The Herald
Osceola, St. Clair County, Missouri
July 4, 1866
Miss R.L. Marquis has a Public School in successful operation,
Drs. Marquis informs us that they are now treating a case of Spotted Fever of a very malignant stamp, some nine miles south of Osceola. This is something uncommon in this country we are told.
On Wednesday, the 20th ult. during a thunder-storm while the workmen—eleven in number—were engaged in shocking wheat on the farm of Robert Martin, in Washington Twp., in this county, lightning struck in the midst of the men and James M. Tillery, a son-in-law of Samuel Martin, was instantly killed; the lightning breaking his neck and passing down his left side tearing off his clothing and left boot. Seven others were shocked, some quite severely—Samuel Martin and Wm. Tillery both feeling the effects. After partially recovering, William Tillery ran to his brothers’ assistance and had to extinguish the flames burning in two places in the deceased’s clothing. Mr. Tillery leaves a young wife and large circle of friends.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of James W. Beck, deceased, have been granted to Sarah F. Beck, Administratrix, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within one year from the 16 April 1866, or they will be forever barred.
Legal Orders of Publication, April Term 1866:
David T. Short, plaintiff vs. William H. Huffman. Debt
Alexander C. Summers, Administrator of estate of Thomas Piper, deceased, plaintiff vs. Joseph Hacker and Julius Hacker. Debt.
N.E. Young , plaintiff vs. I. Christian and Charles Christian. Foreclosure.
William N. Patterson, plaintiff vs. W.W. Callison. Debt.
Peter Shoemaker, plaintiff, vs. John Crocker. Wrongfully took property.
John T. Metcalf , plaintiff, vs. Andrew J. Gibson. Debt.
Hardson E. Bridge, John H. Beach and Leader B. Holland , a business in St. Louis vs. R.C. Vaughan . Debt.
In Vacation: William E. Shelton, plaintiff, vs. William Harmon and Elisha Moore. Debt.
Merchant’s Bank of St. Louis, plaintiff, vs. Samuel P. Hedges, Samuel Moore and William J. Mayo (latter two are non-residents of Missouri) Debt.
Merchant’s Bank of St. Louis, plaintiff, vs. M.M. Hansbrough, Aaron Tripett, Pines R. Dunn, Pines R. and H.W. Linn, Debt.
July 11, 1866
Communicated: I was yesterday a listener at the inquest held by Albert G. Clarke, Esq. on the body of William C. Robinson held at the house of Reuben Vaughan, six miles from town and about half a mile beyond the scene of the murder. On 8th inst., the deceased, in company with Freeman Graham started from Mr. Fisher's (later corrected to Tucker) house to go to King’s Prairie, with the intention of visiting Graham’s sister. When the two arrived they were without previous warning, fired at from the brush and Robinson fell from his horse, shot through the groin. During the firing, Graham’s hat was shot through, but he otherwise was untouched. He retreated to the open prairie and went back to Mr. Tucker’s where Robinson’s horse had arrived about an hour before. Diligent search failed to discover any trace of the arrival or departure from the ambuscade. The jury brought in verdict that the deceased came to his death by the hands of persons unknown.
Circuit Court publication: Martin S. Boots, plaintiff, vs. Elijah Boots , Eli Boots , Samuel Kaylor, Elizabeth Kaylor, John R. Lewellen, Susan Lewellen , Daniel Dillman, Rachel Dillman , Boots Solomon, Peterson Thomas, Mahala Peterson, John Boots and Susan Boots, heirs at law of the estate of Martin Boots , deceased. Petition for partition. Elijah Boots , John Boots, Eli Boots, Samuel and Elizabeth Kaylor are non-residents of Missouri.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of R.D. Crenshaw, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of Edmund Nance, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of Thomas H. Lessly, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of George Meddaugh, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of William M. Gant, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
J.T. Farrier and Jane Talley, Executors of the estate of John Tally, deceased, will sell real estate.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of William F. Crenshaw, with will annexed, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
G.B. Park, Administrator of estate of George W. Talley, deceased, will sell lots in St. Clair County at the court house.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of D.L. Stone, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
Henry Denny, Public Administrator having charge of estate of Pierson Snyder, plaintiff vs. David F. Blake, defendant. Debt.
William N. Patterson , plaintiff, vs. W.W. Callison. Debt.
July 18
From the Plains: We learn from Mr. Clements, who arrived last night from Denver, that Mr. Ezra Fuller, the proprietor of a ranch on Little Blue was killed by a party of Cheyenne on the 23 inst. The deceased, in company with his brother, was bathing in the river, when surprised by the savages. From Leav. Con.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Lafayette F. Willingham, deceased, have been granted to Daniel E. Young, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within one year from the 13 July 1866.
Samuel G. Reed and Markham, William H. , plaintiff, vs. Waldo P. Johnson. Debt.
Aaron B. Sluder and Martha V. Sluder, his wife, plaintiffs, vs. Newton L. Greenfield and the following persons, heirs of Wesley Greenfield, deceased, viz: George A. Allen and Rebecca Allen, his daughter, Thomas W. Morton and Addie Morton, his wife; Reuben K. Greenfield, Robert Greenfield, Wesley Greenfield and Mrs. Lilley Greenfield, wife of Wesley Greenfield, deceased and Shearman Webster. Defendants are non-residents of Missouri.
Died in Osceola on 11th inst., Sherman, only child of Wm. and Sarah Williamson, aged 11 months and 13 days.
Capt. Burdett, Circuit Attorney, informs us that at a recent session in Cedar County, Wm. T. Crabtree was found guilty of horse steeling and sent three years to the penitentiary. Francis M. Stroud, tried for the same offense was remanded to await a new trial.
