberty Twp., Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to John W. Woollas, Adm.
Isaac Greathouse, Adm. of estate of Robert Glass, deceased, wishes to sell real estate for use of Jonathan Allison, vs. widow of said Robert Glass, land bounded by land sold to Sarah Whitley, being part of 1000 acres of No. 923 granted to Cadwallader Wallace and John Watts, conveyed by them to said Robert Glass.
Georgetown, Brown Co.
No. 1, Union Township
Forsyth, Robert Walker Baylor Red Oak
Hodgkins, Martha Stephen Southall Ohio
Lane, Elias heirs Jordan Harris Eagle creek
Poage, Andrew James Poage Ohio
Sutherland, Ebenezer, heirs Josiah Parker Red Oak
Shepherd, Abraham Walker Baylor same
No. 2, Huntington
Baldwin, James Lawrence Ward Eagle Creek
Richmond, John Jr. Daniel Morgan E fk E c
Shelton, Thomas James Monroe 3 mile
No. 3, Byrd
Bartholmew, Jacob heirs Josiah Parker Eagle Creek
Collins, Eli Thomas Fox W fk E. Creek
Jolly, Lucy Josiah Parker Red Oak
Lane, John Thomas Kerlin Eagle Creek
Spires, William John Crawford Eagle Creek
No. 4, Jackson
Bennett, James Joseph Pugh Straight Creek
Ellison, John William Tompkins W fk E. Creek
Fortover, Beltheshezzar Andrew Gatewood
Moore, Jos. & Jas. Nathan Lamame
Pugh, Joseph heirs Joseph Pugh Straight Creek
Spears Mary Daniel Ball same
No. 5, Eagle
Edgington, Honor William Vance W fk Br Creek
Edgington, Isaac Henry Asbury same
same Jacob Coleman same
Mills, James Nathan Lamme same
No. 6 Washington
McKnight, Robert George Slaughter White Oak
unk. John Hook same
Wardlaw, John Thomas Warring same
Wallace, Cadwallader same
James, Woodbridge & Bond same
No. 7, Franklin
October 14, 1839
John Allen, Adm. of estate of James Ellis, deceased, of Green Twp., Brown Co. requests payment of debts.
Edward McDaniel, Adm. of estate of Elisha James, deceased, will sell real estate belonging to deceased, on Deceased 7.
Married 17th ult. by Rev. John T. Hibner, Mr. Windall Guinner to Miss Margaret Miller, both of Arnheim, Brown Co.
Adams Co: Jacob Zile vs. Enoch Ogle’s unknown children and heirs, Thomas Ogle’s unknown children and heirs, David Ogle, William Ogle, James Ogle, Cressup and Hannah, his wife, Stephen Clark, and Rebecca, his wife; James Samalt and Polly, his wife, the unknown heirs of Julia Crawford and Joseph Ogle. Petition to parcel 100 acres owned equally by Wm. and David Ogle and by Benjamin Van Ogle, both since deceased, intestate without children. Said William Ogle, after Benjamin Ogle’s death, conveyed William’s interest to the plaintiff. Benjamin’s and William’s brothers and sisters are those named above Notice October 31, 1839.
Adams Co: James D. Caldwell, Adm. of estate of Jesse McKay, deceased, vs. Jesse McKay’s heirs. Ready to execute real estate to Ephraim McCreight and to John Campbell. Notice October 14, 1839.
Samuel McConaugh lost a pocketbook on the 18th inst. containing notes on John Lilly payable to David Ferrier, due Sept. 1, 1839; on Marshal Whitcomb; on More M’Connel and several notes due Victor Latimore.
Dissolution of partnership of John McGrew and Jesse Dugin by mutual consent.
Wm. McColgin and E. Francis, Adm. of estate of John Glendenning, late of Jackson Twp. request payment of debts. Notice made August 1, 1839.
Joseph Hirons will sell farm on Whiteoak Creek, Highland Co. consisting of 100 acres.
Highland County
May 6, 1842
Rynard Carlise vs. Wm. M. Patton and George W. Semons, debt and mortgage. Seamons fradulently sold lots to Patton and has since left the state. J. Winston Price, Solicitor of the Plaintiff.
August 25
Married 10 August by Rev. Wm.M. McReynolds, Mr. George Trout to Miss Eliza Weaver.
Married 19th inst. by same, Mr. Andrew McKinley to Miss Delila Graham.