Special Notice: Burdett & Clarke, attorney’s wish to ascertain the place of residence of Martha Ann Miner and of her daughter Louisa Miner, who formerly lived on Wabello Creek. Mr. Miner, the husband of one, and father of the other, removed to California about ten years since, and has recently died there, leaving some property for one of them.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of T.J. Parks, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July 1866 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of William M. Gant, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
July 25, 1866
Died in Osceola Sunday night, the 22nd inst., Sue M., wife of Wm. C. Johnston, age 29 years. Lewistown, (Pa.) newspapers, please copy.
August 1
Died on the 29th ult., William, son of John and Emeline Fleming, aged 12 years.
Died in Osceola, July 28th, Frank Roberts , son of Wm. U. and Sue M. Johnston , aged 1y, 7m, 4d.
William M. Cox plaintiff vs. John W. Jones and Thomas N. Henley. Debt on contract dated 1 January 1861 in which defendants promised to pay P.M. Cox, guardian of said Wm. M. Cox $155.
Amderson Morton plaintiff vs. William Prowell, Wilson King, Jedediah Waldo, Thomas S. Harris, Josiah Reed, John Hawkins, defendants. Attachment.
Samuel G. Reed and William H. Markham, plaintiff, vs. Waldo P. Johnson. Attachment.
Matilda Waldo vs. Jedediah Waldo. Attachment.
Ann W. Todd, Administratrix of estate of Daniel P. Todd, plaintiff, vs. J.C. Brashear. Attachment.
Samuel H. Martin, plaintiff, vs. John Sims and James H. Sims (non-residents). Attachment.
August 8, 1866
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Ann Hoover, deceased, have been granted to Thomas A. Peebly, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within three years.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Henry C. Hoover, deceased, have been granted to Thomas A. Peebly, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within three years.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Alexander Hoover, deceased, have been granted to J.M. Hoover and S.A. Hoover, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within one year from the August 1866.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of Henry County, Missouri, made at September 1866 term, I, I.P.W. Cecil, Administrator of estate of B.W. Echols, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Kincade, deceased, have been granted to Richard Kincade, Administratrix, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within one year from the 7 July 1866.
Hiram Short, plaintiff, vs. Robert P. Cocke. Debt.
Caleb J. Barr, plaintiff, vs. Richard W. Garnett. Debt.
August 15
Sheriff B.G. Roberts will sell real estate in execution of order from the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Reuben Vaughan and against William Harris.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of James M. Tillery, deceased, have been granted to Samuel H. Martin, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within one year from the 13 July 1866.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at July and August 1866 terms, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of James Jameson and Richard G. Woods, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Adam Huffman, deceased, have been granted to Peter Roark, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within three years from the 3 April 1866.
Married at the home of the bride’s father by Rev. John Whitaker, Mr. John D. Whitten and Miss Julia Wheeler.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of John M. Smith and against John Crockett, Patterson Crockett, William B. Lessly and George Lessly will sell described real estate, the property of James D. Crockett.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Ann W. Todd, Administratrix of estate of Daniel P. Todd , deceased and against Joseph R. Young will sell described real estate.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Ann W. Todd, Administratrix of estate of Daniel P. Todd, deceased, and against Andrew J. Gibson will sell described real estate.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Samuel H. Martin, Administrator of estate of William Allen, deceased, and against Jonathan Culbertson will sell described real estate.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of William M. Cox and against John R. Bourland will sell described real estate.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Stephen P. Baker and against Noah Caton, Joshua Caton, Robert Sproull and James Burke will sell described real estate, the property of said defendants.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Timothy Martin and against Lawrence Smith, L.Y. Weir, Silas Hindman, Thomas Crawford, James Osburn, George Childers, John Hall, Raphael Hansford, William Ham, William Hindman, James Noland, Zacheus Harper, Samuel Wood, James Hosey, Denton Acre, James B. Wood, John Hosey and James Pace will sell described real estate as the property of William and Samuel Ham.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Mayfield Hoshaw and against Jedediah Waldo will sell described real estate, property of Waldo.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of John Fleming and against J.R. Young and James Bryson will sell described real estate, the property of Young.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Thomas Shepard and against John Cameron will sell described real estate, the property of Cameron..
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Noah North, Administrator of the estate of Samuel Richardson, deceased, and against George W. Ray will sell described real estate, the property of Ray.
August 22, 1866
Taken up by Samuel Robertson of Jackson township, St. Clair County, Missouri a dark mare and gelding. J.T. Farrier, J.P.
Taken up by Paris Brown of Osceola township, St. Clair County, Missouri a sorrel mare. Albert G. Clarke, Esq., J.P.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Merchant's Bank of St. Louis and against Abraham Miller will sell described real estate, the property of Miller.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Wm. H. Burchett and against T.D. Hall will sell described real estate, the property of Hall.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts , by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Merchant's Bank of St. Louis and against Hugh Hall will sell described real estate, the property of Hall.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Ann W. Todd , Administratrix of estate of Daniel P. Todd, deceased and against William H. Trollinger, will sell described real estate, the property of Trollinger.
Sheriff B.G. Roberts, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Reuben Vaughan and against William Harris will sell described real estate, the property of Harris.
Married at the residence of the bride's father on the 26th ult. by Rev. John Whitaker, Mr. James Taylor to Miss Mary Wisnar, all of St. Clair.
Married by same at residence of bride's father on 5th inst., Mr. Thomas Smith to Miss Sarah Gosney, all of Hickory County.
Caleb J. Barr, plaintiff vs. Richard W. Garnett, non-resident of the State of Missouri. Debt on promissory note.
August 29
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Rachel Harris, deceased, have been granted to W.H. Sebley and Lutissa Harris, Administrators, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within three years.
Died is Osceola August 25th, Mrs. Jane L. Johnson, late of McVeyton, Pennsylvania, age 56y, 9m, 25d. She had been a widow 19 years. Eulogy.
September 5. 1866
Final Settlement for the estate of William Alsop, deceased, will be presented by James Cole, Administrator at the next court term.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of John D. Sims, deceased, have been granted to Lucy Sims, Administratrix, on 3 September by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within three years.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at September term, I, Mary Boots, Administratrix, having charge of estate of Absalom Boots, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death in lots in Taberville.
September 12
I, Jacob Kitterman, of St. Clair County will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mary Kitterman.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jas J. Russell, deceased, have been granted to E.B. Bunch, Administrator, in July 1866 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within three years.
I, John F. Stivers , Administrator of the estate of Joseph Stivers, deceased, have made application to the St. Clair County court to sell real estate in order to pay debts.
I, David Hall, Administrator of the estate of William A. Jackson, deceased, have made application to the St. Clair County court to sell real estate in order to pay debts.
I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator of the estate of Richard D. Crenshaw, deceased, have made application to the St. Clair County court to sell real estate in order to pay debts.
I, R.H. Sproul, Executor of the estate of Joseph Coultherd, deceased, have made application to the St. Clair County court to sell real estate in order to pay debts.
A young man who called himself Hoddy and sometimes Wilson was hanged in Christian County on 4th inst. for horse stealing. The thief was overtaken by the owner of the horse and being escorted back to McDonald county where the horse was stolen when he was taken in charge by citizens of the county and hanged. From the Bolivar Sentinel.
Married at the home of the bride's father, August 29th by Elder. E. Barber, Lieut. Ed Hall and Miss A.G. Greenwell, all of St. Clair.
Married by the same at the home of the bride's father, Mr. N.W. Boles and Miss Mary E. Dunning, parties of Henry County.
Married by same at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Henry H. Snyder and Miss Hannah S. McKinley , parties of St. Clair.
Died in Osceola on 6th inst. Miss Amanda J., daughter of the late Mrs. Jane L. Johnston, aged 23y, 5m, 2d. In the short space of twelve days, are two pure spirits, Mother and Daughter, wafted from the world of sorrow. Lewistown papers, please copy.
September 19
On Sunday afternoon, Miss Lizzie Collins, living two miles northwest of Clinton committed suicide by hanging herself in the smoke-house. Cause presumed to be disappointment in love, from a note found afterwards. From Clinton Advocate.
Died on 8th September, Hannah M., wife of J.H. Thomas, aged 26y, 5d. After four weeks of intense suffering and knowing that a separation was about to take place, she expressed her willingness to die and passed from this earth.
September 26
A guerilla leader named Dick Hempstead was on Monday captured by the Regulars near Little Rock, Arkansas, who after trying him and finding him guilty of 22 murders, all of which he confessed, burned him in a slow fire which totally consumer his body.
Married at the home of the bride's father, September 16th by Elder John Whitaker, Mr. W.J. Horn of Cedar County to Miss Almeda Dudley of St. Clair County. New Albany (Ind.) papers, please copy.
October 3, 1866
Final Settlement for the estate of Geo. W. Tally, deceased, will be presented by B.G. Park, Administrator at the next court term.
Married by Elder E. Barber, Sept. 30th at the residence of S.M. Cooley, Elder John Whitaker to Miss Emeline Earnest.
October 17
On 28th of last month an Englishman named George Anderson—a man of very bad character—was disturbing the peace of the streets of Boonville, threatening to kill those who he imagined to have abused him, and in resisting the attempt to be arrested was shot. He married a daughter of Wm. Haas, and had several children who survived the death of his wife. A week after her death he married his deceased wife's sister; and within a few weeks after this he run off with a married sister of his wife, taking her child along This was about six months ago. He returned on the 28th with the child and sent it to its own father, than got drunk and was shot. Exchange.
We learn from Dr. Crawford that Andy Bryant whose trial for the murder of David Jones is still fresh in the minds of the community, was struck on the head with a gun in the hands of a neighbor whom he had threatened to shoot, and injured so much that he cannot recover. Warsaw Times.
I, Daniel E. Young, Administrator of the estate of L.F. Willingham, deceased, have made application to the St. Clair County court to sell real estate in order to pay debts.
I, Jos. S. Herndon, Administrator of the estate of David Biggs, deceased, have made application to the St. Clair County court to sell real estate in order to pay debts.
Married at the residence of the bride's mother by Elder E. Barber , October 14th, Mr. John T. Ridgeway and Miss Ophelia C. Thompson , parties of St. Clair.
Died in Osceola, on the 12th inst., Edney, wife of John Dawson. Another pure spirit gone to a heavenly reward.
October 24
B.F. Moore, Administrator, having charge of estate of Wm. Moore, deceased, will sell at public auction one Jack, several head of mules and other livestock.
Strayed or stolen on 10th inst. from premises of Thomas Duncan , 24 miles south of Sedalia two horses. Any information will be liberally rewarded. Sterling Cooper, Osceola.
Taken up by David J. Beardsley of Osceola township, St. Clair County, Missouri, a bay filly. A.G. Clarke, J.P.
List of Registered voters.