Thos. Barret and Jane Ann Baugh, Adm. of estate of Waters Baugh, deceased, late of New Market Twp. request payment of debts.
Rachel Taylor, S.S. Liggett, Adms. of estate of Joseph Taylor, late of Dodson Twp. request payment of debts.
Anthony Garoutte of Missouri vs. Thomas Taylor, Mary Howell (formerly Taylor), and John C. Howell, her husband; Elizabeth Adams (formerly Taylor) and Wm. Adams, her husband; Henry Howell and Levi Howell direct claimants from Sarah Howell formerly Taylor, all of state of New Jersey vs. Wm. Taylor of Philadelphia. Petition filed. Henry Taylor and John Taylor of Ohio foreclosure of mortgage made by Joseph Taylor (who died 1843) 6 Sept. 1840 on 81 acres being part of of Survey No. 4163 made in the name of Robert Sayer.
To Whom It May Concern: Eleazer Barrow warns public that Asa Widmeyer proposes to sell house, rails, etc. on land sold by Barrow to Thomas Mullinex and Widmeyer not authorized to do so.
November 11, 1842
Brown Co.: John Nicolaus and Phillipina, his wife, late Phillipina Stamm freely agreed to part and to have no more intimacy hereafter forever and divided all goods and chattels to their satisfaction. Phillipina freely leaves John and will make no claim. 20 Sept. 1842. Wit: Wm. Tomb, Henry Christman, Sr., Henry Christman, Jr.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Sept. 15, 1843
Married 24 August by John Stevenson, Esq., Mr. John Craighead to Miss Sally Overman of Paint Twp.
Married 10 Sept. by same John Tomlinson to Miss Elizabeth Fletcher of Paint Twp.
Benjamin Chaney, Sheriff of Highland Co. has received writs from Court of Common Pleas and will sell real estate to satisfy the following decrees:
Foreman Evans, vs. Joseph H. Mullinex and John F. Mullinex. re: 150 acres part of Otway Byrd’s survey No. 2515 by Wyatt Young.
Daniel J. Fallis and Thomas Barry against said Mullinex.
Robert D. Lilly vs. John Lucas re: part of Otway Byrrd’s Survey No. 2515 bounded by John Moyland, Survey No. 2503.
Foreman Evans vs. John W. Timberlake
John Smith & son vs. Thomas Robison
Abner Moore vs. William Allison re: part of Thomas Parke’s survey of 1500 acres No. 3303.
Thomas E. Johnson vs. Wm. Hardy & wife re: land bounded by Joseph Grice consisting of 21 3/4 acres.
Abraham Gibler vs. Caleb Clark and Samuel Seymond re: undivided 1/2 of 106 acres patented to Henry Avery and James Taylor.
Benjamin Haller, Adm. of estate of Henry Davis vs. Wm. McGrew and Robert Antrim
Lewis Gibler and Joseph Davis vs. Levi Chaney and Lydia Chaney re: part of Elisha William’s survey No. 4165 bounded by Andrew Pagan’s lot and William Spickard.
Peter H.B. Drace vs. John Caseldine re: part of James Wright’s survey No. 4363 consisting of 460 acres bounded by Daniel Drais.
Isaac N. Pettyjohn vs. Lazarus Ross re: tract of 140 acres.
John Snowden vs. James Beard re: part of Scott & Bowling’s survey No. 993 bounded by Albert Matthew’s land on line between Brown and Highland Co.
Edward Head vs. James Skeen re: chattel property.
Elias Boatman vs. William Scott, Adam Cunningham & wife.
October 6
Married 3 Oct, by Rev. Wm. M. McReynolds, Mr. James Jackson to Miss Elizabeth Johnston, both of Highland Co.
Dissolution of partnership on 9 August of J.G. Juett and Isaac Crosby.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
January 19, 1844
Married 31 December by Wm. Cochran, Esq., Mr. William Dillman to Miss Polly Miller.
Married 10 Jan. by same, Mr. Stephen Stoop of Green Co. Ohio to Miss Jane B. Post of Jackson Twp., Highland Co.
Married 17th isnt. by Rev. Samuel Steel, Mr. John Adair of Indiana to Miss Isabell Patterson, daughter of Judge Moses Patterson, of this vicinity.
Died at 8:00 p.m. Wed. 10th inst., at his residence in this county, Mr. Eli Glasscock in his 70th year. His illness was short, lasting only about 5 days. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was born in Fauquier Co. VA. and moved to Highland Co. in 1828.