October 31
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Thomas Gibbens, deceased, have been granted to Henry Denny, Public Administrator with will annexed. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within three years.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at 25 October term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of Celia Whitley, deceased, ask all persons with demands upon the estate to exhibit them within three years.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at October term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of R.D. Crenshaw , deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
To A.B. Jones, Registrar, we are indebted for the following list of persons who had registered in their respective township and being challenged for past disloyalty and their cases being brought before the Board of Appeals, their names were stricken off the registration list, disqualifying them for voting at the coming election:
William Oolze Osceola
Joseph Walker Osceola
Henry Tooley Osceola
Jonas Racer Osceola
Z. Lilley Osceola
Nathan Goodwin Monegaw
Andrew Mathis Monegaw
S.V. Keller Washington
W.C. Preston Washington
B.F. Bunch Speedwell
John Burch Speedwell
Married the 14th of October at residence of bride's mother by Elder John Whitaker, Mr. Thomas J. Fletcher to Miss Mary A. McConnel, all of Hickory County.
Married by same at residence of bride's father October 14th, Mr. Samuel J. Hurt to Miss Mary Dudley, all of St. Clair county.
November 7
We learn Mr. George Bryant, who lives on Wilson creek, committed suicide yesterday by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. No cause is assigned for this melancholy event. He is known as a man of good character. He went out of his house with two revolvers, when his mother asked where he was going he replied that he did not know. In about two minutes his family heard a pistol shot. He leaves a wife and several small children—Springfield Daily Patriot.
Lost! Lost! Elizabeth Allen, wife of Bluford G. Allen Bluford, and daughter of John Dunn , removed from Newton Co., Arkansas, in March 1865 to northwest part of Webster Co. where she now resides. She was accompanied from Arkansas by John Alexander and others. She has no knowledge of the whereabouts of any of her relations, not having heard from then since parting with Mr. Alexander which occurred shortly after her arrival in this state. She has six small children and is in destitute circumstances. The name of her oldest child is Martha Elizabeth. Any information from her friends will be thankfully received. Address her at Sand Springs, Webster Co. Missouri. Marshfield Yeoman.
November 14
Sarah Burnard, Administratrix of estate of James V. Burnard, deceased, will offer her resignation at the December term of the St. Clair County court.
November 21
Taken up by James Adlington of Osceola township, St. Clair County, Missouri a mare dun mule. Appraised by Morgan Wright and T.J. Childs for $65. T.J. Ferrer, J.P.
November 28
James M. Brackenridge, guardian of minors of James L. Bacon , deceased, plaintiff against C.M. Hall and Felix G. Garrett (non-resident of Missouri), defendants. Debt on promissory note.
Married at the home of the bride's brother by S.D. Whitten, Esq. November 22d, Lieut. L.B. Huddleston and Miss Mary H. Lawrence, parties of St. Clair. When the Lieut. was made captive in one of Sherman's campaigns he eluded his captors and got home again. Now the bright eyes of one of Iowa's fair daughters has made him captive, we poor bachelor friends must give him up as irrecoverably lost—to us only. Bentonsport (Iowa) papers, please copy.
Married at the home of the bride's mother on 15th inst. by A.G. Clark , Esq., Mr. George W. Culbertson and Miss Eliza Ann Gash of St. Clair Co.
Married by same on 22nd inst. at the Photographic establishment of A. Snell, Mr. Samuel Major of Henry county to Miss Bett Agee of St. Clair.
December 5
Notice to heirs of John Tally, deceased, that Executors T.J. Ferrier and Jane Tally have applied for order to sell Lot 2 willed to Sarah Foster and Jane Ferrier, lot willed to John M. Tally, a lot willed to George W. Tally, a lot willed to Elizabeth Commons and lot willed to Nancy Bunch.
M.J. McBride, Administrator of the estate of P. McBride, deceased, has applied to sell real estate in Johnson County, Missouri and in Monegaw City, St. Clair County to pay debts.
Henry Denny, Public Administrator in charge of the estate of Andrew Culbertson, deceased, has applied to the county court for permission to sell real estate to pay debts.
Henry Denny, Public Administrator in charge of the estate of William J. Nance, deceased, has applied to the county court for permission to sell real estate to pay debts.
Henry Denny, Public Administrator in charge of the estate of James P. Crockett, deceased, has applied to the county court for permission to sell real estate to pay debts.
Taken up by Daniel Morrical of Monagaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a brown mare appraised by Daniel Dillon and Thomas Patterson at $25. James Elliott, J.P.
Taken up by Daniel Dillon of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a sorrel mare and bay colt appraised by Daniel Morrical and Thomas Patterson. James Elliott, J.P.
December 12, 1866
Taken up by Joseph Higgins of Washington township, St. Clair County, Missouri a bay filly appraised at $40 by James Richardson D. Hall., J.P.
Taken up by W.J. Hutton Polk Township, St. Clair County, Missouri a yellow steer and red steer appraised by S.E. Weston and Richard Boatwright. Wolfe J.J.C. , J.P.
Martha T. Cocke, Administrator of the estate of M.H. Cocke, deceased, has applied to the county court for permission to sell real estate to pay debts.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of James R. Jamerson , deceased, will sell at public auction real property.
George W. Penn, Guardian of John Gline, an insane person, will sell property (described).
John Fleming, Administrator of the estate of William Whitley, deceased, plaintiff against William Foster, F.G. Garret and William Orr, defendants. Debt on promissory note.
Final Settlement for the estate of Joseph H. Green, deceased, will be presented by Sarah P. Hook, Administratrix at the next court term.
December 19
Mr. H.T. McCune who lived near Springfield was brutally shot last Saturday by a party of thieves and robbers while on his way home. About sixteen miles from Sedalia he overtook a wagon and three men on the Osceola road. As he rode up near the men they ordered him to halt. He did so, but on being ordered to dismount, he suspected the design of the men was to rob him and turned his horse to run. Two shots were fired at him, the second passing through his body. The deceased is a brother of Mr. Jno S. McCune of St. Louis, the well know President of the Keokuk Packet company Mr. J.S. McCune arrived in Sedalia last Monday, and after taking care of the remains of his brother, started in pursuit of the guilty parties. Sedalia Times. The Ind. Press said the victim was from Jasper or Lawrence County. It stated he died on Sunday. One McCanse of Jasper county, a notorious bad character, is believed to be the perpetrator.
Married on 13th inst. by Elder J.T. Metcalf , Mr. Benj. Moore and Miss Amanda Bedell, parties of St. Clair Co.
December 26, 1866
George L. Yater, plaintiff against William Harris, defendant and non-resident of Missouri. Attachment for failure to discharge obligation of bond.
Samuel H. Martin, plaintiff against James H. Simms, defendant who has absconded from his usual place of abode. Attachment on personal property.
Reuben Good, plaintiff against John Cameron, defendant, non-resident of Missouri. Attachment on personal property.
Taken up by James Hoover of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a one heifer appraised by A. Hoover and Mark Allison for $20. John Bennett, J.P.
January 2, 1867
Married at the residence of William Thompson on December 23rd, 1866 by Elder John Whitaker, Mr. William Burchett to Mrs. Louisa George, all of St. Clair county
Died in Hopkinton, Delaware County, Iowa, on December 18th, 1866, A. Milton English of DeWitt age 24y, 6m and 24d. Thus one by one, friends and associates are gathered home. Our acquaintance with deceased was not of long duration, but such were his many estimable qualities that to know him was to love and respect him.
We learn from Mr. Francis Yoast of Washington township that an affray occurred in Hermitage, Hickory county on Saturday last resulting in the death of Carroll Pitts, well known to many of our citizens. It seems Pitts was accused of horse stealing and a posse were trying to arrest him; he drew a shot gun, refusing to surrender, when he was fired upon the killed.
January 9
Reward offered for delivering to sheriff of Newton County one James Sexton who is charged with murder of Joseph Henry near Jollification in said county on 14th inst. He is about six feet high, slender built and a little round shouldered. He was about 37 years old. He talks very fast and frequently call himself “Jim.” He was very fond of whiskey and his pipe. John Henry.
Early last Monday morning Anderson Puckett reported that the body of a man had been discovered in Little Drywood. It was discovered to be the remains of Allen May, formerly of Carroll county, Missouri. The verdict of the jury was accidental drowning while laboring under temporary insanity caused by injuries received at the hands of certain Pickens on 24th of October last. Nevada Times.
Auston Brannon, an Irishman living near the railroad track, was arrested on Christmas day for killing his wife. When arrested he was quietly seated in his own house with the head of the dead body resting on his lap and a child in his arms. The facts show that Brannon beat his wife on the head with a cudgel, the result of the blows causing concussion of the brain. Warrensburg Standard.
James Cole, Administrator of the estate of Elisha Bell will rent the farm.
Final Settlement for the estate of William H. Martin, deceased, will be presented by John W. Summers, Administrator at the next court term.
Final Settlement for the estate of John M. Talley and Lucinda Talley, deceased, will be presented by Dodd, A.J., Administrator at the next court term.
Taken up by John Burnett of Speedwell township, St. Clair County, Missouri a one sorrel mare appraised at $10 by Martin and Freeman. John Cochran, J.P.
Taken up by Benjamin Hazel of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a steer appraised by James and Samuel Ditty. James Elliott, J.P.
Notice to the debtors of James W. Beck, deceased. Notes and accounts belonging to estate are now in the hands of J. Wade Gardner, my agent. S[arah] F. Beck, Bolivar.
Married on 23rd of December at the residence of the bride, by S.D. Whitten, Daniel VanBenthusen and Mrs. Ann Culbertson, all of St. Clair.
January 16
Mrs. Susan Reese respectfully announces she is prepared to do plain and fancy sewing.
Stricklend, Margaret L., Administrator, on January 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
Henry Denny, Public Administrator has taken hold of the estate of L.W. Smith, deceased and requested all persons having claims to submit them within two years or they will forever barred.
William H. Morgan, plaintiff vs. Bryant Johnston (who has absconded from his usual place of abode) and Henry Denny. Debt on promissory note.
The citizens of Monegaw Township were unusually startled on 10th inst. by the report that Mrs. Zerelda Ash, who was found dead at her residence on the 8th inst. had come to her death by violence. The jury found that she had voluntarily taken poison. Domestic unhappiness seems to have been the cause.
January 23
James Anderson, Administrator of estate of James E. Story, deceased, plaintiff against F.G. Garrett (non-resident of Missouri), Julia Story and James Bybee, defendants. Debt on Promissory note executed 4 January 1859.
Franklin Choice, plaintiff against John H. Choice (non-resident of Missouri). Attachment on goods sold and materials.
Taken up by Samuel T. Rickey of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a yearling mare colt appraised by John F. Bliss and Charles McManus. James Elliott, J.P.
Taken up by Francis M. Ayres of Washington township, St. Clair County, Missouri a gray filly appraised by Jasper W. Weir and B.F. Weir, F. Choice, J.P.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Zerelda Ash, deceased, have been granted to J. Ross, Administrator, on 12 January 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within three years. He also gave notice of sale of livestock at the residence.
Albert G. Clark, administrator de bonis non of Uriah L. Sutherland, plaintiff against William Orr, defendant (non-resident of Missouri). Attachment on promissory note.
Died at the residence of Mr. Wm. A. Mitchell near Osceola on 17th December 1866, Lockwood W. Smith, late of Aspinwall, U.S.C., aged 41. Mr. S. had for some eight years been afflicted with a complication of diseases and was only relieved by death.