Jan. 26
Died here, Charles Henry, infant son of David M. & Hester D. Harmon, aged 1y, 7m, 17d.
Hugh Smart, Adm. of the estate of Jonas Jennings, deceased, will sell real estate consisting of Lot No. 68 in Greenfield.
Magdalen Runnion, John Runnion, James Cochran and his wife, Ann; Samuel Shafer and Elizabeth, his wife; James Taylor and Polly, his wife; Catharine Runnion, Solomon Runnion, Anderson Runnion, Jacob Runnion, William Runnion, Lydia Runnion, Deborah Runnion, Sarah Runnion, Phebe Runnion have had petition field against them on 7 October 1843 by Andrew J. Hart and Margaret, his wife; demanding partition of real estate consisting of 108 1/4 acres and 34 poles more or less of Entry No. 3831 in name of Dawson Treagle. Filed Highland Co. Court of Common Pleas.
John Leamans and Samuel Leamans, Adms. will sell real estate belonging to the estate of Isaac Leaman, deceased., bounded by Daniel Insekkep and Joel Brown consisting of 132 1/4 acres deeded by Benjamin Elliott in fact for Temple Elliot jointly to Joel Brown and Mary Pusey on 14 March 1806.
Feb 9
Married 8th inst. by Rev. Isaac Ebbert, Mr. Samuel B. Turner, merchant of New Petersburg to Miss Susannah d/o David Inskeep of this place.
John W. Price and Wm. Scott vs. Robert Cooper. Will sell real estate on 12 March consisting of 100 acres, being part of survey No. 2906 patented to John Bradford bounded by G. Parker, being the same land conveyed by Thomas Fitzpatrick to Robert Cooper 18 November 1832 and recorded Book 1, p. 367. Also a second tract of 90 acres, being part of No. 1368 to Elizabeth Febeger in trust being same land conveyed by Robert Thayer and his wife 7 March 1839 recorded Book No. 7, p. 395.
In Chancery: John Smith and son vs. David Layman, Catharine Layman and William Scott. 98 acres being part of Entry No. 917 bounded by Aquilla Reece’s tract of 100 acres sold to satisfy decree.
David Collins of Ross Co. vs. Robert B. Bagby et al. Survey No. 14410, made for Robert Bagby of 150 acres for military warrant No. 8681 bounded by P.P. Mayo’s Survey No. 12725, 12726, Leonard Butler’s Survey No. 14379, Wm. Bayless’ Survey No. 1619 to C. Wallace’s survey No. 13217, 13218 and Daniel Knisly’s Survey No. 12222.
Thomas E. Jackson vs. William Hardy et al. regarding 21 3/4 acres bounded by John Sears, Joseph Grice, being the same land conveyed to John Batement and Deborah Bateman, Mary Jane O’Neal and Gershom Perude to said William Hardy on 15 July 1836; it being part of Richard Anderson’s survey No. 3579 will be sold on March 4 by Hardy and wife to satisfy decree.
John Smith and son vs. John W. Timberlake et al. Land to be sold by defendant on 4 March in Concord Twp. bounded by Benjamin Hill, a tract subject to dower rights of Mary Rickman, late Mary Delaney, widow of John Delaney, deceased, bounded by John Hair and a tract bounded by James Martin and Benjamin Hill and wife.
February 23
Thomas L. Hamer vs. Jacob Knissley and Joseph McDowell vs. Jacob Knissley. Defendant will sell 119 acres on March 12 except 18 acres off North west sold to Henry Curp of Survey No. 11023.
John Smith and son vs. Thomas Umphrey. Land will be sold 12 March which is part of survey made in name of Francis Dade, No. 4550, bounded by land sold to John Cashall and bounded by Thomas Reece’s heirs consisting of 83 1/2 acres.
March 1
Noah Glasscock and Joseh Glasscock, Adms. of estate of Eli Glasscock, deceased, request settlement of claims and debts.
Sept. 13
John Troustine, Adm. of estate of Alexander Guitaman, late of Paint Twp. will sell real estate.
Benjamin Chaney, Adm. of estate of Benniah Farris, deceased, will sell 106 acres, being part of P. Kerr’s Survey #852 and part of #6713 by order of petition of Adm. against widow and heirs to pay debts - July Term of the Court of Common Pleas.