January 30
I, Wm McCormic, of St. Clair County will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Levina McCormic , who on 8th September late, left my bed and board. I am about to take legal action to obtain a divorce.
February 6
Taken up by James D. Gardner of Washington township, St. Clair County, Missouri one steer appraised by George Fisher and John W. Dooley. A. Taylor, J.P.
Taken up by R.H. Sproull, Jun. of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri two steers. J.L. Ross, J.P.
Taken up by Anderson Morton of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a cow and calf appraised by H. & W. Allison. John Bennett, J.P.
February 13
On Thursday last, a child of Mr. Jasper Buzard, living in Lost Creek township left the house about 10:00 a.m. and the was supposed by its parents to have gone to the house of its grandfather who lived about half mile distant. Towards evening the child not having returned, the parents became somewhat alarmed. The child was not found till Friday morning. It was four miles from the house and had frozen to death during the night. The child had frozen to death during the night. The child was about five years old; it had evidently wandered away from the house and its play could not find its way home. Neosho Times.
On Thursday last two horse thieves came to Sarcoxie having with them two stolen horses. They made their trade and passed on south. Soon after two men in pursuit claimed the horses. The facts becoming known, two citizens of Sarcoxie, Messrs. Tuck ", Sanders and James Nicholson started in pursuit of the thieves. They came upon them, captured them, but being too far to return, put up at a house. Nicholson was one guard when the others went outside to check a noise. The prisoners seeing an opportunity, seized one of the revolvers from the bed and the ball passed through his heart, killing him instantly. The prisoner then made his escape. The other prisoner was held by a lady until the others returned.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of John H. Dice, deceased, have been granted to D.P. Shippey, Administrator, on 8 January 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
Final Settlement for the estate of Pleasant M. Dale, deceased, will be presented by Mary M. Dale, Administratrix at the next court term.
Final Settlement for the estate of Obediah Vaughan, deceased, will be presented by James R. Vaughan, Administrator at the next court term.
Taken up by E.H. Hutton of Polk township, St. Clair County, Missouri a cow appraised by W.H. Kimberlin and S.E. Wilson. J.J.G. Woolfe, J.P.
Taken up by C.W.D. Binns of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a red cow and calf appraised by Baldwin Dade and J.M. Hoover. John Bennett, J.P.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of William Estes, deceased, have been granted to Wm. G. Reader, Administrator, in February 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
February 20
In pursuance of an order of the county court of Benton County, Missouri, made at July term, I, E.S. Drake, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of DeWit C. Ballou, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described) in St. Clair County.
Two prisoners, Jack and Riley Atterberry whom Lieut. Thomas, Deputy Sheriff of Henry County didn't appreciate the kindness of being jailed. They let themselves down to the ground with a rope and “skipped off.” Reward of $250 offered. Later: Riley has been recaptured.
February 27
Died in Osceola on 14th of consumption, Mary E., wife of T.S. Norman, aged 35.
Sheriff Elias Denny, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of William H. Burchett and against Thomas D. Hall will sell described real estate, the property of Hall.
Sheriff Elias Denny , by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Henry Denny, Public Administrator having charge of the estate of Matthew Looney, deceased, and against William H. Trollinger and James W. Culbertson will sell described real estate, the property of Trollinger and Culbertson.
Sheriff Elias Denny, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of King C. Allen and against Wm. W. Richey will sell described real estate, the property of Richey.
Sheriff Elias Denny, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of Wm. Gorton and against John McMerty will sell described real estate, the property of McMerty.
March 6
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at February term, I, Peter S. Ruark, Administrator, having charge of estate of Adam Huffman , deceased, will sell at public auction real estate held at the time of his death (described).
Final Settlement for the estate of Absalom Boots, deceased, will be presented by Mary Boots, Administratrix at the next court term.
Final Settlement for the estate of T.T. Earnest, deceased, will be presented by Sterling Cooper, Administrator at the next court term.
Final Settlement for the estate of William Paxton, deceased, will be presented by Hugh Paxton and Ethan Paxton, Administrators at the next court term of Hickory County.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of J.D. Elliston, deceased, have been granted to C.T. Elliston, Administrator, on 27 February 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
Sheriff Elias Denny, by authority of an execution issued by the St. Clair Circuit Court in favor of John P. Rogers and against A. Baker will sell described real estate, the property of Andrew Baker .
James Cole, Administrator of Elisha Bell, deceased, by his agent T.J. Monroe has applied to sell real estate in St. Clair County.
March 13
Final Settlement for the estate of John C. Bunch , deceased, will be presented by Nancy H. Bunch, Administratrix at the next court term.
Letters of Administration de bonis non on the Estate of John R.S. Burk , deceased, administered upon by Elizabeth Ann Burk, late administratrix, have been granted to S.W. Ditty, Administrator, on 18 February 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
The negro who was indicted in Henry Co. about a year ago for the murder of young Simmons, was to have his trial this term in Polk Co. Capt. Burdett of Osceola and Lieut. Waggoner of Clinton are attorneys for the defense.
March 20
From Warrensburg Standard—It is now well known that the Vigilance Committees in different parts of Johnson Co. are determined to root out all thieves, murderers and desperadoes. Since our last issues the following executions have taken place: Dick Sanders, a notorious desperado was taken from his house, one night last week and suspended as high as Haman from the limb of a tree. He was one of the murderers of Switzer, a peaceable citizen of which mention was made last week.
Bill Stevens, father of the desperate character, Tom Stevens, and whose house is a harbor for a number of desperadoes, was shot dead in front of his own house on Monday last. Stevens had made threats, after the hanging of Sanders to the effect that several lives would be taken in retaliation. Stevens was at the head of gang of desperate me and his death will not doubt be a blessing to the country.
Jeff Collins was hung near town, Monday night. He came here only a few days before, from new, Jasper county and reliable information was that he was driven from that place. It was known that he was engaged in horse stealing and the murdering of peaceable citizens. He is the same who, last summer, threatened the lives of two of our respectable merchants.
The grand high priest of desperadoes, Bill Stevens, has met his just due and it is reported was killed this morning at daylight by some horsemen who had surrounded his house and called upon him to explain certain threats made while in town the day after the hanging of Sanders. This man Stevens has been the terror the county and State, he being at the head of all villainy and crime and woe was it to any person who dared to thwart him. One of his sons was killed at the Blair meeting last fall—chip of the same block. Another of his sons, a well-known horse and cattle thief, who has by his acts made himself liable to arrest, but has always escaped. This son is blamed for being connected with the gang that murdered Mr. Switzer and waited upon, but succeeded in escaping along with pal Morg. Andrews across the river.
Polk Adams and John Starkey, both members of the same gang, were waited upon by the committee at the house of Adams' father on Friday night, but they succeeded in escaping by running the gauntlet through two hundred horsemen who were armed to the teeth. Adams is reported wounded in the arm and both him and Starkey are now in Kansas or Nebraska hid away among their friends.
Married at the home of the bride's father, on 17th inst. by A.B. Prock, Esq., Mr. Wm. Goettel to Miss Elizabeth Parmley.
Married on 10th inst. by same, Mr. Claiborn Wilson to Mrs. Francis J. Nunlay.
On Sunday last, Mr. G.F. Isbell of Troy, Tennessee arrived presenting a requisition from Gov. Brownlow to Gov. Fletcher for the arrest of one Wm. Haislip, who has resided in this county since December last, for embezzlement of a large sum of money. Isbell is County Clerk of Obion County, Tennessee, and Haislip had been acting as his deputy.
March 27
Final Settlement for the estate of R.G. Crockett, deceased, will be presented by S.W. Snell, Administrator at the next court term.
April 3
Thomas Ashinhurst was met upon the public highway near the big Pomme de Terre in Benton county by two unknown persons who demanded his money. Mr. A. then “shelled out” all the money had with him, which amounted to $75. No arrests have been made. From Benton County Index.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Henderson S. Nichols, deceased, have been granted to Lucinda Nichols, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within one year from the March term 1867
Married on 28th ult. by Rev. Emerson Barber at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Joe P. Landes to Miss Emma L. Daniels.
April 10, 1867
Governor Thomas C. Fletcher offers $300 reward for William McWaters, indicted by the Grand Jury of Vernon County for robbery. He has frustrated all attempts to arrest him. He is about five feet, ten inches, of fair complexion with light hair and eyes, spare built weighing between 140-150 lbs. He dresses well and is easy manners and altogether respectable appearance; has been wounded in the right arm which is somewhat stiff.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jeptha D. Elliston, deceased, that were granted to Chas. T. Elliston, Administrator, by the County of St. Clair at their February 1867 term have been revoked. They have now been granted to Elmira F. Elliston.
Final Settlement for the estate of Jacob Holsapple, deceased, will be presented by W.H. Burchett, Administrator at the next court term.
A.C. Summers, Administrator estate of Mitchell Gash will resign his administration at the May term.
April 17, 1867
Letters of Administration on the Estate of John T. Strickland, deceased, have been granted to J. Wade Gardner , Administrator, by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them for allowance within one year from the March 1867 term
Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of the estate of John Vickers, deceased, will apply to sell real estate at the May term.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of St. Clair County, Missouri, made at April 1867 term, I, Henry Denny, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of Wm. J. Nance, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
April 24
John T. Birdseye, County Attorney of Vernon County offers an additional $1500 reward added to the $1500 offered by the citizens of Vernon County, for the apprehension of Lewis Pixley and Perry Pixley , the murderers of Gen. Joseph Bailey, Sheriff of Vernon Co. on March 26th. Perry Pixley is 5 feet 8 inches, weights 165 lbs., small clear blue eyes, light hair, very light think whiskers, 22 or 23 years of age and talks out of one side of his mouth. Lewis Pixley bears a strong resemblance to Perry, but is larger and more rough, nose is rather large, bones of the face are large, about 5 feet 9 inches, 180 lbs. with smooth face, light hair, 25 or 26 years old and has a defense in one eye which gives it a slightly inflamed appearance; was once shot in the left arm; was also wounded in the high which causes a slight limp.
We learn from the Warrensburg Journal that Dr. Wm. Campbell, living at Knob Noster, Johnson county, killed himself by a shot from a pistol on Saturday last.
May 8
Letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah Morgan, deceased, have been granted to Henry Denny, Public Administrator, on 16 April 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
The County Court has selected Will Walters as the scholar from this county to the State University.
On Saturday evening last, a train a eight wagons came in with the first installment of a colony of Dunkards from northern Indiana who are coming here.
May 15
From the Clinton Advertiser: Last week some of the family of Leonard Bell, of our town, went to the field and gathered greens. They were supposed to be nutritious, but instead everyone who partook of them, became ill.
Miss Susan Reece announces to the citizens of Osceola that she will do plain and fancy sewing.
Died in Osceola on May 13th, of whooping cough and pneumonia, Susan E. daughter of John R. and Augusta Baldwin , aged 2y, 8m, 23d.