Common Pleas: Isaac Colvin and John Wood, Adm. of Thomas Colvin, deceased vs. Isaac Chapman and Rachel, his wife, late Rachel Colvin; George Roush and Mary, his wife, late Mary Colvin; Caleb Chapman and Sarah, his wife, late Sarah Colvin; Jacob Cochran, and Jane, his wife, late Jane Colvin; and unknown heirs of John S. Hughey and Fannie, late Fannie Colvin, deceased, and John A. Colvin, Samuel M. Colvin, Amas Colvin and Thomas Colvin, Jr., heirs and legal representatives of Thomas Colvin, deceased, to complete real estate transfer with Abraham Welty for 4 acres contracted by Thomas Colvin in his lifetime.
Indented girl, Lydia Sprinkle, ran away on 9th inst. from Wm. Emery.
Robert Waller, desirous of moving west, will sell farm 2 miles from Lynchburg.
Sept. 27
John Rodocker, of Kugler’s Mill in Clermont Co. will pay reward for bay mare which strayed 1 June last.
Mr. Daniel Tyler, Revolutionary War soldier, in his 89th year, addressed the Democratic meeting at Centerfield in this county on the 14th inst. He enlisted 12 days after reaching 18 years. He planned to vote for Polk and Dallas.
October 19
Married 3 inst. by John Stevenson, Esq., Mr. John Trounstine to Miss Elizabeth Guitaman, all of Petersburg.
Married 10th inst by Rev. Wm. M. McReynolds, Mr. David Pollack of Scioto Co. and Miss Nancy St. Clair of Highland Co.
All persons with claims against the estate of Matthias Chaney, deceased, of Union Twp., Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Miles Hart and Joseph Chaney, Adm.
Reward for return of runaway boy named Joseph Kelsey, indented apprentice to farming business of George M. Dickson.
All persons with claims against the estate of Elizabeth Middleton, deceased, of Brushcreek Twp., Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Sampson Tenor, Adm.
All persons with claims against the estate of Jesse Jackson, deceased, of Union Twp., Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Joseph Jackson, Adm.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
December 7, 1849
All persons with claims against the estate of John J. Fuystenberger, deceased, of Clay Twp., Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Peter Euvrard, Adm.
All persons with claims against the estate of Abraham Moler, deceased, of Clay Twp. Highland Co., are hereby notified to present them to Israel Rice, Adm.
Married on 6 November by Rev. Wm. M. McReynolds, James Stroup to Margaret Pulse of Dodson Twp.
Married same, Samuel Kenady of Marshall Twp. to Cynthian Stockton of Paint Twp.
Married same, Henry H. Kugler of Marshall Twp. to Sarah Jane Kindsey of Paint Twp.
Married 23rd by same, Isaac Bennent to Mary Langley of Liberty Twp.
Married 26th by same, John Chapman to Mary V. Houghland of Liberty Twp.
Married 20th Mr. J.R. Gilmore to Miss Elma Johnson, both of Jackson Twp.
Married same, Doctor Smith McKinsey to Rachel Jane McCoy, both of Paint Twp.
Married same, Mr. Anthony Redkey to Ellen Taylor of Paint Twp.
Married on 31 in Chillicothe by John J. Robinson, Esq., Theodore K. Church to Miss Mary Jane Gossett of Hillsborough
Died in Hillsborough on the 1st inst., Peter L. Ayres in his 59th year. He was born 4 February 1789 in Buckingham Co. VA. In his 24th year, he married Miss Holman. Member Meth. Ep. Church; became Templar in 1815 and in 1823 or 24 formed first templar society in that part of the state. In 1833, Mr. Ayres came with his family from Virginia and settled in this vicinity. Two years later, he suffered loss of his companion. In May, 1837, he united with Mrs. Clarissa West who survives him. Long obit.
Died Monday morning last, Joseph son of Mr. Wm. Shepherd of this place, aged 7 years.
William C. Garrett & Samuel Wise, Adms. will sell real estate belonging to the estate of William A. Wise, deceased.
Isaac Cravens, George W. Harvey, Thomas M. Harvey, Simon Harvey, heirs of Mary Harvey, deceased, will sell farm lying on Brush Creek and farm in Marshall Twp.
John Stevenson, Adm. will sell real estate belonging to the estate of Wm. Spence, deceased.
D.J. Fallis has been appointed administrator of the estate of William Wright, late of Liberty Twp. 9 November 1849.