May 22
Married at the residence of the bride's father, May 13th, by Rev. J. Van Antwerp , Mr. Wm. D. Graham, publisher of the “Osceola Herald,” and Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Clair, to Miss Julia Gage of De Witt, Iowa.
Died on 5th inst., Julia Ann, daughter of B.G. and Rufina Roberts, aged 1y, 8m.
Died on 15th inst., Eliza Jane, daughter of B.G. and Rufina Roberts, aged 1y, 8m, 10d.
Departed this life on 18th inst., G.W. Casey in his 59th year. His wife has lost an affectionate husband, their children a kind father, the church a faithful member and the nation a patriotic soldier.
Final Settlement for the estate of John Estes, deceased, will be presented by Jos. S. Herndon, Administrator at the next court term.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of George W. Casey, deceased, have been granted to Elizabeth Casey, Administrator, in May 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jeptha E. Elliston, deceased, that were granted to Chas. T. Elliston, Administrator, on 27 February 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri have been revoked. Letters de novo have been granted in April 1867 to Elmira F. Elliston, Administratrix.
May 29
Married at Macon City, Mo. on 14th inst., by Rev. James A. Berry, Mr. Ed P. Bartlett to Miss Gussie Clayton .
Taken up by J.A. McConnell of Osceola Township, St. Clair County, Missouri a sorrel mare.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Simon McGaughey, deceased, have been granted to Henry Denny, Public Administrator, on 21 May 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
D.P. Shippey, Administrator of the estate of J.H. Dice, deceased has filed application for public sale of real estate in order to pay debts.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Wesley Helm, deceased, have been granted to Henry Denny, Public Administrator, on 20 May 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
Letters of Administration de bonis non on the Estate of John P. Todd, deceased, have been granted to Ann W. Todd, Administratrix, on 22 May 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. The letters of Daniel P. Todd revoked on 19 July 1862, by reason of his death.
Final Settlement for the estate of Alexander McWilliams, deceased, will be presented by E.Y. McWilliams, Administrator at the next court term.
Final Settlement for the estate of H.S. Westfall, deceased, will be presented by A.C. Marquis, Administrator at the next court term.
Final Settlement for the estate of Jas. M. Gilliam, deceased, will be presented by J. Rickman, Administrator at the next court term.
Final Settlement for the estate of O. Vaughan, deceased, will be presented by James R. Vaughan, Administrator at the next court term.
June 5
Taken up by R.P. Cole of Osceola township, St. Clair County, Missouri a black mare. A.B. Prock , J.P.
Taken up by Samuel W. Hargrave of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri three mares. J.L. Ross, J.P.
H.M. Bourland has applied for resignation of letters of administration on the estate of Wm. T. Bourland, deceased.
Margarette A. Harris, Administratrix has applied for resignation of letters of administration on estate of Edwin E. Harris, deceased.
A young man, slightly “sun-burned” by the name of Press. Douglas session for disturbing the peace, was committed before Justice Prock on Saturday last on a charge of Grand Larceny.
June 12, 1867
Married on 8th day May by T.F. Robinson, Mr. Elijah Smith of Hickory to Miss Sarah J. Collins of St. Clair.
Taken up by Wm. C. Preston of Washington township, St. Clair County, Missouri a bay mare. A. Taylor, J.P.
Taken up by D.B. McAtee of Monegaw township, St. Clair County, Missouri a bay horse. J. Rothgeb, J.P.
June 19
Married on June 2d by W.A. Mitchell, T.S. Norman of Osceola to Miss Sarah E. Davis of Illinois.
Letters of Administration de bonis non on estate of Mitchell E. Gash, not administered upon the late administrator have been granted to J. Wade Gardner, Adm'r.
Taken up by D.H. Howry of Osceola township, St. Clair County, Missouri a T.J. Farrier, J.P.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of D.G. Gill, deceased, have been granted to Eliza J. Gill, Administrator, on May 1867 by the County of St. Clair, Missouri. All persons having claims against the estate are required to exhibit them within two years.
Final Settlement for the estate of D.A. Bunch, deceased, will be presented by D.S. Walker and Delilah Bunch, Administrator at the next court term.
June 26
Final Settlement for the estate of Thomas P. Fulkerson, deceased, will be presented by Vardry Burgess, Administrator at the next court term in Maries County.
In pursuance of an order of the county court of Lafayette County, Missouri, made at May term, I. M. Chapman, Public Administrator, having charge of estate of Edward G. Arnold, deceased, will sell at public auction all the right, title and interest held at the time of his death (described).
July 4, 1867
From Taberville June 22: We have had a very melancholy occurrence in our vicinity recently. William Kneeland was drowned on the 10th inst. On Sunday the 9th of June Mr. Kneeland left Taberville, saying he was going to the Sac river to buy corn. He stopped over Sunday night but a short distance from Taberville. He left on Monday to go to Belvoir, and that is the last that can be hear of his movements. On Monday his body was found north of the Osage in the backwater, about a mile from Prairie City. His horse was found a short distance off, having on the halter, sugincle and saddle blanket, but the bride and saddle were missing. Mr. Kneeland still had in his possession his watch and about $75 in money. Mr. Kneeland was a young man without family, and was connected with his father in a store in Taberville, and many warm friends will mourn his untimely end.
Dr. Lucius Dillie has returned to Osceola. His patients can now get sick with impunity.
From the Harrisonville Democrat: A foul murder was committed in Saline twp in Cooper County on Thursday, the 16th ult. By a man named Benjamin Rollins, who shot and killed man named Joseph Paskey.
Married at Brookville, Illinois, on 20th June by Rev. Leonard Holt, Jr., T.W. Johnson of Osceola, to Miss Annie E. Horning of Brookville.
July 11 1867